From the course: Affinity Designer Essential Training

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Modifying pixel selections

Modifying pixel selections

- [Instructor] So I'd like to take a moment to talk about modifying a pixel selection after you've already made the selection. There are a few features you may not know are available so let's just go through a couple of 'em real quick. If you grab your selection brush here, make sure you guys are in the Pixel persona and not the Draw persona, and if we go here, we click on this pixel layer and we make a selection, so there's a good contrast, obviously, between this so the selection was pretty quick and easy. If you go up to the top and you say Select, Grow/Shrink, this Grow/Shrink selection will allow you to increase or decrease the area of selection. Now, you may notice if we zoom in here just a tad by hitting Command +, what you may notice is it's not actually a perfect circular shape, so there's this little feature right here, and make sure you have it checked off, you click Circular and it's a much cleaner circle. So what you could do is increase or decrease the selection and then…
