From the course: Affinity Designer Essential Training

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Export persona explained

Export persona explained

- [Instructor] So we worked in the draw persona and we worked in the pixel persona, and now I want you to take a look at the export persona. So click on the export persona right here in the top left, and you see that all of our tools have changed and the studio has changed. So let's take a look and see what we have here. Over here on the left we have our tools. We have our slice tool, and then we have our slice selection tool, and then a hand tool, and a zoom tool here. Our canvas is the same over here and then on the right top we have the export options. Down here we have the layers and then we have the slices so when you create a slice, it ends up here. The layers, you will not be able to manage layers by moving them and renaming them or anything. This is just for turning on the view of items in that layer within this tool. Below that we have the create slice option, so we can create slices directly from the layers. So if you choose the layer, and then you click create slice, we…
