From the course: Affinity Designer Essential Training

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Exploring the Color panel

Exploring the Color panel

- [Instructor] When you create a new document you define the document's color format, but when you want to define the colors of a line, a stroke or shape in your document, you would do so in the color pallet. So let's take a moment to go over the different ways you can apply color. So I have this little image setup here, and we have some nice vibrant colors and I'd like to make some edits to that, so if I want to do that I need to click on the object and then go over here to the color panel and I can actually choose by double clicking a color, that's one way. Okay so let's say I made it green. The other way would be to actually use the color picker and you can see it gives me RGB values of colors, and I'm gunna pick that black and press the well and it applies the color. Another way to choose color, is to use the color wheel, and drag around the wheel until you find the color that you want. You can also change the opacity of that color as well. And also you can actually change, from…
