From the course: Affinity Designer Essential Training

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Creating symbols

Creating symbols

- [Instructor] If you have an element in your design that you'll think you'll be placing multiple times in the document, you might want to consider converting this element into a symbol. Symbols are a smart little design feature that will automatically update every instance you use in your design. Let me take a moment to demonstrate why I like to call these symbols smart symbols. So, if you look at the file that I have set up here, I want to explain the anatomy of this file. So we have a background here, and that's locked. So, we don't move it. And we can lock just by clicking this little icon here, or to unlock, you can hold Command + Shift + L or Command + L to lock. And, I'd like for you to focus on the meter group. If you look at the meter group, I have two objects in here, and they are special objects. And I can tell because it says donut. And the bottom object is the same as the top object, but I'm just showing the stroke. Then I have a few effects. Added I have an outer glow…
