From the course: Advanced Cypress

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Perform cross-browser testing on Cloud

Perform cross-browser testing on Cloud - Cypress Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Cypress

Perform cross-browser testing on Cloud

Welcome back. In this final video, we're going to go over all of the different things that you can do using the LambdaTest platform to make your tests more scalable. So the goals for this video are to set up the LambdaTest CLI and config. So we'll go about making sure that you've got the command line interface set up on your local machine, and then go over the various parts of the configuration needed to run these tests on LambdaTest platform. We'll then go ahead and run those tests on the LambdaTest platform and check out the dashboard and lots of cool features to see how your tests are performing. And we'll also take a look at a cool feature that allows you to configure your tests to run in parallel. So if you've got multiple tests and you don't want them to all run one after the other, after the other and you want to save yourself some time, there is a way to configure your test to run in parallel rather than sequentially. So let's go ahead and take a look. So before we dive in…
