From the course: Advanced Cypress

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How to install Cypress plugin and set environment variables

How to install Cypress plugin and set environment variables - Cypress Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Cypress

How to install Cypress plugin and set environment variables

All right. So in this video, we're going to take a look at the Cypress plugin ecosystem as well as take a look at the cypress.json file, which will allow us to do a little bit more customization. But specifically, it'll help us with setting things like environment variables, which will help with some reusability and customization. So the goals for this video are: To use your first Cypress plugin, we're going to be using a plugin called Cypress Testing Library. And by doing that, we'll help you understand the benefits of leveraging React Testing Library's commands. So what Cypress Testing Library does is it allows us to use the commands like find all and find by that React Testing Library offers. And so it'll help to, kind of, like, augment the get and find commands that we learned about in the previous video. And then additionally, we'll utilize the cypress.json file to create an environment variable specifically here. But it'll be, kind of, our first taste, our first look at that…
