From the course: Additive Manufacturing: Materials for 3D Printing

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Maximizing production capacity using resin

Maximizing production capacity using resin

- [Narrator] 3D printers, like many other flexible manufacturing methods, can take a while to create a print. Resin printers are very good at creating highly detailed prints, but a typical resin 3D print progresses slowly. In this movie we'll discuss the factors that control resin printing speed and show you some alternatives for speeding things up. Resin printers solidify resin by illuminating it with a UV light source. In most designs, this light comes from below and solidifies resin against the transparent bottom of the resin bed. This essentially glues the print layer to this transparent surface and the layer then has to be peeled away to allow more liquid resin to flow underneath. This peeling step often takes the majority of the time required for each layer. Resin prints typically use very thin layers. This allows them to produce better surface quality and finer features than most other 3D printing technologies.…
