From the course: Additive Manufacturing: Materials for 3D Printing

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Filament, resin, or powder

Filament, resin, or powder

- [Instructor] Selecting a 3D printing technology is driven by many factors, starting with your budget, and will determine which materials are available to you. You also need to consider the finish required, whether you need to print in multiple colors, and the level of detail and size of the final print. This movie will look at the factors to help you know whether you want to use filament, SLA, SOS binder jetting, or perhaps another technology altogether. Starting with budget, a consumer filament printer will probably be your cheapest option at under $1,000 for a decent machine. Reasonable SLA printers, which use liquid resins as a printing material, are now available for similar prices. However, liquid resins typically cost several times as much as filament for the same print and have additional handling concerns. Powder printers, particularly metal and full color options, are significantly more expensive. Most likely…
