From the course: Additive Manufacturing: Materials for 3D Printing

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Binder jetting metal

Binder jetting metal

- [Narrator 1] You can create a 3D printed metal part in many ways. There are methods that directly center metal powder like direct metal laser centering or DMLS. There are other methods that mix metal powder with a plastic binder. In that case, creating a fully metal part requires removing the binder and fusing the metal particles at a later stage. This mixture can be printed with an extrusion process or with metal binder jetting. Metal binder jetting is particularly suited to making a lot of parts at once. Metal binder jetting starts with metal powder that's similar to the powder use for metal injection molding. The requirements on this powder are less stringent than those on the powder use. For most direct centering systems and the handling required for it may be less difficult. This means that a wider variety of metals can potentially be printed on these systems or at least printed more easily. The powder is…
