From the course: Additive Manufacturing: Materials for 3D Printing

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Architectural 3D printing

Architectural 3D printing

- [Narrator] 3D-printing might enable much lower cost buildings than other structures. However, like any housing fabrication technique, using it well requires knowledge, skill, and an understanding of what a jurisdiction will sign off on for human habitation. In traditional concrete construction, builders make a hollow mold called a form first. Typically, this is made out of wood. Concrete is poured into the form, and smoothed around any reinforcements. Quite complex shapes can be made this way, like this precast concrete stairway. 3D-printing allows you to create something that would otherwise have required a mold by laying up similar materials one layer at a time instead. For example, 3D-printers can create most things that can be plastic injection molded. Each 3D-print will take longer than making one copy with an injection mold, but there's no need to create expensive tooling. - [Narrator] Concrete can be challenging…
