Texas Health and Human Services

COO Training and Development S

Job Description

Performs training and development work organizing and conducting training sessions, using a variety of training methods. Performs advanced (senior-level) training and development work. Works under limited supervision, with considerable latitude for the use of initiative and independent judgment.

Essential Job Functions

Delivers training in a classroom, distance learning environment, or, occasionally, in an e-learning environment.

  • Performs advanced training work, for multiple programs that can include Child Protective Investigations (CPI) and Child Protective Services (CPS) programs.
  • Work involves planning, designing, organizing, conducting, and evaluating educational training programs for agency staff; analyzing training needs; project planning.
  • Promoting the use of training services, methods, and techniques.
  • Educational training materials prepared is primarily for multiple programs also be applicable for other major programs within DFPS.
  • Training is primarily delivered be delivered to area caseworkers or supervisors or other program staff.

Delivers training in a classroom, distance learning environment, or, occasionally, in an e-learning environment.

  • Performs advanced training work, for multiple programs that can include Child Protective Investigations (CPI) and Child Protective Services (CPS) programs for the Child Care Investigations (CCI) division, Adult protective Services (APS) and Statewide intake programs (SWI).
  • Work involves planning, designing, organizing, conducting, and evaluating educational training programs for agency staff; analyzing training needs; project planning.
  • Promoting the use of training services, methods, and techniques.
  • Educational training materials prepared is primarily for multiple programs also be applicable for other major programs within DFPS.
  • Training is primarily delivered be delivered to area caseworkers or supervisors or other program staff.

Organizes and prepares materials and supplies for training courses such as notebooks, handouts, flipcharts, projectors, laptops, and prepares materials on virtual platforms.

  • Preparing training materials, including tools/technology resources for courses that are multiple days in length.
  • Prepares in person or virtual class activities according to curriculums
  • Prepares Flip charts and other tools needed for participants.
  • Sets up scheduled trainings to be delivered virtually on platforms such as Teams, Gotowebinar, or other platforms.

Sets up and arranges training room to support the learning objective.

  • Setting the room and tables up for the training session
  • Reserve rooms for in person classes
  • Transport and set up the projector or other materials for the training session

Enters data into a training database.

  • Enters participant data into multiple platforms such as the Learning station
  • Records attendance, grades, participant performance and other data into multiple platforms.
  • Enters information for participant into Basic Skills lab practice platform.

Maintains training records and training calendars, including course rosters and records of participation.

  • Trainers must enter class participant information such as training schedules, course rosters information and participation records into multiple training databases.

Participate in planning and developing specialized training, staff development, and continuing education programs, and occasionally customized and technology-based training.

  • Work involves using the ADDIE curriculum development process under fairly short timelines, while working with subject matter experts (SMEs).
  • Responsible for delivering training as a result of policy changes or special requests

Research, develop, review, and assess training programs and materials, and recommend modifications as appropriate.

  • Research trends on current training topics
  • Recommends modifications for training content
  • Reviews training content as needed and develops recommendations for modifications.

Develop curricula, course outlines, instructional methods, training aids, manuals, and other instructional materials and products.

  • Develops curriculum to be used in the classroom and in blended learning situations.
  • Develop and update curriculum and participant handouts and materials to be used.
  • Create and update Microsoft PowerPoint as directed
  • Review and recommend changes for manuals and curriculum outlines.

Coordinate training events by determining and securing date, time, location, facilitator, and number of participants, and maintain training schedules.

  • Coordinating and/or conducting training sessions in person or virtual modalities
  • Send coordinating invites to specified training sessions to participants and management that includes date, time, location, facilitator, and any expectations before during and after class.
  • Creates training schedules as directed

Serve as a professional resource for employees and managers regarding training programs and promotes the use of training services.

  • Participates and maintains professional, cooperative, and problem-solving attitude in workgroups and meetings.
  • Attends conferences or meetings to educate staff and promote available training opportunities
  • Collect data to help evaluate and analyze training needs and training effectiveness.
  • Provide surveys to collect data as directed
  • Distribute evaluations to staff to collect data as directed
  • Analyze and evaluate training needs based on data collected to determine effectiveness

Analyze training content for accessibility; and recommend changes to make content accessible and remediate accessibility issues.

  • Review training curriculum, handouts, and other relevant content for accessibility standards as needed
  • Recommend modification to bring training materials into compliance with current accessibility standards as needed

Prepare articles for in-house publications.

  • Prepare articles, job aids, and newsletter publications for internal distribution as directed

Plan, design, and develop methods for the assessment and evaluation of training effectiveness.

  • Works with stakeholders to identify performance outcomes existing staff competencies, available resources, goals and objectives for training requirements as directed
  • Plan, create, develop methods for assessment and evaluation of training effectiveness as directed
  • Distribute and collect assessment data as directed
  • Evaluation assessment data of trainings to determine effectiveness as directed

Develop policies and procedures for training programs.

  • Create policy and procedures for training programs as needed
  • Update policy handbooks as directed
  • Update policies in curriculum and supporting materials
  • Communicate identified changes to policy and procedure as directed

Facilitate workshops and meetings.

  • Schedule and facilitate meetings as directed
  • Implement facilitation strategies for trainings
  • Plan, conduct, and facilitate workshops as directed
  • Participate in the planning and developing of specialized training and staff development.
  • Develop training for staff development and training skills.
  • Plan, create, schedule and update trainings for staff as directed
  • Participate in solving training problems and ensuring the effective use of modern training methods and techniques.
  • Address and resolve training problems as they arise and as directed.
  • Ensure the effectiveness of training methods and techniques as aligned with current practice, and research trends
  • Promote the use of training services.
  • Promote the use of training services to staff, stakeholders, management, and others
  • Be familiar with training services that are available

Compile data and prepare reports.

  • Compile data from learning management systems, and other programs as directed
  • Compile and organize data into reports as directed
  • Prepare reports in a timely manner as directed

Prepare budgets for training programs.

  • N/A

Analyze training content for accessibility and recommend changes to remediate accessibility issues.

  • Review training curriculum, handouts, and other relevant content for accessibility standards as needed
  • Recommend modification to bring training materials into compliance with current accessibility standards as needed

Manage routine to complex contracts for training services.

  • N/A

Reviews and implements training programs, policies, and procedures.

  • Be familiar with policies and procedure for training programs
  • Review and implement policies and procedures in trainings
  • Communicate changes to policy and procedures for training programs

Performs training needs assessments to guide training interventions and course development.

  • Perform training needs assessments to guide interventions and course development in accordance with policy and practice as directed
  • Compile and synthesize training needs assessment data
  • Develop recommendations for training course delivery and development based on needs assessment results.

Evaluates, recommends, and plans supplemental training programs with private employers and state or federal agencies.

  • Evaluate content and delivery of specified training and related materials.
  • Develop recommendations as a result of evaluation
  • Plan supplemental training with private employers, contractors, state or federal agencies.

Designs and reviews course and instructor evaluations for use in enhancing training programs.

  • Design and update course and instructor evaluations for use in enhancing a training curriculum and training delivery methods.
  • Review course and instructor evaluations from multiple sources such as the learning station or other platform such as Teams.
  • Review course and instructor evaluations to formulate recommendations as directed

May serve in a lead or supervisory role.

  • Plan, assign, and/or supervise the work of other
  • Observes and provides feedback regarding training performance
  • Completes special projects and develops ad hoc reports
  • Prepares documentation based on performance in training
  • Performs related work as assigned.

Organizes and prepares materials and supplies for training courses such as notebooks, handouts, flipcharts, projectors, laptops, and prepares materials on virtual platforms.

  • Preparing training materials, including tools/technology resources for courses that are multiple days in length.
  • Prepares in person or virtual class activities according to curriculums
  • Prepares Flip charts and other tools needed for participants.
  • Sets up scheduled trainings to be delivered virtually on platforms such as Teams, Gotowebinar, or other platforms.

Sets up and arranges training room to support the learning objective.

  • Setting the room and tables up for the training session
  • Reserve rooms for in person classes
  • Transport and set up the projector or other materials for the training session

Enters data into a training database.

  • Enters participant data into multiple platforms such as the Learning station
  • Records attendance, grades, participant performance and other data into multiple platforms.
  • Enters information for participant into Basic Skills lab practice platform.

Maintains training records and training calendars, including course rosters and records of participation.

  • Trainers must enter class participant information such as training schedules, course rosters information and participation records into multiple training databases.

Participate in planning and developing specialized training, staff development, and continuing education programs, and occasionally customized and technology-based training.

  • Work involves using the ADDIE curriculum development process under fairly short timelines, while working with subject matter experts (SMEs).
  • Responsible for delivering training as a result of policy changes or special requests

Research, develop, review, and assess training programs and materials, and recommend modifications as appropriate.

  • Research trends on current training topics
  • Recommends modifications for training content
  • Reviews training content as needed and develops recommendations for modifications.

Develop curricula, course outlines, instructional methods, training aids, manuals, and other instructional materials and products.

  • Develops curriculum to be used in the classroom and in blended learning situations.
  • Develop and update curriculum and participant handouts and materials to be used.
  • Create and update Microsoft PowerPoint as directed
  • Review and recommend changes for manuals and curriculum outlines.

Coordinate training events by determining and securing date, time, location, facilitator, and number of participants, and maintain training schedules.

  • Coordinating and/or conducting training sessions in person or virtual modalities
  • Send coordinating invites to specified training sessions to participants and management that includes date, time, location, facilitator, and any expectations before during and after class.
  • Creates training schedules as directed

Serve as a professional resource for employees and managers regarding training programs and promotes the use of training services.

  • Participates and maintains professional, cooperative, and problem-solving attitude in workgroups and meetings.
  • Attends conferences or meetings to educate staff and promote available training opportunities
  • Collect data to help evaluate and analyze training needs and training effectiveness.
  • Provide surveys to collect data as directed
  • Distribute evaluations to staff to collect data as directed
  • Analyze and evaluate training needs based on data collected to determine effectiveness

Analyze training content for accessibility; and recommend changes to make content accessible and remediate accessibility issues.

  • Review training curriculum, handouts, and other relevant content for accessibility standards as needed
  • Recommend modification to bring training materials into compliance with current accessibility standards as needed

Prepare articles for in-house publications.

  • Prepare articles, job aids, and newsletter publications for internal distribution as directed

Plan, design, and develop methods for the assessment and evaluation of training effectiveness.

  • Works with stakeholders to identify performance outcomes existing staff competencies, available resources, goals and objectives for training requirements as directed
  • Plan, create, develop methods for assessment and evaluation of training effectiveness as directed
  • Distribute and collect assessment data as directed
  • Evaluation assessment data of trainings to determine effectiveness as directed

Develop policies and procedures for training programs.

  • Create policy and procedures for training programs as needed
  • Update policy handbooks as directed
  • Update policies in curriculum and supporting materials
  • Communicate identified changes to policy and procedure as directed

Facilitate workshops and meetings.

  • Schedule and facilitate meetings as directed
  • Implement facilitation strategies for trainings
  • Plan, conduct, and facilitate workshops as directed
  • Participate in the planning and developing of specialized training and staff development.
  • Develop training for staff development and training skills.
  • Plan, create, schedule and update trainings for staff as directed
  • Participate in solving training problems and ensuring the effective use of modern training methods and techniques.
  • Address and resolve training problems as they arise and as directed.
  • Ensure the effectiveness of training methods and techniques as aligned with current practice, and research trends
  • Promote the use of training services.
  • Promote the use of training services to staff, stakeholders, management, and others
  • Be familiar with training services that are available

Compile data and prepare reports.

Compile data from learning management systems, and other programs as directed

  • Compile and organize data into reports as directed
  • Prepare reports in a timely manner as directed

Analyze training content for accessibility and recommend changes to remediate accessibility issues.

  • Review training curriculum, handouts, and other relevant content for accessibility standards as needed
  • Recommend modification to bring training materials into compliance with current accessibility standards as needed.

Reviews and implements training programs, policies, and procedures.

  • Be familiar with policies and procedure for training programs
  • Review and implement policies and procedures in trainings
  • Communicate changes to policy and procedures for training programs

Performs training needs assessments to guide training interventions and course development.

  • Perform training needs assessments to guide interventions and course development in accordance with policy and practice as directed
  • Compile and synthesize training needs assessment data
  • Develop recommendations for training course delivery and development based on needs assessment results.

Evaluates, recommends, and plans supplemental training programs with private employers and state or federal agencies.

  • Evaluate content and delivery of specified training and related materials.
  • Develop recommendations as a result of evaluation
  • Plan supplemental training with private employers, contractors, state or federal agencies.

Designs and reviews course and instructor evaluations for use in enhancing training programs.

  • Design and update course and instructor evaluations for use in enhancing a training curriculum and training delivery methods.
  • Review course and instructor evaluations from multiple sources such as the learning station or other platform such as Teams.
  • Review course and instructor evaluations to formulate recommendations as directed

May serve in a lead or supervisory role.

  • Plan, assign, and/or supervise the work of other
  • Observes and provides feedback regarding training performance
  • Completes special projects and develops ad hoc reports
  • Prepares documentation based on performance in training
  • Performs related work as assigned.

Knowledge Skills Abilities

Knowledge of training and development procedures and techniques, learning management and learning content management systems; and group processes, group dynamics, and interpersonal relations.

Skill in oral and written communication, in instructing others, and in using a computer and applicable software.

Skill in facilitating workshops.

Ability to communicate effectively.

Ability to provide guidance and/or supervise the work of others.

Develop and maintain a collaborative approach and professional relationship with staff and all levels of leadership to include representatives from other divisions.

Ability to formulate learning objectives.

Must have ability to work on projects requiring invention, imagination, originality or talent in a recognized field of artistic or creative endeavor.

Performance of work will require advanced knowledge, defined as work which is predominantly intellectual in character, and which includes work requiring the consistent exercise of discretion and judgment.

Ability to carry out major assignments in conducting the operations of the business.

Performs work that affects business operations to a substantial degree, even if the employee’s assignments are related to the operation of a particular segment of the business.

Ability to exercise authority to commit the employer in matters that have significant financial impact.

Provides consultation or expert advice to management.

Investigates and resolves matters of significance on behalf of management.

Registration Or Licensure Requirements

Graduation from an accredited four-year college or university with major course work in human resources, organizational development, education, or related field is required.

Applicants for position must have a reliable motor vehicle, and acceptable driving record for the past five years, and a current, valid Texas driver's license appropriate for the vehicle and passenger or cargo load. Applicants must provide proof of driving record, insurance and license.

Initial Selection Criteria

Graduation from an accredited four-year college or university with major course work in social work, education, or a related field is generally preferred. At least 3 years of recent (within past 5 years) experience as a worker or manager in CPS/CPI Programs or 2 years of experience as a CLOE trainer with 2 years field experience. Experience conducting training preferred. Experience designing or delivering classroom and distance learning training preferred. Experience and education may be substituted for one another.

Additional Information

This position is part of the Central Training Academy and headquartered at the Summit Drive Austin office. This position covers training in Region 7 out of the Summit Drive office and this candidate will be required to

travel 50% throughout other regions/academies to assist with

trainings across the state.

MOS Code


As a state agency, DFPS is required Texas Administrative Code (TAC 206 and 213) to ensure all Electronic Information Resources (EIR) follow accessibility standards. The staff must be familiar with the WCAG 2.1 AA and Section 508 to create accessible content including but not limited to; Microsoft Office documents, Adobe PDFs, webpages, software, training guides, video, and audio files.

HHS agencies use E-Verify. You must bring your I-9 documentation with you on your first day of work.

I-9 Form - Click here to download the I-9 form.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), HHS agencies will provide reasonable accommodation during the hiring and selection process for qualified individuals with a disability. If you need assistance completing the on-line application, contact the HHS Employee Service Center at 1-888-894-4747. If you are contacted for an interview and need accommodation to participate in the interview process, please notify the person scheduling the interview.
  • Seniority level

    Entry level
  • Employment type

  • Job function

    Management and Manufacturing
  • Industries

    Government Administration

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