Add a Volunteer button to your LinkedIn Page

Last updated: 3 weeks ago

LinkedIn Page super admins can use a custom call-to-action button for followers to volunteer at their organization.

Who can use this feature?

This button is only available to established Pages for non-profit organizations and educational institutions with a large follower base.

To add a volunteer button to your LinkedIn Page: 

  1. Go to your Page super admin view. 

  2. Click Edit page in the left menu.

  3. On the Buttons tab on the left side of the Edit window, turn on the Custom button toggle.

    Important to know

    The Custom Button feature is only available if you have a LinkedIn Premium Company Page subscription. If you don’t have one, you can add a call-to-action, which members can see when they click the  More button.  

  4. From the Button name dropdown menu, select Volunteer

  5. Enter the destination URL and click Save

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