Share a copy of Matched Audiences across LinkedIn Ads accounts

Last updated: 3 months ago

You can share a copy of your Matched Audiences created from these sources across your LinkedIn Ads accounts with asset copying:

  • Website audience segments

  • Contact lists

  • Company lists 

Who can use this feature?

You must be assigned the role of campaign manager or higher for both ad accounts to be able to share a copy of your assets.

To share a copy of your Matched Audience to other accounts: 

  1. Sign in to Campaign Manager.

  2. If you need to switch accounts, click the account name in the upper-left corner of the page and select the correct account name from the dropdown. 

  3. Click Plan on the left menu and select Audiences.

  4. Select Matched at the top. 

  5. Select the box next to each Matched Audiences list you would like to copy.

    • You can filter your Matched Audiences list using the Source filter at the top of the table to only include Company list, Contact list, and Website.
  6. Click the Share a copy button above the audience list.

    • You can also click the More icon to the right of the audience name and select Share a copy from the dropdown.
  7. In the pop-up window, enter the account names, account IDs, or URL of the ad accounts you’d like to copy your assets to. You may select multiple accounts.

    • Account IDs can be found by clicking the account name in the upper-right corner of each ad account.
  8. Review the list of accounts you're copying to and click Confirm.

  9. To review the assets you’ve copied to other accounts or that have been shared to your account, select Asset history in the Assets section on the left menu.

After you’ve shared the audience: 

  • The assets you’ve copied will be available in the accounts you’ve shared to within 48 hours (on a rare occasion, longer).

  • Assets that are copied while still being updated will only copy the audience that is available at the time. If the audience continues to build, the copied assets will not be dynamically updated. The assets will need to be recopied. 

It’s currently not possible to copy the following:
  • Assets in the building state
  • Assets that failed to process
  • Expired assets
  • Data integration lists
  • Video audiences
  • Lead Gen Form audiences
  • Single image ad audiences

  • Predictive audiences

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