Media specifications for LinkedIn Service Pages

Last updated: 1 month ago

When you add an image, video, or URL to your LinkedIn Service Page, there are several specifications for images, videos, and URLs that are recommended.

Who can use this feature?

Adding media to the Services Showcase section of your profile is only available with a Premium Business subscription. If you previously uploaded media and don’t have a Premium Business subscription, the media only appears when a member views your full Service Page, not in the Service section of your profile. 

Image specifications

Images must be at least 1,128 x 376 pixels and formatted as PNG or JPG files.

Video specifications

Videos must be one of the following formats:

  • MPEG

  • MP4

  • MOV

  • AVI

  • WebM

  • X-FLV

  • X-MS-WMV

  • X-M4V

Videos must be of the following size and length:

  • Less than 5 GB

  • Greater than 75 KB

  • Less than 30 minutes

URL specifications

You can add any URL that follows the LinkedIn Professional Community Policies.

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