Create targeted posts on your LinkedIn Page

Last updated: 10 months ago

As a super or content admin, you can use targeted LinkedIn Page posts to tailor content to specific audiences. Posts are targeted based on your followers' profile data such as organization size, industry, function, seniority, geography, and language preference.

Targeted posts are only actively displayed to members who fit within the target criteria. If that post is shared or reposted, then members outside of the target will be able to see the post. All posts, targeted and non-targeted, can be seen in admin view.

Important to know

Targeted posts must target a minimum of 300 Page followers. You can add up to 150 locations. Employees can't be notified of a targeted post. 

To create a targeted post:

  1. Access your Page super or content admin view.

  2. Click Start a post and enter your text or URL (website or article) in the window.

  3. To adjust the privacy settings, click the dropdown icon and select Targeted Audience. The Target audience settings window opens with the default setting as Anyone.

    • Optional: to adjust the comment settings, click Comment Control then click Anyone (to leave comments on) or No one (to turn comments off). Click the Save button to apply your selection. Comment privacy settings can also be adjusted on an existing post.
  4. On the Target audience settings window, add your desired targeting criteria. Keep in mind the following when creating your target audience:

    • The estimated target follower audience is the number of potential people who will see the post on both their LinkedIn homepage feed and on your Page.
    • If your settings create a narrow audience, try removing some targeting criteria to broaden your scope
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. Click the Post button.

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