Manage your Premium account

Last updated: 2 weeks ago

Directly Access your My Premium Page

Utilize LinkedIn's My Premium page to manage your Premium subscription and view all the Premium features you have available

Access the My Premium page

You can view all the Premium features and manage your LinkedIn Premium subscription from the desktop site or the LinkedIn mobile app.

On the My Premium page, you can: 

  • See the status of your subscription 
  • Manage subscription  
  • Learn more about the features unique to your subscription
  • See how many InMail Message credits you have left and when you receive new InMail Message credits next
  • See Premium insights
  • See other Premium profile settings

To manage your premium account:

Here's a tip

You can also access the My Premium page by clicking on the Premium icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.

  1. Click the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage. 

  2. Click Premium features from the dropdown.

    • You’ll be redirected to your My Premium page. 

Learn more