The Venture Crew

The Venture Crew

Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals

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The Venture Crew is one of the most active and growing communities for those interested in the startup ecosystem industry. Through this community, people can connect with others globally who have the same interest in the startup ecosystem. We will have various kinds of discussions over virtual meets like VC concept, industry trends, career opportunities, case study discussions on startups and many more. All the calls lead by community members. You can be part of leading discussion calls and present some topics, which will enhance your profile. In addition, we will organize a career session with VC industry experts. There are lots of things in our bucket, that will definitely help you in growing your career in the VC. Want to be part of our ever-growing community, please fill out the form as soon as possible! We will send an email with the joining details. Events & Discussion: Weekly 3-4 Events (Depends on time availability) 1. VC Concepts ( By community members & Experts ) 2. Industry Trends ( By community members & Experts ) 3. Career Talks (By Experts) 4. Case Study (By community members ) 5. Founders Talks and many more.

Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals
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New York


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    VC Funds Hiring Don't miss these VC job opportunities 👇 Venture Capital Senior Analyst - Flux Capital | USA Investment Associate - ICONIUM Venture | USA Associate, New Ventures - 2070 Health | India We have shared 10+ VC Job opportunities in our recent newsletter here: . #startups #venturecapital #jobs #analyst #vc #summerinternship #summerinternship2024 #indiastartups #usa #usajobs #siliconvalley #associate #fundraising #vcfunding #vcs #internshipopportunity #internshipjourney #vc #job

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    Sequoia Capital’s Product-Market-Fit Framework. Sequoia Capital’s Arc accelerator team put together a framework for early-stage founders that outlines 3 ways to reach PMF: 1️⃣ Hair on Fire: You’re solving an obvious but important problem in, likely, a crowded market and do it better than anyone else (example: Zoom, during the pandemic) 2️⃣ Hard Fact: You challenge a conventionally accepted fact and demonstrate an alternative (example: Superhuman). 3️⃣ Future Vision: You skate to where the puck is going. Your customers don’t even realize how much they need your solution until they use it (for example: Tesla). The Arc accelerator team at Sequoia Capital has explained each of these three ways with a case study. This is a must-read guide for all founders... 👇 . #startup #fundraising #venturecapital #funding #fundraising #founders #founderjourney #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #founderstories #startuptips #sharktankindia #siliconvalley #startups #vc #vcfund #vcfunding #funding #startups #pmf #product #sequoiacapital

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    VC Interview Preparation Guide Knowing what to expect when going into a VC interview increases your odds of success. Here are the usual question categories:- 1️⃣ “Fit” questions 2️⃣ Background & experience 3️⃣ Market & investment trends 4️⃣ Firm-specific & process 5️⃣ Technical & modelling (later stage) 6️⃣ Formal case study Those looking for a high-level guide, check out this list of commonly asked questions 👇 (Attached PDF) Shared by Nicole DeTommaso. Follow her for more valuable insights. Want daily VC Job updates/want to learn about VC from basics... Join our VC Crafters (Break Into VC)' Slack community to learn, network and craft your path to venture capital... 👉 Join Slack Community Now: . #vc #internship #interview #guide #venturecapital #jobs #startups #career #investors #analysis #founders

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    OpenAI unveils five-level roadmap to AGI OpenAI, has just unveiled an intriguing new system to track their progress towards creating superhuman AI. Here's what you need to know: 1️⃣ The Big Picture: OpenAI has created a five-level classification system for AI development. This is their attempt to make the path to AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) more transparent. They shared this with employees on Tuesday and plan to brief investors soon.... 2️⃣ The Five Levels: → Conversational AI (where we are now) → "Reasoners" (basic problem-solving at doctorate level) → "Agents" (AI that can work on tasks for days) → Innovation-capable AI → "Organizations" (AI that can run entire companies) 3️⃣ Where We Stand: → OpenAI believes we're at Level 1, but on the verge of Level 2 → They demoed a GPT-4 project showing some Level 2 reasoning skills → Remember, this is just OpenAI's take – other companies might disagree 4️⃣ The AGI Race: → OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman, thinks we could hit AGI this decade → Google DeepMind has its own five-level framework (sound familiar?) → There's still debate on what exactly qualifies as AGI 5️⃣ What's Next: → OpenAI will refine this system based on feedback → They'll use it to communicate progress to investors and the public → It's a "work in progress" – expect changes as AI evolves Check out our newsletter to get daily updates on startups, AI and venture capital: . #startups #ai #venturecapital #vc #funding #fund #artificalintelligence #genai #openai #chatgpt #gpt

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    All-in-One Business Model Guide For Founders It's written by leading entrepreneurs, investors and professors like Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur, Co-created by 470 practitioners from 45 countries, the book provides a practical framework for understanding, designing, and implementing innovative business models. This guide contains: 1. Definition of a Business Model 2. The 9 Building Blocks 3.The Business Model Canvas 4. Unbundling Business Models 5. The Long Tail 6. Multi-Sided Platforms 7. FREE as a Business Model 8. Open Business Models 9. Customer Insights 1 10. Ideation 11. Visual Thinking 12. Prototyping 13. Storytelling 14. Scenarios 15. Business Model Environment 16. Evaluating Business Models 17. Business Model Perspective on Blue Ocean Strategy 18. Managing Multiple Business Models 19. Business Model Design Process Check out my free newsletter for more insights: . #startups #businessmodel #funding #fundraising #founders #founder #entrepreneur #startup #venturecapital #VC #entrepreneurship #funding #angelinvestors #jobs #startuptips

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    VC | Join The Free Community of 50,000+ Founders & Investors At

    Jeff Bezos' Decision-Making Framework For Founders. In 2015 Amazon was a big company and no longer a startup, but their framework for decision-making is arguably more relevant for startups. Founders need to make quick decisions, even amidst a lot of uncertainty, so it’s important to not only recognize which decisions are reversible or not, but also to use an entirely different decision-making process for both respective types. 1️⃣ Reversible decisions → Emphasize speed. Make educated decisions but being fast is more important than being right. 2️⃣ Irreversible decisions → Emphasize correctness. Take your time and gather all the necessary information. It’s better to be precise than aggressive with these. Jeff Bezos laid this out in his 2015 shareholder letter when talking about Amazon’s “invention machine” process (attached below) Agree? 👉 Check out my free newsletter for more insights: . #startups #founders #framework #startuptips #amazon #funding #entrepreneurship

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    Why Your Startup Idea Isn’t Big Enough for Some VCs? - RTF Analysis During the startup pitch, investors focus on one question: "Can this startup become worth a billion dollars?" If they don't see that potential, the startup is often rejected. But how do they calculate this potential? VC functions with a #power law where the majority of a fund’s #returns come from a small % of investments. Because of this, #VCs need to know if a single investment can return the entire fund. 💹 Remember: Venture capital is not a home run business, It’s a grand slam business.” This is where the Return The Fund (RTF) analysis comes into play. For a #venture fund, most #investments deliver 0–2x returns, with some reaching 2–5x. The real game-changer is a rare "unicorn" outcome of 10x+, essential for the fund to achieve top-tier 3x returns. Venture success hinges on a few grand slam investments that "return the fund,". The math for a RTF (Return The Fund) analysis is pretty simple: 💡  Fund Size / % owned at exit = Minimum Viable Exit Let's understand this with simple example, Consider #startup XY AI is raising a $2M seed round at a $10M post-money #valuation (selling 20% of their company). 1️⃣ VC Fund A is a $50M seed fund investing $1M - $1M/$10M valuation = 10% ownership - In order to return the fund, XY AI must exit for (50/.1) = $500M  - A $50M fund, likely unable to maintain pro-rata in all rounds, may face 20% dilution. Assuming this, the actual return to the fund is $625M ($50M/.08). It accounts for #potential dilution impact on #returns. To pass RTF analysis, Fund A must believe XY AI's exit at a minimum of $500M, preferably $625M. ✅ 2️⃣ Now let’s look at a larger #fund model. VC Fund B is a $250M seed + series A fund investing $1M in XY AI - $1M/$10M valuation = 10% ownership - In order to return the fund, XY AI will exit for $2.5B ($250M fund / 10% ownership). - VC Fund B, maintains at least 10% ownership in XY AI and anticipates an additional 5% on average. For a favorable exit, they are banking on a $1.66B valuation, representing a 15% stake. As an investor, the difference between a #company exiting for $500M vs. $2.5B is not trivial. The startup number with this exists always at the lower end. As a #Founder consider #investors' philosophies, noting that some startups are suited for exits in the #millions, larger #funds may push for riskier strategies, aiming for rare grand slam successes that defy natural exit. RTF analysis is a useful quick check for ownership and #investment size, but it's just one part of the larger DD. It helps investors plan their positions, but in the world of startups, there are always outliers. Check out my free newsletter for more insights: . #startups #funding #fund #raise #founder #vc #venturecapital #founders #fundraising

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    VC Funds Hiring Don't miss these VC job opportunities 👇 Investment Partner - Hivemind | USA Marketing Manager - Matrix partner | India Fintech- Venture Capital Investing Senior Vice President - Citi venture | UK We have shared 10+ VC Job opportunities in our recent newsletter here: . #startups #venturecapital #jobs #analyst #vc #summerinternship #summerinternship2024 #indiastartups #usa #usajobs #siliconvalley #associate #fundraising #vcfunding #vcs #internshipopportunity #internshipjourney #vc #job

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    Y Combinator Advises Founders to Avoid These Startup Ideas. In the search for startup ideas, it often happens that founders come across some seemingly obvious and simple ideas. These are ideas that seem great at first, but end up being a major drain on your time and resources. These type of ideas know as "Tarpit Idea". So what's the difference between Tarpit & Bad Ideas? The only difference  - “You would know when to stop pursuing a bad idea. But A Tarpit Idea is identified a little bit too late — when money is already spent on developing it. Looks scary, right?” Founders often fall under the Tarpit Ideas trap — assuming it to be a good idea. Remember most tarpit ideas are consumer-focused, stemming from our personal experiences and exposure to consumer products. We gravitate towards these ideas because: → We're all consumers, naturally thinking about products we use daily. → Startup success stories often highlight consumer ventures (e.g., Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg). → Enterprise solutions like Cisco or Oracle are less relatable to most people. Interestingly, while consumer ideas seem simple, they're often difficult to turn into successful startups. The apparent simplicity of these ideas can be deceptive, as there's usually a reason why a solution doesn't already exist for a seemingly straightforward problem. But how do you identify whether it's a tarpit idea? Here are some characteristics: 1️⃣ High initial investment: The business requires significant upfront capital, making it difficult for the company to break even or turn a profit. 2️⃣ Low barriers to entry: The market is easily accessible to competitors, leading to increased competition and reduced market share. 3️⃣ Lack of differentiation: The product or service offered is not unique or lacks a clear competitive advantage, making it challenging to stand out in the market. 4️⃣ Difficulty in scaling: The business model is not easily scalable, limiting growth potential and the ability to expand into new markets. 5️⃣ Regulatory challenges: The industry is heavily regulated, creating compliance issues and potential legal obstacles. 6️⃣ Dependence on external factors: The success of the business relies heavily on factors outside the company’s control, such as economic conditions, technological advancements, or shifting consumer preferences. 7️⃣ Short-term focus: The business prioritizes short-term gains over long-term sustainability, leading to decisions that may harm the company’s future prospects. We have shared the detailed writeup in attached pdf. Check it out.... 👇 Do you think GPT API wrappers are tarpit ideas? If you are interested in startups & venture capital, check out out free newsletter and Join 50000+ founders & investors. (Link in comments) . #startups #ycombinator #funding #founders #tarpitideas #founder #investors #startuptips #fund #ideas #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #fundraising #vc #venturecapital

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    A Must-Read Guide For Aspiring Venture Capitalists Every year, Harlem Capital opens its internship program ( For the first time, they have shared their internship syllabus along with curated resources. This guide covers various topics and provides valuable curated materials 1️⃣ Sourcing & Due Diligence 2️⃣ Product -Market Fit 3️⃣ KPIs and Unit Economics 4️⃣ Market Sizing 5️⃣ Valuation 6️⃣ Term Sheets & Financing 7️⃣ VC Exits 8️⃣ Fund Operations 9️⃣ Platform 🔟 Additional HCP Resources I hope these resources will be helpful. Thanks, Harlem Capital for sharing this. Want daily VC Job updates/want to learn about VC from basics... Join our VC Crafters (Break Into VC)' Slack community to learn, network and craft your path to venture capital... 👉 Join Slack Community Now: . #internship #vc #startups #venturecapital #funding #founders #founder #startup #investors #startuptips #career

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