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    Every organization needs to innovate. But what type of innovation to give priority to? This simple matrix with four types of innovation may help. Credit to: Jeroen Kraaijenbrink Original post below ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Every organization needs to innovate. But what type of innovation to give priority to? This simple matrix with four types of innovation may help. Innovation basically means introducing something new (‘nova’). This “something new” can be anything and that’s where the problem starts. In two ways. - First, by an overemphasis on product (or service) innovation, thereby not giving enough attention to other types - Second, by getting overwhelmed by all the innovation opportunities that are out there. To solve both problems at the same time, it helps to gain some clarity on what types of innovation there are. To that end, I’ve created this simple 2x2 matrix containing what I think are the four most important types of innovation for every organization. Let me first explain the two axes. The first is the inward-outward axis. Outward-oriented innovations are those innovations that are mostly targeted at the market, at doing something new for customers. Inward-oriented innovations, on the other hand, are innovating the organization itself. On the second axis, Operational innovations are typically quite technical and tangible, and focused on the practical work and output. Strategic innovations, on the other hand, regard how the organization is functioning overall and how it creates value. This leads to the following four types of innovation: 1. Product Innovation. The most well-known type of innovation in which you change, improve or renew an organization’s products and/or services, or create new ones. 2. Process Innovation. Often efficiency and quality-driven to improve the way the organization works on a day-to-day basis. This can concern any type of process. 3. Business Model Innovation. A newer type, focused on changing how the organization creates and captures value. Often focused on developing new revenue models. 4. Management Innovation. Less commonly known but critical, this type concerns innovating how an organization is organized, managed, and led. Often implies decentralization. All four types are important and with this matrix you can start managing your innovation portfolio. Ask yourself questions like: Do I have sufficient initiatives in all quadrants? And, which type of innovation should get priority now? ______________ Follow for more Useful Infographics

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    4 Types of Mindsets for Success 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗲𝘁 is a complex and personal outlook. It represents our mental state, attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviors. These all impact how we respond to situations or new experiences. Brilliant share by: Debra Kurtz Original post below ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗲𝘁 is a complex and personal outlook. It represents our mental state, attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviors. These all impact how we respond to situations or new experiences. Tchiki Davis, Ph.D. in Psychology Today posits that there are four main mindsets to success that cover a lot of domains. While we may have one overall, our mindset is made up of numerous small parts. ⚙️ They are: 𝟭.        𝗚𝗿𝗼𝘄𝘁𝗵 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗲𝘁 𝟮.        𝗣𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗲𝘁 𝟯.        𝗘𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗲𝘂𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗲𝘁 𝟰.        𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗲 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗲𝘁 🪞 These are decidedly beneficial because they can be developed and refined through reappraisal, self empathy, compassion, flexibility, and adaptability. 🪴 Believing that we can change, grow, and continue to improve in response to difficult or unknown situations can help in each of these mindsets. For example, an entrepreneurial mindset might relate to someone who is comfortable with risk. Not everyone is, so we may relate to one of the other mindsets more. 😬 🌱 Most people do not have all four of these mindsets as we are each unique, but ~ everything can change! 🌎 There are other mindsets that we may use to describe ourselves or how we make sense of the world. For example, some have an abundance (scarcity) mindset, healthy (fixed, genetics), and learning (limited ability to learn) orientation. 🚧 Beliefs or attitudes exist that may include fear, threat, consequences, negativity, painful memories, intrusive thoughts, a lack of resources, or a lack of confidence. In her research, Carol Dweck has said that some of our limiting beliefs about a growth or fixed mindset began in childhood based on comments we received related to 𝙥𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 and 𝙡𝙖𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜. 🎨 Recent research by Southwick et al. (2023) says that due to ambiguous meanings, “talent,” like intelligence, may seem to be innate. If so, semantically it may seem to be “fixed.” This could also lead to pessimism about our efforts or persistence. 🎻 🌻 However, “skills” are something that can be developed, learned, taught, and expanded, suggestive of growth. 🧠 Positive psychology has shown that a positive mindset creates physiological and mental health benefits. Additionally, they expand our sense of wellbeing helping us to cope with stress. 💁🏻♀️ There are no good or bad mindsets. We are who are – imperfect human beings – from the life experiences and knowledge we have internalized. What type of mindsets do you have (or think you have)? How have you used it in your life or work? ______________ Follow for more Useful Infographics

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    Emotionally intelligent leaders know true leadership is much more than just giving orders. Credit to: Nihar Chhaya, MBA, MCC Original post below ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Emotionally intelligent leaders know true leadership is much more than just giving orders. It's about: ➟ Listening ➟ Empowering ➟ Genuinely caring It's also: ➟ Making decisions ➟ Holding accountable ➟ Solving problems as a team Leadership isn't about being on top. It's about lifting others up. Enhance your leadership style with these tips: 1. Start by listening more than you speak. 2. Be decisive while also being open to input. 3. Empower your team; allow them room to learn. 4. Recognize and celebrate the wins, big and small. 5. Face challenges with a problem-solving mindset. Leadership is an art. The canvas? Your team. The colors? Your actions. Be the leader who inspires. Not just the one who instructs. ______________ Follow for more Useful Infographics

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    The Five C's Of Effective Leadership In A Hybrid World Credit to: Stuart Andrews Original post below 👇👇👇 The Five C's Of Effective Leadership In A Hybrid World According to a recent Gartner survey, only 24% of hybrid and remote workers report feeling connected to their organizational culture. A leader’s role is to inspire their team and help them be their best selves. Effective leaders need to remain open to learning, experimenting and adapting to new situations. More than ever, leaders need to be able to manage across departmental, cultural and geographical boundaries. There are five core characteristics in effective leaders: 👉Creativity 👉Courage 👉Curiosity 👉Confident Humility 👉Collaboration Find out more below on my Forbes article 👇 Forbes Coaches Council ______________ Follow for more Useful Infographics

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    Six habits of happy people Credit to: Strati Georgopoulos Original post below 👇👇👇 Embracing the habits of happy people can make a significant impact on our lives. Here are some habits to consider: - Stay humble - Speak thoughtfully - Pursue continuous learning - Uplift those in need - Find joy in laughter - Rise above trivial distractions By adopting these habits, we can cultivate a positive and happy mindset, which can lead to a more fulfilling life. Let's strive to incorporate these habits into our daily routines and see the positive impact they can have. ______________ Follow for more Useful Infographics

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    Time is the canvas on which we paint our lives. Identify and eliminate these 12-time wasters to boost productivity and success. Credit to: Véronique Barrot Original post below 👇👇👇 Time is the canvas on which we paint our lives. Yet, we often let it slip away, caught in traps ↳ that hinder true growth and empowerment. Here are 12 common culprits that disguise as comfort ↳ but are really time wasters: 1. Lack of Priorities. → Without clear priorities, everything seems important, ↳ leading to a scattergun approach to life. 2. Waiting for Inspiration. → Inspiration is not summoned. It's cultivated through action. 3. Doing Everything Yourself. → Delegation is not a sign of weakness ↳ but of smart leadership. 4. Worrying About what people will say. → The only opinion that truly matters is the one you have of yourself. 5. Not Living Your Life. → Every moment spent in the shadows of ↳ others' expectations is a moment lost. 6. Fearing Failure. → Failure is not the opposite of success. It's a stepping stone towards it. 7. Complaining. → It drains energy and solves nothing. Action does. 8. Having Unfinished Tasks. → Each unfinished task is like a mental tab left open, ↳ cluttering your focus. 9. Trying to Please Everybody. → It's an impossible task that diverts you from your true path. 10. Comparing Yourself to Others. → Your journey is unique. Honour it. 11. Repeating the Same Mistakes. → Learning from mistakes propels you forward. Repeating them keeps you in place. 12. Being a Perfectionist. → Perfection is an illusion ↳ that hinders progress and creativity. Each of these time wasters is a thief, ↳ sneaking moments, hours, ↳ or even days from your grasp. The antidote? Awareness, action, and a steadfast commitment. Reflect on these time wasters. Identify them in your life. Remember: your time is precious. Which of these time wasters have you conquered, and how has it transformed your life and productivity? ______________ Follow for more Useful Infographics

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    Embracing Your Inner Contradictions 🌗 Credit to: Steven Claes Original post below 👇👇👇 Embracing Your Inner Contradictions 🌗 Duality in life and by extension in leadership refers to the concept that each human being often embodies seemingly opposing characteristics or experiences simultaneously. This complexity is what makes a person relatable, approachable, and human. Duality suggests that strength doesn't exist without vulnerability, and confidence often coexists with periods of doubt. 1️⃣ The Many Facets of Duality: ↳Strength and Vulnerability: A strong person isn't someone who is invincible; rather, it's someone who isn't afraid to acknowledge their fears or shortcomings. Being vulnerable can lead to great team cohesion and trust in leadership. ↳Confidence and Doubt: We all may project confidence while internally processing doubts. This balance keeps us grounded and open to new ideas, preventing overconfidence from blinding our judgment. ↳Authority and Humility: A good leader uses their authority to guide and make decisions but also displays humility. They admit mistakes and are open to learning, which promotes a culture of improvement. ↳Determination and Flexibility: We are all driven and focused on goals, yet we understand the importance of being flexible. Adapting to circumstances or shifting strategies is crucial for long-term success. ↳Emotional Intelligence and Logic: We all need to balance empathy and understanding of others’ emotions with the ability to make logical, data-driven decisions. Too much reliance on one can skew perspective and lead to biased actions. ↳Innovation and Caution: We must foster innovation, encouraging creative thinking and new ideas while also assessing the risks and considering potential downsides. 2️⃣ The Importance of Duality in Leadership: ↳Adaptability: It allows leaders to adapt their approach depending on the situation, team dynamics, and goals. ↳Relatability: By recognizing and yes accepting their dualities, the leaders becomes more relatable to their team members, who likely experience similar internal conflicts. ↳Resilience: Understanding and embracing the dual aspects of their roles and personalities help leaders build sufficient resilience. ↳Whole-Person Leadership: Instead of behaving one-dimensionally, embracing duality allows leaders to show up authentically, encouraging others to do the same. PS1. - The acceptance of duality as a natural part of the human condition is what makes a person truly impactful. PS2 - Which aspect of duality have you found most challenging to balance in your (leadership) journey? Share your insights or a simple emoji that represents your experience.👇 Picture credit: Thepresentpsychologist ______________ Follow for more Useful Infographics

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    Your title DOESN'T make you a leader. Credit to: Anna Chernyshova Original post below 👇👇👇 Your title does NOT make you a leader.  Here are 8 traits that do 👇 A title might get you in the door, but these traits make true leaders. 1️⃣ Empathy: They understand and care about their team's well-being. ↳Empathy allows leaders to connect deeply and build trust within their teams. 2️⃣ Integrity: A leader with integrity acts as a moral compass for their team. ↳They show honesty with words and actions. They set a standard for everyone to follow. 3️⃣ Humility: Great leaders have humility. They admit their mistakes and have the courage to learn from them. ↳This builds a culture of trust where everyone can learn and grow. 4️⃣ Empowerment: A true leader empowers others. ↳They provide the tools and support for their team members. They guide them to advance their roles and continue to grow. 5️⃣ Communication: Effective communication is crucial in leadership. ↳They share their vision, expectations, and concerns clearly. This prevents misunderstandings and keeps everyone aligned and motivated. 6️⃣ Resilience: The path to success often includes setbacks. ↳A resilient leader stays the course through challenges. They inspire strength in their team. 7️⃣ Vision: Leadership involves looking ahead and seeing what others don't. ↳A clear vision reduces uncertainty and motivates the team to innovate and commit. 8️⃣ Accountability: A leader who practices accountability sets a strong example for their team ↳They promote a culture of responsibility and trust. Developing these qualities improves our leadership and drives meaningful change. What else would you add? ______________ Follow for more Useful Infographics

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    10 skills that will pay you back forever. Credit to: Benjamin B. Bargetzi Original post below 👇👇👇 10 skills that will pay you back forever. Want to stand out in your career? These are the skills to focus on: 1. Adaptability It's essential to be flexible. Change is all around us. Top performers pivot when faced with change. 2. Problem-Solving  Complex issues will always arise. You need to learn to: Break them down. Find a solution. Move forward. 3. Continuous Learning Never stop growing. Keep expanding your knowledge. Seek out new skills and stay curious. 4. Collaboration No one succeeds alone. Teamwork is key. Excel at working with others towards a common goal. 5. Ethical Judgment  Integrity matters. Have a strong moral compass. Make decisions that align with your values. 6. Communication Be clear, concise, and effective. Learn to get your message across and inspire others. 7. Resilience Setbacks happen. The key is to bounce back quickly. Learn from failures and come back stronger. 8. Creative Thinking Innovation sets you apart. Bring fresh ideas forward. Think outside the box and push boundaries. 9. Mindfulness Stay present and self-aware. It's a powerful tool. And it's key to managing your response to emotions. 10. Emotional Awareness Self-awareness. Social awareness. Empathy. Top performers use these to build strong relationships. The great news? You can develop these skills with practice. Start small. Focus on one area at a time. Reflect on your experiences and learn from them. Master these 10 skills and you'll be unstoppable. ______________ Follow for more Useful Infographics

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