AgentFinder LLC

AgentFinder LLC

Marketing Services

Eastvale, California 3,039 followers

Matching the best opportunities in the industry to the best candidates in the marketplace.

About us

We are a full-service hiring company focusing on the financial services sector and life insurance markets. We find, screen, interview and place agents with agencies across the United States.

Marketing Services
Company size
2-10 employees
Eastvale, California
Privately Held



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    There are voices we all hear in our minds—the "Inner Critic" and the "Inner Wisdom." These voices shape our thoughts, our actions, and ultimately, our lives. The Inner Critic is the voice of doubt and fear. It asks, "Is my work cool or unique enough?" It wonders, "What if I am not good or competent at this?" This voice often holds us back, making us second-guess our abilities and question our worth. It focuses on what we lack, rather than what we have. But there's another voice, one that we must strive to hear more clearly: our Inner Wisdom. This voice asks different questions. It wonders, "Is my work true to my heart?" and "Is doing this work meaningful to me?" The Inner Wisdom guides us toward authenticity, encouraging us to find joy and purpose in what we do. Choosing to listen to our Inner Wisdom over our Inner Critic is not always easy. It requires courage and self-awareness. It means recognizing that our worth is not defined by external standards but by our own values and passions. So, let's commit to nurturing our Inner Wisdom. Let's focus on the work that resonates with our hearts and brings meaning to our lives. By doing so, we not only enhance our own well-being but also inspire those around us. Remember, the choice is yours. Will you let the Inner Critic hold you back, or will you allow your Inner Wisdom to guide you forward? 

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    It's easy to measure success by what we can see — the milestones reached, the goals achieved. But true growth, the kind that shapes us and defines our journey, often happens quietly, away from the spotlight. It's in the late nights spent learning and improving, the challenges faced head-on, and the perseverance to keep moving forward despite setbacks. This unseen growth is what molds us into stronger individuals and resilient teams. It's the foundation upon which our future successes will be built. So, as we continue our paths, let's remember to celebrate not just the visible victories, but also the silent triumphs that pave the way for our collective growth and success.

    • A lot of growth is made that isn’t seen.
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    Our future are not merely dictated by chance or circumstance, but rather sculpted meticulously by the by the habits we choose to cultivate. As F.M. Alexander once wisely said, "People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits, and their habits decide their futures." Think about it. Each day, our lives unfold through a series of actions, big and small, that are driven by the habits we've formed over time. These habits, whether they be in how we approach our work, our relationships, or our personal growth, ultimately shape the trajectory of our lives. So, let us challenge ourselves to be architects of our own destiny by consciously nurturing positive habits. Let us embrace habits that empower us to push boundaries, to strive for excellence, and to foster genuine connections with others. It is these habits that will pave the way for our success and fulfillment. Let us remember that every small choice we make today, every habit we reinforce, is a step towards the future we envision. By committing to habits that align with our aspirations, we seize control of our paths and unlock the potential within each of us. Together, let us embark on this journey of self- discovery and growth, knowing that our futures are not predetermined, but shaped by the habits we choose to embody.

    • People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.

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    Each of us carries dreams, goals, and aspirations within our hearts. We often wonder if they will ever become reality. The answer is a resounding yes. It's going to happen because I'm going to make it happen. Success doesn't come to those who wait for it to knock on their door. It comes to those who get up, face their fears, and chase after it with unwavering tenacity. We are the architects of our destiny, the creators of our fate. Every step we take, every decision we make, brings us closer to our dreams. There will be obstacles. There will be times when you feel like giving up. But remember, every challenge is an opportunity in disguise. Every setback is a setup for a comeback. It's in those moments of doubt that you must dig deep, find your inner strength, and push forward with even greater determination. Believe in yourself. Believe in your abilities. Believe that you have what it takes to turn your dreams into reality. It's not about waiting for the perfect moment; its about taking the moment and making it perfect. It's about showing up every single day, ready to give your best, no matter what. So, let's make a promise to ourselves. A promise that we will not let fear, doubt, or adversity stand in our way. A promise that we will rise above every challenge and continue moving forward with relentless determination. Because it's going to happen, and it's going to happen because we are going to make it happen.

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    In our fast-paced world, where instant gratification often takes precedence, this quote serves as a powerful reminder of the journey towards achievement and fulfillment. It reminds us that success doesn't happen overnight; it is a result of consistent effort, perseverance, and patience. When we embark on a new venture or set out to achieve a goal, we are planting a seed of potential. This seed represents our dreams, aspirations, and the vision of what we hope to accomplish. However, just like planting a seed in fertile soil, it requires nurturing, care, and time to grow and bear fruit. Think about the farmer who diligently tends to the fields, watering the seeds, protecting them from adverse conditions, and patiently waiting for the harvest season. Similarly, in our own pursuits, we must nurture our ambitions with dedication and resilience. We must weather challenges, learn from setbacks, and stay focused on our long-term goals. The journey towards success is not always smooth. There will be obstacles to overcome, moments of doubt, and times when progress seems slow. Yet, it is during these times that our determination and perseverance are tested. It is in these moments that we must remind ourselves that every effort we put in, every small step forward, is bringing us closer to the realization of our dreams. So, embrace the process. Celebrate each milestones, no matter how small, knowing that each step forward is propelling you towards your ultimate destination. Trust in your abilities, stay committed to your vision, and remember that the seeds you plant today will eventually yield a bountiful harvest tomorrow. May we plant our seeds with purpose, nurture them with perseverance, and one day, enjoy the sweet fruits of our labor.

    • The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit.
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    Instead of passively reacting to circumstances, we possess the ability to proactively shape and influence them. It' about taking charge of our decisions and actions, rather than being dictated by external factors. This proactive approach empowers empowers us to transform challenges into opportunities, to innovate in the face of adversity, and to navigate uncertainty with confidence and purpose. By dictating the situation, we assert our autonomy and determination to achieve our goals. It's a mindset that encourages us to think creatively, to take calculated risks, and to perseverance in the pursuit of our dreams. Rather than letting circumstances define our path, we seize control and chart our own course, driven by a vision of what is possible. Let's embrace this philosophy of empowerment and leadership, knowing that our ability to dictate the situation not only shapes our own destiny but also inspires others to take charge of their lives. Together, we can forge a future where determination, resilience, and proactive decision-making pave the way for success and fulfillment.


-Jocko Willink
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    As we reflect on Stephen McCranie's quote, we get to realize how true it is in our own journey of learning and growth. Mastery isn't just about innate talent or luck; it's about resilience and perseverance in the face of failure. Every setback and mistakes we've encountered has been a crucial stepping stone towards understanding and improvement. Each failure has taught us valuable lessons that we wouldn't have learned otherwise. It's through these experiences that we've come to appreciate the wisdom in McCranie's words—that the path to mastery is paved with perseverance, learning from failures, and never giving up on the pursuit to excellence.

    • The master has failed more times than the beginner has ever tried.

-Stephen Mccraine
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    This passage vividly describes the daunting yet pivotal moment of confronting uncertainty and seizing opportunities in life. Let's break down its elaboration: 1. Facing the Unknown: Life often presents us with situations where the outcome is uncertain and the path forward is unclear. This "chasm of the unknown" symbolizes those moments—whether they involve career decisions, personal relationships, or other significant choices—that challenge us to step out of our comfort zone. 2. Persistence of the Call: The passage emphasizes that this challenge "calls you every day" and is omnipresent. It's a persistent reminder that opportunities for growth and change are always present, regardless of whether we actively acknowledge them. 3. Inescapability: No matter which direction you turn, the call to confront the unknown remains in front of you. It's a part of life that cannot be avoided indefinitely, no matter how much one might try to sidestep or delay it. 4. Pressure to Act: When you attempt to avoid facing these challenges, the pressure intensifies. The passage suggests that avoiding the leap into the unknown only results in greater internal and external pressure to confront it head-on. 5. Responsibility and Fear: It highlights a fundamental truth that fear often originates from within ourselves—the fear of failure, of the consequences, or of the unknown outcomes. This acknowledgment can be both frustrating and motivating, pushing individuals to confront and overcome their fears. 6. Call to Action: Despite the fear and uncertainty, the passage encourages action. It challenges individuals not to hesitate but to take the leap—to jump into the unknown rather than passively observe or procrastinate. 7. Regret and Action: The passage asserts that the greatest regrets stem from inaction rather than from taking a chance and potentially falling short. It emphasizes the importance of trying and learning, regardless of the outcome. 8. Final Call: The closing statement, "Don’t look, Jump!" encapsulates the essence of the passage—a rallying cry to embrace opportunities, confront fears, and take decisive action in the face of uncertainty. In essence, this passage serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative potential inherent in confronting challenges and embracing the unknown. It urges individuals to overcome their fears, take risks, and actively engage with the opportunities that life presents, knowing that growth and fulfillment often lie beyond the chasm of uncertainty.

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    Patience is essential in the process of growth and transformation. Just like a seed planted in the ground, our dreams and aspirations require time, care, and nurturing to blossom into fruition. Each stage of development—from planting the seed to nurturing it through seasons of growth, watering, and pruning—is vital for its eventual success. It's a reminder that meaningful progress takes time and perseverance. So, embrace the journey, trust in the process, and have faith that with patience and dedication, your efforts will yield the desired results. The analogy of the seed becoming a tree encapsulates the essence of patience and perseverance in achieving our goals. Just as the seed must endure seasons of growth, weathering storms and basking in sunlight, we too must navigate through the ups and downs of life's journey. Each phase—whether it's the initial planting, the period of nurturing, or the necessary pruning—plays a crucial role in the eventual fruition of our endeavors. Like the tree, we undergo a process of growth, learning, and refinement, until we bear the fruits of our labor. So, embrace the rhythm of waiting, knowing that every moment is an opportunity for growth, and every setback is a chance for resilience. Trust in the process, and in due time, you'll witness the beautiful transformation of your efforts into success.

    • Nothing happens without waiting. The seed in the ground does not become a tree overnight. it goes through seasons, nurturing, watering, pruning, before it bears fruit.

-Ngina Otiende

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