Measurement and ROI

How B2B Marketing Leaders Can Better Measure Success [Infographic]

How B2B Marketing Leaders are Measuring success (illustration)

Marketers have access to more data than ever before, yet still struggle with when and how to use that data to prove marketing ROI.

Even as 66% of marketing leaders trust that their team can effectively measure the outcomes of their campaigns, only 4% are measuring at the right time.

This disconnect between confidence and strategy is indicative of the exceptional times marketers find themselves in. The fickle winds of technology constantly force teams to correct their course, while the elevated role of the CMO has brought greater scrutiny to marketing budget performance. 

So, how do marketing leaders draw the line between outstanding campaigns and real closed business? This is where it pays to invest in measurement. 

“The path towards purchase in the B2B world is a convoluted web of touchpoints that take place across multi-stakeholder accounts,” shared Jeremy Sacramento, Content Marketing Manager at Dreamdata.

“This complexity makes understanding and analyzing journeys a significant challenge. Without a clear picture of what channels and campaigns are attracting accounts and helping them down the funnel, knowing where to invest marketing dollars is little more than a guessing game.”

Sacramento argues in favor of measurement tools that use attribution, like LinkedIn’s Revenue Attribution Report. “Marketing attribution aims to make sense of this convoluted web of touchpoints to provide B2B marketers with a clear picture of their customer's journey. From start to finish.”

Honing your measurement strategy is necessary for proving the real effectiveness of your marketing. The infographic below touches on LinkedIn tips and tools to guide you on the path to better attribution across the full funnel. 

How B2B Marketing Leaders Measure Success (infographic)

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