The Contingent Reimbursement Model Code (CRM Code)

Setting out consumer protection standards to help reduce the number of Authorised Push Payment (APP) scams.

The CRM Code

The CRM Code sets out consumer protection standards to reduce APP scams, which occur when customers are tricked into authorising a payment to an account they believe belongs to a legitimate payee.

Signatory firms commit to:

  • protecting their customers with procedures to detect, prevent and respond to APP scams, providing a greater level of protection for customers considered to be vulnerable to this type of fraud;
  • greater prevention of accounts being used to launder the proceeds of APP scams, including procedures to prevent, detect and respond to the receipt of funds from this type of fraud; and
  • reimbursing customers who are not to blame for the success of a scam.

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Signing up to our Standards and Codes signals a commitment to deliver the highest standards in customer treatment.

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Standards of Lending Practice: personal customers

Standards of Lending Practice: business customers

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