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Because everyone needs to learn to code

Hours of Code

Projects Completed

Happy Coders


knodemy partners with all organizations such as housing communities, schools, and cities to collaborate and offer after-school technology programs. Our virtual Summer and year-long Technology Programs are designed to make learning STEM courses like Coding, Game Design, Artificial Intelligence, and more educational and incredibly fun. We align our programs with the school year and customize them to integrate with your existing systems seamlessly.

Our experienced instructors are dedicated to providing an enriching experience, utilizing a comprehensive curriculum and hands-on activities. We believe in personalized attention, working one-on-one with each student to measure progress and ensure success.

  • One platform, comprehensive curriculum and mentors
  • Students’ progress tracking
  • Year Long & Summer Programs
  • Comprehensive curriculum designed by industry experts
  • Mentors offering 1:1 teaching


Hackathon Experts

Hackathons provide a collaborative environment for K-12 students where they can imagine, create, innovate and build. Students in hackathons not only learn to code, but are also exposed to other areas like graphic design, product management and app development. At the end of the hackathon, students are asked to pitch their product to a professional panel of judges.




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Our Mentors & Instructors

harvardcarnegie mellonucsdcornellcal state east bay
UC Berkeley  Penn_Logo_University_of_Pennsylvania

Computer Science Classes & Workshops

Knodemy partners with school districts, organizations and corporations to provide on-site computer science classes and workshops to K-12 students. Students are taught programming languages like HTML5, JavaScript, Python, C++, Java and more...

Learning to code is a door to opportunity.

See what you can achieve when you learn programming languages!

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