Reservoir Structure & Geomechanics

Research addresses the structural evolution of reservoirs, the effects of folds, faults, and fractures on fluid flow properties, fluid storage, migration, and production, the interaction of brittle deformation, sediment compaction, and chemical change, and the mechanics of reservoir deformation on all scales. This research is of relevance to oil & gas exploration and production, development of geothermal resources, and geologic carbon sequestration.


Peter B Flemings

Peter B Flemings

Stratigraphy, basin analysis, basin-scale fluid flow, pore pressures in seafloor sediments, submarine landslides, oil and gas migration, methane hydrates, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP)

Research Scientists

Athma R Bhandari

Athma R Bhandari

Experimental rock mechanics Geotechnical laboratory testing Measurement of porosity and permeability in gas and oil shales Digital-image-based deformation measurements Microstructure characterization of soils and rocks Constitutive and numerical modeling of soils and rocks
Alejandro  Cardona

Alejandro Cardona

A well-rounded energy transition requires fundamental and applied research that addresses geomechanical and petrophysical behavior of geological porous materials. My current research has explored rocks and sediments (i) under extreme conditions (high pressure and stresses), (ii) saturated and interacting with complex fluids (hydrates), and (iii) subjected to localizations of all ...

Research Staff

Mohsen Ahmadian

Program Manager for the Advanced Energy Consortium Managing multidisciplinary nanosensor, miniaturized electronics, and smart materials research for the assessment of subsurface properties in various applications, including energy exploration, geothermal, CCUS, etc.
Richard J Chuchla

Richard J Chuchla

Graduate studies were focused on igneous processes, magmatism and related formation of ore deposits. Professional career included exploration for base and precious metal ore deposits, coal assessment and development, and research, exploration and development in the upstream sector of the oil and gas business. Managerial positions led to development of ...
Robin D Dommisse

Robin D Dommisse

3D geological interpretation and modeling - Integrated reservoir characterization - Petroleum Geology - Petroleum Engineering - Carbonate sequence stratigraphy - Conventional and unconventional reservoir exploration and development - Oil field exploration and production reservoir management - Petrophysics - Geostatistics - Reservoir simulation - Software development

Sara Elliott

Francis Peel

Salt Tectonics Gulf of Mexico Seismic Interpretation Salt Deposition RIsk and probability in exploration Fold and Thrust Belts Deepwater systems