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    Graphics | Video | Social


    Free web-based video maker for creating and editing.

    AI-powered video editor.

    AI-powered podcast and audio editor. Great for removing extra words.
    Create animated videos using this free AI tool.
    Create stock images, illustrations, logos, etc. using AI.


    Create interactive videos.

    Type Studio
    Video creation tool where you can edit the words in the transcript and it will trim the video.

    Video creation tool where you can edit the words in the transcript and it will trim the video.

    Social media video editing tool has several pricing tiers but the free version works just fine for journalists.

    Video editor, screen recorder, meme-maker, green screen and more. Good for editing social video and has templates for Facebook and TikTok. Plans start at $5 a month but it has a free trial.

    Free and simple online video editor. Think Canva for video. Simple to add subtitles to videos, turn articles into social media, combine clips together, edit recordings, and turn audio into video (or vice versa).

    EasySub is an automatic subtitle generator that provides the most refined automatic subtitles and free subtitle translation on the internet. It helps journalists transcribe audio and video faster, and can perform simple video editing, providing functions such as adding watermarks, modifying video resolution, video format and background color.
    Great interactive video and other multimedia through the templates in this desktop app.

    Recast Studio Online Video Editor
    Recast Studio is a cloud based online video editor that will help journalists to create and repurpose text, audio or video into dynamic social videos.

    Free and Paid Video and Audio Editing Software
    Both desktop and mobile tools. Complied by Ted Gutsche.

    Uses AI to repurpose video content for social channels and more

    Create interactive videos, charts, maps and presentations.

    Create Free AI videos from this browser-based tool.
    Create simple motion graphics in this browser-based tool. Good for story posts and social media.
    Create animated videos using this free AI tool.

    AI-powered video editor.

    For more training videos, visit our YouTube page. Eight Tips to Edit Your Video to Perfection

    Jeremy Caplan’s 10 Useful Tools for Visual Productivity How to Find Free Music for Your Next Video

    Tool lets you create audiograms from podcasts. Share video snippets of your episodes on social media and grow your audience with Reel.

    How to Search Closed Caption Text on YouTube

    Screen-recording tool

    If journalists have exclusive stories or video recordings, then they need to securely store them. They can store videos in this secure video platform. It is great for securely sharing video, audio and image files on an end-to-end encrypted platform.

    Mojo App
    Templates to create Instagram Stories and other social channels.

    Free in-browser video editor, compressor and converter.

    Convert images and videos into GIF files
    Free stock video and audio

    Free stock video

    One Image Music Video
    Combine audio + image to make video

    Stabilize shaky videos

    Switcher Studio
    Augment your videostream

    Augment your videostream

    Deep Nostalgia
    You can animate old photos with this tool but be careful with news photography and deep-faking. Remember ethical guidelines when editing/altering photos.

    Browser-based video file conversion tool.

    Audio word processor. Good for transcribing audio from interviews. First 30 minutes are free and paid after that. Also does podcasting, video editing and more.

    GIF Rocket
    Create GIFs from any video.

    58 Video Tech Tools

    Create and manage video learning content.

    Facebook Video Downloader
    Be careful with copyright issues.

    The audio slideshow tool is back with an upgraded HD version.

    For more training videos, visit our YouTube page.

    Drag an image into this browser-based tool and compress it in seconds.

    OBS Open Broadcaster Software
    Free open-source software for video recording and livestreaming.

    Online video and animation maker.

    Tag a video with @getvideobot and they’ll download a link to the video. Beware of copyright on video, though, and get permission to reuse the video.

    Downloader Bot
    Tag a video or GIF with @downloaderbot and they’ll download a link to it. Beware of copyright on video, though, and get permission to reuse the video/GIF.

    What You Need to Know: Embedding Video

    iPad app for drawing and animated videos. Very popular among illustrators. Runs about $10.

    Allows you to remove backgrounds from videos. Be careful with this tool ethically as you must label any photo or video an illustration.
    Can be used to play YouTube and Vimeo videos frame by frame, to see any inconsistencies in content.

    VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. It also assists in helping you download YouTube videos. Free, no spyware and runs on all platforms.

    Tips to Make Your Zoom Presentations User-Friendly

    IJNET: How to Create GIFs for Use in Journalism

    For more training videos, visit our YouTube page.


    Knight Lab Publisher’s Toolbox
    Timeline JS, Storymap, Juxtapose and more.

    Free timeline creation tool. Post and share on web.

    Build timelines with this online tool.

    Tiki-Toki Timelines

    Font Joy Font-Pairing Tool
    A free, browser-based tool that matches fonts that work well together.

    Google Earth Timelapse
    Track changes over 32 years to environment, city, region.

    Free drawing tool that lets you build cool charts.

    Adobe Kuler Color Generator

    Color schemes generator.

    NPR Lunchbox
    Build text cards with this free browser-based tool.

    TNW: Tips for Creating Social Video Content

    Muzli: 10 Video and Graphic Creation Tools

    Illustrio Free Icon Library

    Free 3D Stock Images Database

    AI-powered podcast and audio editor. Great for removing extra words.
    Create stock images, illustrations, logos, etc. using AI.

    Essential Visualization Tools for Mapping

    For more training videos, visit our YouTube page.

    Helps you collect data from web, cell phones, etc., aggregate it and visualize it on a map.

    Open source code for interactive mapping.

    Video: Tutorial on How to Use BatchGeo with Google Maps

    Mapperz Mapping News
    A blog about mapping.

    Data Miner UK
    Site helps you develop ideas for data-based online journalism projects.
    Build infographics in this free, easy-to-use browser-based tool.

    Create royalty-free illustrations with a variety of skin tones, body types and backgrounds.
    Build online infographics.

    Pic Monkey
    Browser-based photo editing tool.

    Blush Illustrations
    Add editable illustrations to your stories.
    Build cool infographics.

    Google Moon
    Zoom in on areas of the moon. Works in browser or in Google Earth. Use images on your site and credit Google.

    Build imbedded flow charts for free.

    Open source graph visualization tool.

    Mashable: Web Typography 101
    Breakdown of web-safe fonts.

    For more training videos, visit our YouTube page.

    30 Free Data Visualization Tools

    The Noun Project: Free Icons
    Over a million curated icons, created by a global community.

    R for Journalists
    Tips and resources for anyone using R in data reporting

    Turn interviews into shareable, embeddable interactive chats.

    Juice Analytics: Data Viz Design Principles

    Cool mapping tool. Add photos, video, text, etc.

    Favicon Generator


    Note: This collection of tools came from several journalism instructors’ contributions to the ONA Educators Facebook page.

    Social Blade
    Track user stats for YouTube, Twitch, Instagram and Twitter to get a deeper understanding of user growth and trends.

    Data & Society: How to Investigate Social Media Accounts
    A .PDF guide of great tools and tricks.

    Pablo: Engaging Social Images in 60 Seconds
    Create cool social media images with text. Great tool.

    Social Image Resizer Tool
    Resizes an image to fit various social media sites.

    Social Media Keyboard Shortcuts
    Great list of keyboard shortcuts for Twitter, Facebook, etc.

    Location search for Instagram and social network VKontakte.

    Journalists and Publishers on TikTok
    A list/mini app from Jeremy Caplan.

    Digital Forensics: Using Social and Online Tools to Find Great Stories
    Video from an ONA ’19 conference panel with great tools and tips.

    Remove bg: Remove a Background from Images

    Friend or Follow
    A helpful database for tracking Twitter followers and to track who’s following you.

    Combines Twitter threads into one readable page.

    Gramfeed Instagram Search
    Great tool. You can search by people, hashtag, location, etc.

    Checks the activity of a Twitter account and gives it a score based on how likely the account is to be a bot. Higher scores are more bot-like.

    Tag a video with @getvideobot and they’ll download a link to the video. Beware of copyright on video, though, and get permission to reuse the video.

    Downloader Bot
    Tag a video or GIF with @downloaderbot and they’ll download a link to it. Beware of copyright on video, though, and get permission to reuse the video/GIF.

    Develop detailed maps of social media landscapes.

    Lets You Search Instagram.
    Track trends on a specific topic or newsmaker.

    Great for tracking trends on a specific topic or newsmaker.

    A Journalist’s Guide to Web Scraping

    Sprout Social: Guide to Social Media Image Sizes
    Turn podcast or musical audio into engaging animated videos to share on social media.

    Over app
    iPhone or Android app that layers text over photos.

    Very simple layered graphics.

    Adobe Creative Cloud Express
    A suite of Adobe apps such as Photoshop, Spark Video, etc. Create graphics, social videos and much more.
    Create simple motion graphics in this browser-based tool. Good for story posts and social media.

    Mojo App
    Templates to create Instagram Stories and other social channels.

    Good infographics maker with many social platforms templates.

    Landscape Social Media Image Resizer
    From Sprout Social, this tool resizes an image to fit a social channel specs.

    Promo Free Image Resizer
    Similar to Landscape from Sprout Social, you can drag an image into this browser-based tool and resize images to fit various social platforms.

    2019 Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet

    Drag an image into this browser-based tool and compress it in seconds.

    Convert images and videos into GIF files

    Tool lets you create audiograms from podcasts. Share video snippets of your episodes on social media and grow your audience with Reel.

    Deep Nostalgia
    You can animate old photos with this tool but be careful with news photography and deep-faking. Remember ethical guidelines when editing/altering photos.

    Training Video: Canva Video Editor for Beginners
    November 2021 training video for updated Canva video editor.

    For more training videos, visit our YouTube page.

    This iOS app is a word cloud generator. Turns photos into visual word clouds from whatever words you choose. Good for social graphics

    Type in a name of a piece of paid software and the site will give you a free alternative. Example: Type in Photoshop and it will give you a list of free, browser-based photo editors such as Fotor.

    Remove BG
    Remove a background from an image quickly with this free browser-based tool.

    Type Studio
    Video creation tool where you can edit the words in the transcript and it will trim the video.

    iPad app for drawing and animated videos. Very popular among illustrators. Runs about $10.

    Browser-based video file conversion tool.

    Recast Studio Online Video Editor
    Recast Studio is a cloud based online video editor that will help journalists to create and repurpose text, audio or video into dynamic social videos.

    Download videos posted to Twitter by tagging this account in the replies. Make sure you first have permission from the account/video owner to use it.

    Downloader Bot
    Tag a video or GIF with @downloaderbot and they’ll download a link to it. Beware of copyright on video, though, and get permission to reuse the video/GIF. Eight Tips to Edit Your Video to Perfection

    This short-form video editor lets you use your video clips or pull from a library (including music). Great for layering text in this browser-based tool. Great for creating social videos.

    Create word clouds off Twitter hashtags on this phone app.

    IMGFlip Meme Generator

    Evernote Skitch
    Capture and edit photos editing photos on this free desktop or mobile app.

    Little Card Editor
    Twitter or Facebook card images.

    IJNET: How to Create GIFs for Use in Journalism

    Phone photo editing app with text layering capabilities.
    This tool lets you make social media videos for free. It also allows you to export audio from video, transcribes it and drops it into video as a caption.
    Edit things out of photos quickly with this browser-based tool

    Creating Effective Social Media Graphics for Journalism

    Twitter Cards

    Location search for Instagram and social network VKontakte.

    Free in-browser video editor, compressor and converter.

    Fotor Background Remover
    An AI background remover can automatically remove image bg in smooth cut out way without any manual work. It helps edit pictures–journalists need photo editing tools.

    FilterGrade: Seven Mobile Apps for Graphic Design

    Giphy: GIF Maker

    The Fix: How to Easily Turn All Your Articles into Audio Articles

    NPR Social Media Graphics Guide
    NPR built this killer guide to types of social media graphics you can design using Photoshop and other tools.

    Venngage: The Ultimate Guide to Designing Epic Social Media Images
    Venngage page offers many great tips.

    How to Get the Most Out of Twitter’s Analytics Platform
    A Twitter analytics application. Very useful.

    Video: The Rise of Social Media Through the Years


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