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  • Olympics Resources

    Olympics Resources

    2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing

    IOC: Beijing 2022 Olympics

    NY Times: Beijing Winter Olympics

    CNN: Winter Olympics Fast Facts

    South China Morning Post: Winter Olympics in Beijing Winter Olympics History

    Britannica: Winter Olympics History

    Issues and Politics

    GIJN: Eight Lessons from Investigations into the Olympics
    This human rights activist group monitors the situation in the People’s Republic of China in the run-up to the 2008 Olympic Games and to campaign to achieve positive change in the lives of the people of China..

    World Health Organization
    Has information on air quality in Beijing.

    Blood Doping

    U.S. Anti-Doping Agency
    Policies, codes, fact sheets, links, control officers, etc.

    World Anti-Doping Agency
    Links, publications, studies, etc. Blood Doping Links
    A great collection of fact sheets and legal resources on the blood-doping controversy. Why Blood Doping is Done

    BBC: Banned Substances List
    Story and list on what athletes cannot take.

    BBC: Sports Doping Breakthrough

    Steroids and Performance-Enhancing Drugs
    Background on how the laws work, etc. Background on Steroids
    A good quick-reference page. Steroids and Performance-Enhancers Other Drugs Abused by Athletes

    Findlaw: History of Drug Use in Sports

    Olympics History Olympics Through the Years
    Easy-to-use quick reference to past Games. Olympics History Encyclopedia
    Look up Games history by year.

    Wikipedia: 2004 Olympics Encyclopedia 1980 Olympics History
    Background on the U.S. Boycott of the Moscow Games. Olympics Through the Years
    Easy-to-use quick reference to past Games. Olympics History Encyclopedia
    Look up Games history by year.

    Wikipedia: Olympics Encyclopedia 1980 Olympics History
    Background on the U.S. Boycott of the Moscow Games.

    Media Coverage and Blogs

    Five Ring TV
    Analysis of NBC’s primetime broadcast Olympic coverage, with a focus on the amount of airtime devoted to men’s and women’s sports.
    Comprehensive, around-the-clock coverage of the games from the official network. The site has live video streaming of all the sports, real-time results, etc.

    MSNBC Coverage
    Breaking news, TV schedule, medal count, other results.

    MSNBC World Blog
    Includes a “Blogging from Beijing” section.

    ESPN: Olympic Sports Index

    USA Today Summer Olympics Coverage

    Yahoo! Sports Olympics Page

    FoxSports: 2008 Summer Olympics

    NY Times 2008 Summer Olympics Coverage

    NY Times Rings: 2008 Summer Olympics Blog

    Chicago Tribune: Globetrotting Blog
    Phil Hersh’s international sports blog.

    LA Times: Ticket to Beijing
    An Olympics blog by LA Times and other Tribune company writers. Summer Olympics Coverage

    YouTube Summer Games
    Site features news, recaps, features, profiles and video on the culture of Beijing through many of its partners, including The Associated Press, New York Times, Getty Images, Reuters and Travel Channel.

    CNN 2008 Olympics Coverage
    Covers the business of the Olympics. Includes, archives, newsletter and useful links section.
    Site covers cities’ bids for upcoming Summer and Winter Olympics.

    Summer Olympics News
    A blog with updated news links and video from the Olympics. Some of the video is shot from handheld cameras around Beijing.


    RAND Study: 2012 Olympics (London)
    A 77-page .PDF-format report highlighting policy areas (transport and infrastructure, and security) in which specific research tools can be used to facilitate evidence-based policy making.

    Teacher Planet: Summer Olympic Resources
    Worksheets, exercises and history lessons with Olympic themes. Targeted for younger students but has some value to everyone.

    WorldClock Time Zones
    Track your time zone from any other city/zone in the world.

    2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo Tokyo 2020
    Actually the 2021 games but the site retained the 2020 branding. Features schedule, results, torch relay, video, etc.

    NBC Olympics
    Official US broadcaster of the Games.

    ESPN: Olympic Sports

    Think Global Health: The Olympics and the Pandemic

    AP Stylebook: 2021 Tokyo Olympics Style Guide</p The Olympics History Olympic History

    Unit Converter for Men’s and Women’s Olympic and World Records

    AP Explainer: Breakdown of the Four New Olympic Sports

    2016 Summer Olympics in Rio 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio Site 2016 Summer Olympics News

    The Guardian: 2016 Summer Olympics

    Huffington Post: 2016 Summer Olympics

    LA Times 2016 Summer Olympics Coverage

    2012 Summer Olympics in London

    London Olympics 2012

    Olympics 2012 Schedule

    NBC Olympics Page London 2012 Page
    Official IOC Olympics page.
    Official site of the Olympic movement. IOC news.

    AP Stylebook Guide for Summer Olympics
    No more digging through the sports guidelines. This list breaks out commonly used terms.

    The Guardian Olympics 2012

    BBC Olympics 2012

    ESPN Olympics 2012

    Guardian: 16 Examples of Interactives for Olympic Coverage
    Great examples from British media outlets.

    Olympic History

    Climber News
    Sport climbing is in the 2020-2021 Olympics for the first time. This publication covers rock climbing, bouldering, indoor climbing and mountaineering news. Industry updates and gear guides. Happy to help as a source for quotes, insider news, industry takes, and matters relating to the Olympics 2020, business, environmental, health, mental health, and outdoors aspects of the climbing world.

    Around the Rings: Business of the Olympics

    Social Media Guide to the Summer Olympics

    The Guardian: Olympic Bodies
    Video, interactives, etc., on Olympic athlete training.

    2016 Summer Olympics Bid Resources
    Covers the business of the Olympics. Includes archives, newsletter and useful links section.
    Site covers cities’ bids for upcoming Summer and Winter Olympics.

    Globetrotting Blog
    By Chicago Tribune Olympics writer Phil Hersh.
    Official Chicago bid site.

    International Olympic Committee
    Athlete bios, multimedia gallery, links to future games sites and Olympic Museum and education pages.

    IOC International Sports Calendar

    General Association of International Sports Federations

    2008 Summer Olympics Official Sites and Media Resources

    Beijing Olympics: Official Site
    Includes language translation, history, media operations, torch relay, etc.

    International Olympic Committee
    Athlete bios, multimedia gallery, links to future games sites and Olympic Museum and education pages. Summer Olympics Site
    News, events, FAQ, weather, pictures, venue graphics and events surrounding the Games.


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