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    Journalism Jobs

    NOTE: Besides the resources here, follow these journalism job-related hashtags on Twitter: #journalismjobs, #jjobs, #journojobs, #mediadiversity #PubMediaJobs.

    A startup that tracks tech and some media layoffs.
    Comprehensive is an all-in-one platform that helps companies track, decide, and communicate employee compensation. Their mission is to advance pay transparency and eliminate pay inequity.

    Stop the Presses: Journalism Employment and the Economic Value of 850 Journalism and Communication Programs
    2022 study by Georgetown’s Center on Education and Workforce.

    GIJN: Grants and Fellowships Help Desk

    Digital and Newspaper Jobs
    Has current listings searchable by state.

    Gannett Careers Center

    Careers at the Associated Press

    McClatchy Jobs Board

    NY Times Job Openings

    Washington Post Careers

    Dow Jones Jobs Page

    Job Links
    A great alphabetical collection of job links. Newspaper, broadcast, advertising, etc.
    A news feed of top articles on the job market, including global job market news, job search newsletters and job search blogs. It’s not a journalism job-hunting site, but it has many helpful tips that apply to journalists. Global Media Job Openings
    A great site for writers, editors and copy editors. Internships, media resources and more.

    Reddit: Journalism Jobs Page
    Dozens of posts and listings.

    The Lede Jobs Newsletter

    Journalism Job Resources
    Slide deck full of job boards, popular hashtags, social accounts, newsletters and more from Hearst’s Mandy Hofmockel, author of the “Journalism Jobs and a Photo of My Dog” newsletter.

    Making it in Media
    A newsletter for finding a job in journalism.

    The School of Journalism: Best Journalism Job Sites (UK Focused)

    Broadcast and Radio Jobs

    NPR Careers

    PBS Current Openings

    Broadcast Education Association Jobs Page
    Site for TV news journalists seeking work. Agency-related site. Jobs Page
    Audition tapes, resumes and more.

    A TV news journalism jobs site that helps you on your next step in your career.

    Bloomberg TV and Print Jobs

    Corporation for Public Broadcasting Jobs Page
    Keep track of keywords mentioned on TV. You can do a free demo try, but it costs for a user log-in.

    CNET Jobs Page
    A great site for writers, editors and copy editors. Internships, media resources and more.
    A talent coach who does a weekly coaching and offers a free jobs page.

    Dolan Media Management
    A TV consulting firm designed to “address the dramatic demand for managers and producers.”

    US Dept. of Labor: Internship Programs Under The Fair Labor Standards Act

    Magazine Jobs

    G+J Publishing
    Several women’s, parenting and children’s magazines.

    Meredith Corp.

    Hearst Magazines


    Freelance Jobs

    National Writers Union
    Contains a Job Hotline to help writers and employers find each other, standard freelance contracts for print and online media; information on repetitive stress injuries and other health and safety issues for writers.


    Morning Coffee: Freelancing Writing Jobs Newsletter

    Sports Jobs

    Your Future in Sportswriting
    Created by SF Giants beat writer Kerry Crowley of the Bay Area News Group, this course includes more than 10 hours of written, audio and visual content and features more than 25 podcast interviews of at least 20 minutes with sportswriters who share their tips, tools and techniques for securing jobs. Course costs $99.

    Mashable: 15 Resources for Finding a Job in Sports
    Includes some media/PR jobs.
    Visit the Internet-based employment service dedicated to helping you find employment in the highly competitive sports marketplace.

    Sports Degrees Online
    A library of resources for student athletes and those seeking a career in the sports industry, including sports media. Among our resources guides are Women in Sports Resource Guide, a Guide for People of Color in Sports, a Guide to Jobs in Sports and more. The site also includes a library of expert interviews that journalists who are considering a career in sports would find valuable. Five Tips for Breaking into Sports Journalism

    Resume-Building Tools

    Great visual resume, portfolio tool

    Flow CV

    RX Resume
    Reactive Resume is a free, open-source resume-building tool.

    Resume and cover letter templates

    Resume Genius

    Resume Lab
    Cover letter and resume templates

    Resume Nerd

    My Perfect Resume

    Other Job Sites
    Has current listings searchable by state.

    Founded by Adriana Lacy, this site lists dozens of internships and fellowships in journalism, PR and marketing.

    NABJ Career Center

    Associated Press Jobs and Internships

    GIJN: Grants and Fellowships Help Desk

    Houston Chronicle Internship Advice Thread
    This Twitter thread is full of great tips for internship-hunting.

    Stop the Presses: Journalism Employment and the Economic Value of 850 Journalism and Communication Programs
    2022 study by Georgetown’s Center on Education and Workforce.
    A startup that tracks tech and some media layoffs.
    Comprehensive is an all-in-one platform that helps companies track, decide, and communicate employee compensation. Their mission is to advance pay transparency and eliminate pay inequity.

    Nieman Reports: In Today’s Journalism Job Market, Having Your Own Brand Is Key To Survival

    West Coast Media Jobs & More
    Contains tips and guides for not just West Coast journalists, but all early career journos starting out as staffers and freelancers. There’s an overview of freelance writing, a guide to journalism job interviews, and more.

    Bright Network: Journalism Skills You Need

    250 Links to Job and Internship Sites
    A great list from Professor Peter Goforth.

    Inside the Newsroom Job Board
    Dozens of jobs listed in a spreadsheet.
    Site curates jobs in journalism, digital media, copywriting and communications – in the UK and beyond.

    GIJN Journalism Jobs Board
    Cool jobs from all over the world.

    Getting Started in Data Journalism
    A guide to help students and professional journalists get into data journalism.

    Digital Women Leaders
    Find potential mentors.

    NPR Training: How to Write a Cover Letter for a Public Media Job or Internship

    Get Published
    Created by freelancer Markus Amalthea Magnuson, Get Published collects and tracks media outlets so that freelance writers can find suitable places to pitch and publish their work. All outlets are categorised, and the complete list can be filtered into these categories, making it easy to find outlets relevant to your area.

    Stephen Goforth: Job Tips

    Paul Bradshaw: Seven Common Mistakes to Avoid on Your Journalism CV How to Gain Work Experience During the Pandemic

    Inside the Newsroom Newsletter

    The Career Toolkit
    Guides, assessment tools, case studies, etc.

    SPJ Jobs Page

    SPJ Florida Jobs Page

    Opportunities of the Week Newsletter
    A biweekly newsletter full of freelance writing and writing-adjacent jobs spotted on Twitter.

    Poynter: Make Your Internship Application Stand Out

    Poynter: Anatomy of an Awesome Internship Program

    Career-building site.

    ONA Career Center

    ICFJ: Tips for Early Career Journalists During the Pandemic

    IRE Jobs

    Poynter: Media Jobs Connection Jobs Board

    Journalism Jobs and a Photo of My Dog Newsletter
    a curated list of journalism jobs from across the U.S. with links back to the original source so you can follow up with potential employers. You also get a pic of a cute yellow lab. Drops Mondays at 7 a.m. EST.

    NPPA Jobs Board

    Must be a member to use it.

    JournoLife is an informational hub for journalists in every stage of their career. It is a safe place where journalists live, learn, and thrive.

    MediaBistro Communication Jobs

    Hacks/Hackers Newsletter

    Media-Match: TV and Film Jobs

    MEO Jobs of the Day Newsletter

    Poynter: Five Platforms to Help You Find Your Next Job
    Search for magazine jobs and freelance.

    Career One-Stop
    Tools to help job seekers, students, businesses, and career professionals.
    A meta-search job site.

    Academic Employment Network
    Online job classifieds at all levels.
    Career advancement for professional women, with free, anonymous resume posting.

    Career Resource Center
    Great tips and search tools.

    Part-time and freelance opportunities.

    A great job postings site.

    43 Weird Things Said in Job Interviews Online Career Center
    Searchable listings by geographic location.

    Top 100 Electronic Recruiters
    Ranking of top job sites.

    SunOasis Jobs Board

    The Write Jobs

    Atlanta Association of Black Journalists Jobs Page

    New Jersey Press Association Jobs Bank

    Lifehacker: What Sites Future Employers Are Checking When Looking at You

    List of Journalists Doing Pro Bono Work

    The Media Network
    This UK site offers a great selection of writing and editing jobs and gives journalists a place to post their resumes and “jobs wanted.”

    Society for Technical Communication
    Members include writers, editors, illustrators, printers, publishers, educators, students, engineers and scientists. Both national and chapter sites include permanent and contract job listings.

    SLA News Division Jobs and Internships Page
    Site is primarily news librarian jobs and internships.

    The Riley Guide Job Listings

    The Riley Guide Resumes & Cover Letters

    A free website/portfolio builder designed specifically for writers (journalists, copywriters, content writers, etc.)

    Linked In
    A business site that networks thousands of professionals. Helps you find jobs, locate employees and close deals.
    One-stop search tool covers job web sites, newspapers, and company career pages by keyword and location to fit your needs. You can search jobs alphabetically by state, job title, company, etc.
    A free real job salary data information site.


    Great Portfolio Sites for Freelance Writers

    Jeff Gaulin’s Canadian Journalism Job Board
    Check the Monster Board regularly.

    Knight International Press Fellowships
    The organization aims to improve the quality of journalism worldwide, and trains its participants to establish free press models overseas in conjunction with the local media. Seminars, programs and fellowships with an international focus are also available.

    CyberSearch: Writer’s Guide to Finding Jobs Online

    Gives young journalists a way to display their portfolio, and build a network with other journalists. It also gives mentors or educators in journalism access to offering opportunities to middle and high school journalists; such as internships.

    The Resignator
    This fun tool helps you draft a resignation letter.


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