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    Journalist Safety

    Editor’s note: Find more safety resources on the Covering Protests, Digital Security, Mental Health, Pandemic Reporting Safety and Public Safety pages. (Photo/US National Archives via Creative Commons)


    Acos Alliance: Freelance Journalist Safety Principles

    API: The Inclusive Guide to Online Safety

    UNESCO: Safety for Women Journalists Resources

    CPJ: Psychological Safety – Covering Gun Violence in Your Community

    Press Freedom Tracker: Incidents Database
    A searchable and downloadable database from the US Press Freedom Tracker of attacks on journalists.


    SPJ MMJ Safety Guidelines
    Safety and security, legal, ethics and mental health resources for multimedia journalists.

    CPJ: Why Going Solo is a Risk for Female Journalists in US, Canada

    TVNewsCheck Reporter Safety a Story That Won’t Go Away Stop Solo Live Shots

    Telling the Story Blog: Safety for Solo Video Journalists Deserves Greater Examination

    Deseret News: Reporter Hit by Car on Live TV Spurs Conversation of Dangers of Reporting Alone

    Occupational Safety and Health Administration

    Video: Live Shot Safety
    Tips for broadcasters on how to safely set up a live shot.

    Quill: Accident Brings Attention to Safety of Lone Journalists in the Field

    Discrepancy Report: OSHA staff launched investigation after seeing reporter hit by SUV on TV, exposing regulatory blind spot
    Occupational Safety and Health Administration spokesperson told Discrepancy Report that the reporter Tori Yorgey’s television station did not report the incident after she was hit by a car on live TV.

    Discrepancy Report
    Site, launched in 2020, looks in-depth at various social issues, including reporter safety. It is run by Joe Douglass, who worked for 16 years in TV news for Fox and ABC affiliates in Los Angeles, California, Portland, Oregon, and Pensacola, Florida as a producer and writer.

    TV News Check: MMJs Prodded to Insist on Safety

    CPJ 2022 Global Impunity Index
    Track crimes against journalists internationally.

    Mojo Manual
    A fantastic, free guide of resources and tips for mojo reporters. Built by Corinne Podger and several others, it looks at safety, storytelling, data journalism and much more, all through a mobile reporting lens.


    Press Freedom Tracker: Incidents Database
    A searchable and downloadable database from the US Press Freedom Tracker of attacks on journalists.

    Committee to Protect Journalists: Journalist Security Guide
    Download from Kindle for a dollar.

    CPJ Journalist Safety Guide

    CPJ: Guide to Legal Rights in the US

    CPJ Safety Kit
    Security guide, safety notes, resource center, first aid videos.

    CPJ Video: How to Prepare to Cover a Demonstration

    CPJ Video: What to Do When Demonstrations Escalate

    CPJ Video: How to Deal with Teargas
    Free medical guides to treat wounds and other needs for people in protests, covering riots, etc.

    GIJN: What to Do When You are Followed

    International Media Support Group: Journalist Safety
    Medical training, how to set up a live shot, covering protests, etc.

    James Foley Foundation: Journalist Safety

    UNESCO: Safety of Women Journalists

    Jam Lab: How to Cover Civil Unrest Safely
    Jeff Belzil, IWMF’s security director, offers many useful tips.

    CPJ: Psychological Safety – Covering Gun Violence in Your Community

    GIJN Tipsheet: Essential Steps for Journalists in Emergency Situations

    UNESCO: Safety for Women Journalists Resources

    James F. Foley Foundation Journalism Safety Modules
    A downloadable .PDF of tips and resources to keep journalists safe when doing their jobs.

    James F Foley Foundation Journalist Safety Curricula

    The Associated Press: Journalist Safety

    RTDNA: SAFE Journalist Training and Resources
    Resources are designed to provide newsroom managers, field journalists and freelancers with the knowledge and tools to stay safe during daily reporting and escalated events including civil unrest.

    National Union of Journalists: IFJ Safety Guidelines for Covering Demonstrations
    This is a .PDF that will auto-download when you click on the link.

    Acos Alliance: Freelance Journalist Safety Principles

    Poynter: Should Reporter Safety Trump Open Contact Details for Newsrooms?
    Article raises serious concerns about supplying readers TOO MUCH information about reporters to the audience in the interest of transparency. It can open them up to trolling or worse.

    API: The Inclusive Guide to Online Safety

    Trollbusters: Generation Zeitgeist Resources
    Cool, visual infographic guides to help you understand everything from how the internet works to how to keep your data safe.

    Reuters Institute: Protecting Journalists From Online Abuse: A Guide for Newsrooms

    GIJN: Safety and Security Videos

    World Association of News Publishers: Journalist Safety

    UK: National Committee for the Safety of Journalists

    GIJN: Essential Steps for Journalists in Emergency Situations

    Nieman Lab: How Risky is it for Journalists to Cover Protests

    The New York Times: At Protests Across America, Guns Are Doing the Talking
    SPJ’s Ethics committee offers tips and resources.

    GIJN: The Journalism Security Assessment Tool
    A safety evaluation guide for watchdog journalism groups. Take a survey for assessment.

    Council of Europe: Safety of Journalists

    Free Press Unlimited: Journalist Safety

    International Women’s Media Foundation: Guide to Protecting Newsrooms and Journalists Against OnlineViolence
    A resource for newsrooms to better protect staff targeted simply for doing their jobs.

    Dart Center: How to Safely Cover Street Protests
    From Judith Matloff, senior adviser, safety training: “Covering civil unrest can be frightening and dangerous. A crowd may turn violent with little warning and police can target journalists or mistake them for rabble rousers. It’s particularly challenging to maintain social distancing during a riot, so take extra precautions to stay on the edge for quick exit. Bring extra masks, gloves and sanitizer for gear.”

    A personal safety training initiative that gives you some basic and easy to use tools to help you feel safe. It specializes in self-defense for journalists.

    GIJN: What to Do If Authorities Invade Your Home

    Dart Center: Covering Riot Control in the U.S.
    Dr. Anna Feigenbaum, author of the book Tear Gas: From the Battlefields of World War I to the Streets of Today, shares a riot control primer for journalists covering protests across the United States.

    RTDNA Guidelines for Covering Civil Unrest

    Lenfest Institute: A Journalist’s Guide to Safely and Responsibly Covering Protests

    Internews: Covering a Protest? Resources to Keep You Safe
    Available in English and Spanish. Offers mobile security resources, too.

    Protection of Journalists: Safety and Justice in Latin America and the Caribbean
    This e-book, “Protection of Journalists: Safety and Justice in Latin America and the Caribbean,” is a compilation of 14 stories focused on four big topics: 1) coverage of protests, 2) reporting on violent conflict, 3) development of protection mechanisms, and 4) investigation and prosecution of violence against journalists.

    Washington Post: Digital Mobs Are Now Coming for Student Media

    UNESCO Observatory of Killed Journalists
    The UNESCO platform provides data on journalists killed since 1993, including their name, nationality, and gender. The judicial inquiry status of the case, country in which the journalist was killed, DG condemnation (link), and Member State response (when available) are also provided.

    Poynter: Guidelines for Journalists to Safely Cover Protests

    How the NY Times Acts When a Reporter’s Safety is Compromised

    Reporters Without Borders: Safety Guide for Journalists

    Dart Center: Covering Volatile Street Protests

    GIJN: Safety and Security

    Reporters Without Borders: Safety Guide for Journalists

    IWMF: Covering Injustice — Safety Tips for Reporting on Protests

    American Assoication of University Women: Workplace Harassment
    Organization advocates for fair pay and economic opportunity for women — and the battle continues: Women still get just 83 cents for every dollar paid to a man, and men continue to dominate the top roles and highest-paying professions.

    TrollBusters: Global Safety Resource Hub
    A map of security tools from around the world.

    Trollbusters Video: A Conversation on Media Safety and Coverage
    This panel brings together educators teaching journalism in the face of increased violence in the streets targeting journalists and student journalists. Strategies for staying safe at protests and online come from educators at HBCUs and minority-serving institutions and from Dr. Michelle Ferrier, Founder,

    IJNET: Tips for reporting on anti-police violence protests in the U.S.

    Poynter: What to Do if You’re Pepper-Sprayed

    University of Georgia: Tips for Journalist’s Covering Protests

    Freedom of the Press Foundation: What to Do if Your Phone is Seized by Police

    Surveillance Self-Defense List
    Go over this checklist before heading out to cover a protest. Tips on encryption and other digital and personal safety. Includes tips on what to do if your device is confiscated.

    Nieman Reports: Why Some Journalists Are Centering Trauma-Informed Reporting

    IJNET: Staying Safe While Covering Protests

    Medium: Dressed for Excess: Gear for Covering Riots, Protests, Etc.

    Amnesty International: Safety During a Protest How to Report on Online Hate Groups Safely

    CJR: Covering Protests Has Become the Riskiest Job in Journalism

    Minneapolis Star Tribune: KARE Reporter on Receiving Vulgar Slur from a Minnesota Man
    Offers good advice on dealing with these situations.

    Twitter Thread: What to Do if Your Protest Rights are Violated

    IJNET: Mental Health Tips and Resources for Journalists
    A single page of safety tips and outreach contact information.

    Nieman Reports: Protest Photography Can Be a Powerful Tool For and Against Black Lives Matter

    Washington Post: Are Police Trying to Stop You from Taking That Cell Phone Video?

    Education Writers Association: EWA Reporter Guide for Inclusive Coverage

    NPPA: Practical Advice About Covering High Profile News Stories
    Some great tips in this Mickey Osterreicher piece about covering protests and elections.

    Journalist Safety Gear List on Amazon

    Nieman Lab: How Journalists Are Managing Their Mental Health

    This tool from Thomson Reuters allows users to document and manage online harassment and abuse, so they can take control of their social media feeds and focus on their professional activities.

    Journalism Source of Safety
    An in-progress database that produces, compiles and organizes checklists, tips, gear advice, and other necessary security training elements for all journalists, including freelancers and students, with an emphasis on equity and ethics. It is intended to be a globally networked resource that centers transparency and accessibility in addressing specific risk management tools, techniques and considerations for journalists with diverse bodies and backgrounds reporting in a variety of environments.

    The Taliban Detained Me for Doing My Job. I Can Never Go Back.
    Foreign Policy columnist Lynne O’Donnell on a harrowing return to Kabul, almost one year after the United States left Afghanistan.


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