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    First Amendment


    Media Defence Resource Hub
    Tipsheets, training and more on on freedom of expression around the world.

    Democracy Toolkit
    Resources and support for pro-democracy journalists. The site includes a list of organizations, case studies, speakers and links to tools.

    Knight Foundation: Future of the First Amendment 2022: High Schooler Views on Speech Over Time

    GIJN: Five Ways to Stay Online During a Government Internet Shutdown
    Experts in privacy and security offer advice to circumvent these shutdowns.


    U.S. Press Freedom Tracker
    A nonpartisan website dedicated to documenting press freedom abuses in the U.S. The site collects data based on news reports and tips submitted by journalists, professional organizations and press freedom organizations. The coalition behind the tracker will use the research in letters, legal briefs and advocacy campaigns.

    Society of Professional Journalists

    RCFP First Amendment Guide

    National Freedom of Information Coalition

    The International Freedom of Expression eXchange
    Monitors attacks on journalists around the world and laws pertaining to free expression.

    Freedom Forum First Amendment Primers

    Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
    Latest news and resources on First Amendment issues.

    Knight Foundation: Future of the First Amendment

    Freedom Forum: Primers on First Amendment and Free Expression

    Reporters Without Borders: 2022 World Press Freedom Index
    Rankings of 180 different countries on independence across the world.

    First Amendment Center
    The center serves as a forum for the study and exploration of free expression issues, including freedom of speech, of the press and of religion, the right to assemble and to petition the government. The center, with offices at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn., and at the Newseum in Washington D.C.

    Timeline: The History of Free Speech
    From the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education.

    Free Expression Legal NetworkA nationwide coalition of law school clinics, academics, and practitioners focused on “promoting and protecting free speech, free press, and the free flow of information to an informed and engaged citizenry. Our members work on media law, transparency, and/or access issues, either as their primary focus or as it intersects with their work on other issues.”

    RCFP: Five Takeaways From Press Freedom Tracker Report

    American Civil Liberties Union

    Electronic Frontier Foundation Blue Ribbon Page
    A super resource: newswire on free speech issues, radio, media resources and more.
    First Amendment resources, videos, contests, scholarships, teaching resources and more.

    Syracuse University: Citizen Journalism and Political Protests
    As protests continue to be held, we are seeing more altercations between the public and police. This resource shares the role citizen journalists are playing in digital media, the rights of the press at protests, and ways for news organizations, reporters and citizen journalists can establish healthy relationships with law enforcement.

    Reporters Without Borders: World Press Freedom Index (2021)

    Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Resources Archive

    Freedom Forum: The First Amendment — Where America Stands

    Media Defence Resource Hub
    Tipsheets, training and more on on freedom of expression around the world.

    Democracy Toolkit
    Resources and support for pro-democracy journalists. The site includes a list of organizations, case studies, speakers and links to tools.

    Global Maps Show Press Freedoms by Country
    From the Global Post, the maps and stories show you the best/worst countries to be a journalist.
    A national, nonpartisan organization working to reform the media through education, organizing and advocacy. Launched by media scholar Robert W. McChesney, journalist John Nichols and Josh Silver, Free Press is the largest media reform organization in the United States, with nearly half-a-million activists and members and a full-time staff in Washington, D.C., and Florence, Mass.

    FIRE: Guide to Free Speech on Campus
    Book/ebook from the Foundation of Individual Rights on Campus.

    Global Internet Liberty Campaign (GLIC)

    UC Berkeley’s Free Speech Movement Page
    Documents the history of the free speech movvement, including videos and documentaries.

    Electronic Privacy Information Center: Free Speech
    Links to and summarizes dozens of court cases on the issue. Also see the Resources page.

    Privacy and Whistleblowing Tools
    A Pinterest page full of resources.

    Online Censorship
    Have you unjustly had content removed by a social media platform such as Flickr, YouTube, Google Plus, Twitter or Facebook? Report it on this site. Note: The name of the site is misleading. It’s not really censorship as it’s a website, not a government, doing the gatekeeping, but the site does have value.
    Launched under the Obama Administration, this site offers FAQs, glossary and stats on FOIA requests.

    International Freedom of Expression Exchange

    iDig Answers
    FOI resources galore.

    CNN: The First Amendment Doesn’t Guarantee You the Rights You Think It Does

    The FOI Advocate

    Legal Information Institute: First Amendment Overview

    Student Press Freedom Day Toolkit
    Resources from the Student Press Law Center.

    Free Speech Issues
    Links to various legislation and research.

    Findlaw: First Amendment and Annotations

    Library of Congress/Bill of Rights

    First Amendment Project
    Sections for journalists, artists, etc.

    The Federal Citizens’ Information Center: Privacy Resources

    The International Freedom of Expression eXchange
    Monitors attacks on journalists around the world and laws pertaining to free expression.

    Future-Proofing Media Freedom Podcast
    A new podcast collaboration between Chatham House, ICFJ and Luminate Group, hosted by Ben Horton and Julie Posetti.

    Newseum Civil Rights Timeline
    Sign up for a free account to use it.

    Newseum: Women’s Suffrage Timeline
    Sign up for a free account to use it.

    Washington Post: Are Police Trying to Stop You from Taking That Cell Phone Video?

    Florida First Amendment Foundation
    A source for information, expertise, and assistance to the public and news media. It was founded as a non-profit organization in 1984 by The Florida Press Association, the Florida Society of Newspaper Editors, and the Florida Association of Broadcasters.

    Freedom House: Pandemic Accelerates Decline in Digital Freedoms
    Governments around the world are using the global pandemic as an opportunity to tighten their grip on information flow, accelerating a ten-year drop in internet freedom, according to a just-released report by the US-based Freedom House.

    Protest & Pushback
    From the First Amendment Center, Protest & Pushback explores what the movement for Black lives shows us about the power and peril of exercising our First Amendment rights.

    Free Expression Network Clearinghouse

    Knight Foundation: Future of the First Amendment 2022: High Schooler Views on Speech Over Time

    Ferguson, Missouri, Protests and Press Rights

    Find more resources on free expression on the Covering Protests page.

    Resources for those reporting on the attacks on journalists and citizens in Ferguson, Missouri, August 2014.

    The Verge: You Have a Right to Record the Police

    Washington Post: Reporters Detained by Police
    Story and video.

    RTDNA’s Letter to Ferguson Police Chief

    SPJ’s statement on Ferguson

    NY Times: Ferguson Reveals a Twitter Loop

    Research on Police Brutality
    From Harvard’s Journalist’s Resource site.

    Gigaom: Flexing First Amendment Rights Can Reveal New Threats to Those Rights

    RCFP/ONA Help Kit for Ferguson Journalists
    Resources, list of attorneys, etc.

    The Local News Lab: Citizen Journalism and Ferguson
    A great read on the role citizen journalists played in coverage. Many links to coverage and other stories/analysis.

    Dart Center: Working with Traumatic Imagery

    ACLU: Journalism is Under Attack and it’s Not Just Ferguson

    Source: What Data Journalism Told Us About Ferguson
    Great examples.

    What Data Told Us About Ferguson
    Infographic from Simon Rogers.

    Committee to Protect Journalists: Covering Civil Matters and Disturbances
    Part of CPJ’s journalist security guide.

    Seattle Times: Save the Free Press
    The Seattle Times, one of the nation’s oldest private newspaper stewardships, has been working on a national plan to save newsroom employment and maximize local community coverage during this crisis.

    Medium: Dressed for Excess: Gear for Covering Riots, Protests, Etc.

    Digital Violence
    UK research agency tracks government spy techniques on journalists.

    GIJN: Five Ways to Stay Online During a Government Internet Shutdown
    Experts in privacy and security offer advice to circumvent these shutdowns.


    Sunshine Week
    Official site for the mid-March celebration. Resources galore.

    SPJ Sunshine Week Resources
    FOI activities for chapters, classrooms and more.

    U.S. Census: Sunshine Week

    Sunshine Week on Twitter

    Sunshine Week Facebook Page


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