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    AI Tools for Journalists

    Editor’s note: This is a new page so feel free to suggest any tools we should add. Use the form linked off the upper right corner of this page. Be sure to consult the articles near the bottom of the page on AI ethics and best practices for journalists.

    AI text-generation tool.
    AI text-generation tool.

    Notion AI
    Similar to Canva Docs, the revamped Notion AI (February 2023) installed an AI assistant that can offer writing/editing suggestions, generate idea lists and more.

    An AI-driven writing tool that paraphrases what you say.
    AI-driven Twitter writing tool
    Document-creation tool with AI features
    AI copywriting tool
    A good writing assistant if you’re stuck with writer’s block.
    Tool for automating workflows. Good for autoposting social media.

    Vista Social: AI Assistant for Writing Social Media Posts
    Uses ChatGPT technology to help you write better social posts. Has a free account option.

    A note-taking app with several AI integrations, like a GPT-4 AI assistant and a Whisper AI voice transcriber. You can record a voice note ramble, have the AI assistant turn it into an article outline, then have it rephrase your writing when you get stuck.

    Assesses stories based solely on the content itself, not secondary metrics like clicks or shares to help people communicate better

    DeepL Write
    Cut/paste a selection of text and this tool will tell you how to improve it. Has free and paid models

    Quillbot Paraphraser
    Reworks copy into a more professional style. Good for writing formal emails. Has free and paid models

    WordTune Spices
    Advanced word processing tool. Has free and paid models

    For more training videos, visit our YouTube page.

    Developed by OpenAI in late 2022, the tool interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests. Still in Beta and you can offer feedback to them on Discord. Drawbacks: Slow and it doesn’t cite sources (yet). Struggles with anything after 2021. But the tool has great potential in search.

    ChatGPT for Google
    Browser extension that allows ChatGPT to work alongside Google.

    Princeton student Edward Tian created this tool that can detect if a piece of writing has been created using the AI tool ChatGPT. Sign up for beta of the tool through this Substack.

    A chrome extension that uses ChatGPT to write tweets.


    Adobe Firefly
    Has some cool features aimed at solving problems for creatives and visual journalists: AI video editing, 3D modeling, text-to-image, photo editing and more. Be careful with ethics when using this tool on news photographs.

    GIJN: How to Use ChatGPT to Extract Data from PDFs
    A good step-by-step with an excellent eight-minute training video at the end.

    A self-organizing workspace. It’s the world’s first AI-powered workspace that’s personalized to you.
    Generate written and visual content in seconds through cutting-edge artificial intelligence. $25 per month with free trial.

    Canva Docs
    Canva launched this tool in the second half of 2022 as a competitor for Google Docs. It includes a few AI tools, including the “Magic” tool that lets you type in a topic and it gives you some text related to that topic. It’s good for breaking writer’s block. Canva has a free account with some paid starting as low as $128 annually (Fall 2022 prices).

    Add prompts to create designs and more.

    Midjourney Prompt Book
    A database of prompts to create cool visualizations using the AI tool.

    A treasure chest of AI tools

    Create a video from plain text in minutes. Good for creating a talking avatar

    Text-to-speech tool

    Prisma AI
    Code to make cameras intelligent. More than ready-to-use AI libraries & APIs.

    Chatbot Live Integration

    Uses AI to repurpose video content for social channels and more

    Google Autodraw
    An AI drawing tool that lets you sketch something on the screen and Google’s AI will search for rights-free icons that you can download and use. Good for designing logos, too. Just make sure your pop-up blockers are turned off so the icons will appear at the top of the screen.

    Google Pinpoint
    This tool uses AI to analyze PDFs, strip text from images and transcribe audio.

    Non-Writing AI Tools Every Journalist Should Know About

    AI Tools for Local Newsrooms
    From PAI, an AI nonprofit that partners with journalism organizations.

    JournalismAI Starter Pack
    A guide designed to help news organizations learn about the opportunities offered by AI to support their journalism.

    AI Code Translator

    Slack plug-in app helpful for many things, including help with writing SEO headlines.

    Decktopus AI
    On- demand AI presentation generator.

    DeepL Translator
    Works similar to Google Translate. Paste a block of text in and translate into other languages.

    People AI
    From chatbotkit, use these AI-driven chats to learn from some of the most influential and significant figures in human history.

    OpenAI Playground

    ChatGPT Online: AI Advanced Chatbot by OpenAI
    Discover the ultimate collection of high-quality and effective AI tools on this website, designed to meet the needs of businesses and individuals alike. Explore world-renowned tools such as ChatGPT and GPT 4, which excel in natural language processing and writing skills. For designers and creatives, the revolutionary DALL-E 2 allows users to generate custom images based on textual prompts.

    Awesome ChatGPT Prompts
    The ChatGPT model is a large language model trained by OpenAI that is capable of generating human-like text. By providing it with a prompt, it can generate responses that continue the conversation or expand on the given prompt. In this repository, you will find a variety of prompts that can be used with ChatGPT. You can add your own prompts to the list, and to use ChatGPT to generate new prompts as well

    Awesome ChatGPT
    A collection of helpful links and resources.

    Co-Writing With ChatGPT

    ChatGPT Prompt Book
    A guide for writing good ChatGPT prompts

    WonderTools: Seven Ways to Use ChatGPT
    Tips from Jeremy Caplan and CUNY

    Washington Post: A News Website Used AI to Write Articles, and it Was a Journalistic Disaster

    Makkula Center for Applied Ethics: Ethical Questions About Generative AI

    Poynter: How Someone Used ChatGPT to Build a Fake News Organizatiobn Website

    The best ChatGPT examples from around the web

    Build ChatGPT-like Chatbots With Customized Knowledge for Your Websites, Using Simple Programming

    Hugging Face: GPT-2 Output Detector
    An online demo of the GPT-2 output detector model, based on the 🤗/Transformers implementation of RoBERTa. Enter some text in the text box; the predicted probabilities will be displayed below. The results start to get reliable after around 50 tokens.


    Writing and Exclusion: AI Helps Expand Definitions of Literacy
    Interesting post from CUNY’s Jeff Jarvis on how to understand AI tools, not run from them.

    Simon Rogers: AI for Data Storytelling

    Forbes: AI-Created Images Aren’t Protected By Copyright Law According To U.S. Copyright Office

    The Guardian: ChatGPT is Making up Fake Guardian Articles. Here’s How We’re Responding

    Beginner’s Prompt Handbook: ChatGPT for Local News Publishers
    Joe Amditis of the Center for Cooperative Media has created a new ebook to help publishers with the AI tool. The book offers specific examples on how to write good prompts and unexpected use cases for newsrooms.

    CJR: How Can Artificial Intelligence Help Journalists?

    Understanding Journalism and AI
    An excellent Medium post by Corinne Podger that includes best practices, academic research, links to tools and more.

    Artificial Intelligence in Local News: A Survey of US Newsrooms’ AI Readiness
    Download a free .PDF of The Associated Press’ groundbreaking report that provides important insights into local news outlets’ understanding of artificial intelligence and their readiness to use AI to meet their journalism and business needs. The report is based on survey results from nearly 200 newsrooms across all 50 states and more than two dozen in-depth interviews with local news leaders. Print, radio, television and digital outlets are represented, as well as commercial and nonprofit operations. In addition to demonstrating a readiness to adopt AI and automation technologies, the report outlines what local news providers need to drive technological innovation. Eight Tasks ChatGPT Can Do for Journalists

    101 AI Tools You Can Start Using Today

    GIJN: 10 Things You Should Know About AI in Journalism

    GIJN: Journalist’s Guide to Using AI and Satellite Imagery for Storytelling

    Nieman Lab: AI Throws a Lifeline to Local Publishers
    A forward-thinking article, written in late 2022, by Joe Amditis, assistant director of products and events at the Center for Cooperative Media at Montclair State University.

    Nieman Lab: The Year AI Truly Arrives – With Reckoning
    Written by Burt Herman, former AP journalist and founder of Storify.

    A People’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence

    Techzmag: Free AI
    A technology website offering AI news, AI reviews, and insights on the latest AI tech advancements and provides regularly updated content.

    Nieman Lab: Synthetic Media Forces Us to Understand How Media Gets Made
    Written by Sam Gregory, director of programs, strategy, and innovation at Witness, the global human rights and civic journalism network.

    Knight Lab: AI, Automation and Newsrooms

    The Fix: AI Tools to Save Journalists Time and Money

    Wonder Tools: Try These AI Writing Tools in 2023
    A great collection of tools in Jeremy Caplan’s Substack newsletter.

    Data Journalism: Wrangling the Robots: Leveraging Smart Data-Driven Software for Newsrooms

    This Canva training video explores some of the AI tools that Canva Docs features. For more training videos, visit our YouTube page.

    The Artificial Creativity Landscape
    More than 180 AI tools in a downloadable PDF. Just click on the icons to find your next AI tool for creative and knowledge work.

    Analytics Insight: The Rise of AI Tools for Automated Journalism

    Why Local News Should be Utilizing AI
    From the Reynolds Journalism Institute at the University of Missouri.

    A research and training project at Polis, the international journalism think tank of the London School of Economics.

    Associated Press: AI Projects and How We’re Using the Technology

    Images of AI
    No, it’s not robots. Here are some Creative Commons-licensed images that you can use.

    How AI Can Now Falsify Satellite Images


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