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    Crime Databases | Stats


    The Murder Accoutability Project
    A nonprofit group organized in 2015 and dedicated to educate Americans on the importance of accurately accounting for unsolved homicides within the United States. It pullsinformation from federal, state and local governments about unsolved homicides and to publish this information. The Project’s Board of Directors is composed of retired law enforcement investigators, investigative journalists, criminologists and other experts on various aspects of homicide.

    USA Facts: How Does Crime Compare City-by-City (2021)

    Mass Killings in America Database
    A massive database launched in October 2022 by USA Today, AP and Northeastern University.

    Jail Data Initiative
    The Jail Data Initiative, published by New York University, offers the most up-to-date jail data in the country, yielding unprecedented insights into who is in our nation’s local jails, for how long, and why. An automated data system captures and connects daily publicly available data from over 1,300 county jail rosters—roughly one-third of the nation’s jails—to the dashboard, which can be filtered by geography, demographics, and time frame. It’s free, easy to use, and can provide important context in future stories about local jails or the collective state of the nation’s jails.

    Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics
    From the State University of New York at Albany.

    National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
    Searchable databases of 500+ criminal-justice data collections.

    United States Sentencing Commission

    Dallas Police Watch
    Shows Active Incidents being managed by Dallas Police Dept officers Uses publicly-available City of Dallas SOCRATA data, reformatted by divisions.

    Jail Data Initiative
    The Jail Data Initiative, published by New York University, offers the most up-to-date jail data in the country, yielding unprecedented insights into who is in our nation’s local jails, for how long, and why. An automated data system captures and connects daily publicly available data from over 1,300 county jail rosters—roughly one-third of the nation’s jails—to the dashboard, which can be filtered by geography, demographics, and time frame. It’s free, easy to use, and can provide important context in future stories about local jails or the collective state of our nation’s jails.

    Washington Post: Police Shootings Database (2015-2020)

    Mass Killings in America Database
    A massive database launched in October 2022 by USA Today, AP and Northeastern University.

    The Murder Accoutability Project
    A nonprofit group organized in 2015 and dedicated to educate Americans on the importance of accurately accounting for unsolved homicides within the United States. It pullsinformation from federal, state and local governments about unsolved homicides and to publish this information. The Project’s Board of Directors is composed of retired law enforcement investigators, investigative journalists, criminologists and other experts on various aspects of homicide.

    USSC: Federal Sentencing Statistics
    The United States Sentencing Commission receives documents from the federal courts concerning criminal sentences imposed on individual offenders, enters information from those documents into a comprehensive computer database created and maintained by the Commission. It generates real-time reports on federal sentencing practices. These reports provide data concerning the types of crimes committed, the offenders who commit those crimes, the punishments imposed, and the manner in which the sentencing guidelines were applied.

    USSC: Quick Facts
    Two-page backgrounders that provide basic facts about a single area of federal crime in an easy-to-read format. Numerous available topics include drugs, economic crime, firearms, immigration, and other sentencing issues.

    The Guardian Australia’s Indigenous Deaths in Custody

    The Guardian’s Counted Project
    Tracks people killed by US police.

    The Crime Report
    John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York posts crime news stories to this site but also has a rich database of crime content that journalists have used to influence their stories and research.

    International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes

    The Force Report
    Five years. 72,677 documents. Every local police department in New Jersey.

    Tips for Covering Lower-Level Courts
    Kendall Taggart from Buzzfeed News at the 2016 IRE conference.

    Chronicle of Higher Education: Title IX Tracker
    Searchable database of campus sexual assault cases.

    Tools for Reporters: Title IX Tracker and Other Tools for Covering Campus Crime

    Clery Center for Security on Campus
    Campus crime data and compliance information.

    US Dept. of Education: Campus Safety and Security
    Download nationwide campus crime data.

    Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Cutting Tool
    Analyze college campus crime statistics with this resource from the Office of Postsecondary Education, part of the U.S. Department of Education.

    Chronicle of Higher Education: Tracking Sexual Assault Investigations

    USA Facts: How Does Crime Compare City-by-City (2021)

    WNYC Police Misconduct Records
    A state-by-state breakdown of police misconduct records, with links to databases.
    Site features cops from large jurisdictions and has done lots of stuff on police shootings, etc.

    PsychLaws: Tragedies Database
    Search by state.

    WHO@ (Working to Halt Online Abuse)
    Resources, stats, facts and protection tips about online stalking.
    Uses Google maps to track crime patterns.
    Provides criminal background reports to employers, landlords or anyone wishing to ensure their safety. Users can access their own private database of saved criminal record reports. U.S. state, county, national, federal and sex offender registry reports are available.

    Developed by The Omega Group to help law enforcement agencies throughout North America provide the public with valuable information about recent crime activity in their neighborhood.

    Stanford University: Prison Experiment
    An online tour of a 1971 psychology experiment on California college students sent to prison. Photos, video, background. Interesting research.

    Contains links to a number of databases including unclaimed property, railroad accidents, currency converter, attorney and physician profiles, language translators, crime reports, etc.

    Public Records Online
    Search state-by-state criminal records, real estate information and more.
    Search federal court, divorce court, marriage licenses, military records and more.

    National Criminal Justice Reference Service
    A guide to official government statistics and information on various crime stats.

    GIJN: Tipsheet for Investigating US Influence Around the World
    Dozens of databases you can search to find how the US impacts other countries economically, politically, immigration, etc.

    OCCRP Aleph
    OCCRP Aleph is an investigative data platform that helps reporters follow the money. Search across data and documents from previous investigations, official sources, and scraped databases. Aleph is more than just a document search engine: it also imports structured data from spreadsheets and databases, enabling journalists to explore detailed data about persons of interest, companies, financial transactions, and more. Reporters and researchers can upload their own files to private investigations, extract text, sketch a diagram to summarize their investigative findings, and cross-reference persons of interest and companies.

    Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP)
    News on corruption and organized crime by a global network of investigative journalists across six continents


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