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    Diversity Source-Tracking Handout
    Tips from a NICAR 23 training includes a checklist for establishing source-tracking guidelines.

    Justice Map
    Look for race and income trends that could influence your dataviz map.

    Caregiving Coverage Style Guide
    Journalists should avoid “ageist” language that depicts older adults in offensive, dismissive, unflattering, or incorrect ways. These might be terms such as “frail,” “doddering,” or “over the hill.” The New York & Michigan Solutions Journalism Collaborative, a coalition of universities and news partners in these two states, has developed this guide to help.

    Data + Journalism: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Data Reporting
    Samantha Sunne wrote this bonus chapter for the book she co-authored with Mike Reilley. Read the chapter for free

    For more training videos, visit our YouTube page.


    National Association of Black Journalists

    National Association of Hispanic Journalists

    Asian American Journalists Association

    South Asian Journalists Association

    Native American Journalists Association

    Trans Journalists Association
    A collective of trans journalists making space for trans people in our industry and pushing for more accurate, responsible coverage of trans stories.

    National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association

    Journalism and Women Symposium (JAWS)

    Association for Women in Sports Media (AWSM)

    Center for Journalism and Democracy
    The Center for Journalism & Democracy at Howard University is the first-of-its-kind academic center committed to strengthening historically-informed, pro-democracy journalism. The Center is led by founder Nikole Hannah-Jones, the Knight Chair in Race and Journalism.

    Ida B. Wells Society for Investigative Reporting
    News trade organization dedicated to increasing and retaining reporters and editors of color in the field of investigative reporting.

    Women’s Media Center She Source

    Maynard Institute
    Covers diversity issues in journalism.

    The 19th
    A nonprofit, nonpartisan newsroom reporting on gender, politics and policy.

    National Association for Minorities in Communications

    U.S. Commision on Civil Rights
    Clearinghouse for several diversity issues.

    Anti-Defamation League
    Organization has background information on various hate groups and terrorists.

    Southern Poverty Law Center
    Offers links, books and background on tolerance issues.

    The 1619 Project
    The Pulitzer Center and the NY Times built this site to challenge people to “reframe U.S. history by marking the year when the first enslaved Africans arrived on Virginia soil as our nation’s foundational date.” Here you will find reading guides, activities, and other resources to bring The 1619 Project into your classroom.

    Caregiving Coverage Style Guide
    Journalists should avoid “ageist” language that depicts older adults in offensive, dismissive, unflattering, or incorrect ways. These might be terms such as “frail,” “doddering,” or “over the hill.” The New York & Michigan Solutions Journalism Collaborative, a coalition of universities and news partners in these two states, has developed this guide to help.

    Finding Diverse Sources
    Database of experts features underrepresented voices and perspectives in science, health and environment work.

    API: Source Matters
    Track and improve the diversity of sources in your news stories.

    SPJ Resources for Diverse Coverage

    Sources of Color
    This online platform connects journalists with subject matter experts and people of color who have stories to tell. Sources of Color uses customized matching to connect journalists with a diverse pool of potential interviewees.

    NPR Diverse Sources Database
    Find experts from racial and ethnic groups underrepresented in the media. Includes a featured “source of the week.”

    AAJA Studio: Diverse Sources
    Organized by a variety of diversity and civil rights topics.

    Diversity Source-Tracking Handout
    Tips from a NICAR 23 training includes a checklist for establishing source-tracking guidelines.

    Editors of Color: Database of Diverse Databases

    WomenPlus: Source List
    Database of expert sources.

    Women Also Know Stuff Experts
    More than 1,600 experts.

    GIJN: Databases of Female Experts

    Women Plus: Tech Experts

    Diverse experts in tech policy

    Native American News

    Indigenous Media Freedom Alliance

    RCFP: Press Freedoms on Tribal Lands

    GIJN/NAJA Guide for Indigenous Investigative Journalists
    This unique guide is designed to encourage Indigenous journalists across the world and to empower them with tips, tools and sources for information. It covers data journalism, land ownership, criminal justice, climate crisis and more. Native Americans and the US Census – How It Has Changed

    National Indian Law Library

    Native Times

    Native News Online
    Coverage of the Native American community.

    Indian Country Today

    Buffalo’s Fire

    Grist: Indigenous Affairs

    The Associated Press: Native Americans

    Arizona PBS: Cronkite News Indigenous Communities Coverage

    Native America Today

    Nieman Reports: Covering Indian Country

    Google Scholar: Native American History
    Collection of academic journal articles.

    National Coalition on Racism in Sports and the Media
    Focuses on teams and schools using Native American nicknames.

    Native American Rhymes
    A history site full of great, hard-to-find facts.

    Guides, Research, Data and Reference Material

    The Diversity Style Guide is a resource to “help journalists and other media professionals cover a complex, multicultural world with accuracy, authority and sensitivity. This guide, a project of the Center for Integration and Improvement of Journalism at San Francisco State University, brings together definitions and information from more than two dozen style guides, journalism organizations and other resources.

    Language, Please
    A living resource for all journalists and storytellers seeking to thoughtfully cover evolving social, cultural and identity-related topics. With guidance, tools, and access to inclusivity readers, it offers necessary context to help newsrooms make informed decisions about the language we use. Language, Please was established by Vox Media with funding from the Google News Initiative’s Innovation Challenge. It features a style guide, an interactive edit test, tips for improving diversity in news coverage, and a directory of inclusivity readers.

    The Journalists of Color Resource Guide
    A compilation of resources for journalists looking to level up their career and the newsrooms they work in. Created by Lam Thuy Vo, Disha Raychaudhuri and Moiz Syed with support from The News Integrity Initiative at the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY.

    GIJN/NAJA Guide for Indigenous Investigative Journalists
    This unique guide is designed to encourage Indigenous journalists across the world and to empower them with tips, tools and sources for information. It covers data journalism, land ownership, criminal justice, climate crisis and more.

    Conscious Style Guide
    A series of style guides that focus on people with disabilities, race, etc.

    The Open Notebook: Diversity and Inclusion Resources
    A collection of dozens of its articles and resource pages centered on diversity, equity and inclusion.

    NABJ Style Guide
    List of racial identifiers, capitalization, links to other style resources, etc.

    Race Forward: Best Practices for Journalists Reporting on Police Killings of Black and Brown People

    SPJ and Trans Journalists Association Race & Gender Hotline
    SPJ has partnered with experienced Black and LGBT journalists and educators, including the Trans Journalists Association. They’ll offer concrete advice for your specific reporting questions.

    SPJ Diversity Committee Resources
    Guidelines, tools and other resources.

    The Journalists of Color Resource Guide

    Guidelines for Inclusive Journalism
    Resources from the Seattle Times.

    Transgender People: A Guide for Reporters

    Trans Journalists Association Style Guide

    Style Guide to Writing About Transgender People

    Diverse Sources
    Find expert sources.

    Education Writers Association: EWA Reporters Guide for Inclusive Coverage

    SPJ Diversity Toolbox
    Essays and links to resources that will help you broaden the perspectives and voices in your work. Journalists who want to improve their reporting will find valuable help throughout these areas of the site.

    USC’s Diversity Toolkit: A Guide to Discussing Identity, Power, and Privilege

    Latin American Journalism Handbook

    SPJ Ethics Central
    Aggregation of links on ethics and diversity issues.

    National Council for the Training of Journalists (UK) 2022 Diversity in Journalism Report

    NAHJ Cultural Competence Handbook

    NAJA Tribal Nations Media Guide

    GLAAD: Reporting on the Bisexual Community Guide

    National Center on Disability and Journalism Style Guide

    Nieman Reports: How Journalists Can Better Serve Immigrant Communities

    Source: Sincerely, Leaders of Color
    P. Kim Bui and Emma Carew Grovum write about issues, link to job opportunities and more.

    Black Illustrations
    A series of free digital designs of black people for your next online project. You can use these images in mobile apps, product launches, buyer personas, websites and more.

    BEA Diversity Links and Resources

    Dimensions of Difference Guide
    From Trusting News and Spaceship Media, this downloadable guide is “designed to support your newsroom in creating better content by helping you to identify, understand and talk about your own differences internally.”

    Spaceship Media Dialogue Journalism Toolkit
    A downloadable book on Dialogue Journalism, a method for convening and supporting fact-based conversations between people on opposite sides of polarizing social and political fractures.

    IU Public Policy Institute
    The research analysts at PPI focus on areas of inclusion and social equity in policy (e.g., affordable housing, school policing, bail bonds, homelessness, voting machines, etc.), local and state government issues, economic impact and growth, the manufacturing sector, and more.

    Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse
    This Syracuse University site is full of useful public records, including a lot of immigration data.

    Open News DEI Coalition

    Journalists of Color Slack Team
    Resources, advice, etc.

    Digital Women Leaders
    Hosts dozens of mentors available to help women and non-gender binary people with free 30-minute calls

    The Journalist’s Resource: How to Use the TRAC Site
    Guide on how to navigate the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, housed at Syracuse University. Site has a lot of immigration data in it.

    Center for Aging Better Free Photo Archive
    Free images of people over 50.

    Journalist’s Resource: Race and the Newsroom: 7 Studies to Know

    Reporting on Latino/a/x Communities: A Guide for Journalists
    Textbook from Routledge.

    National Press Club Journalism Institute: There is No Pipeline Problem
    USC professor Robert Hernandez on newsroom diversity.

    Nationwide Directory of Black Media
    A map and directory from the Center for Community Media at the CUNY Newmark School.

    CUNY Newmark School: Anti-Racism Guide (in Spanish) List of African American Newspapers and Websites

    Center for Community Media Diversity Maps and Directories
    This page puts all of the CUNY project’s resources on one page: Black Media Map and Directory, Border Media Map and Directory, Latino Media Database and Immigration Media Database.

    Justice Map
    A high resolution map of race and income powered by the US Census. Includes open data layers that you can use to make your own maps, an API, and a Spatial Justice Test to do your own spatial analysis.

    Public Health Resources for Understanding Environmental Racism

    IWMF: Black Journalists Therapy Relief Fund

    Nieman Lab: DEI Efforts Must Consider Mental Health and Online Abuse

    Data + Journalism: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Data Reporting
    Samantha Sunne wrote this bonus chapter for the book she co-authored with Mike Reilley. Read the chapter for free

    Media Diversity Forum
    This site curated articles, analyses and academic research on the topics of media and diversity. This site can be a good background research resource for a journalist working on the stories covering diverse identities.

    ONA Ethics: Diversity

    Poynter: 5 Questions Reporters and Editors Should Ask to Diversify Their Sources

    Pew Study (2018): Newsroom Employees are Less Diverse Than U.S. Workers Overall

    Financial Times: Race in America — Why Data Matters

    Newseum Civil Rights Timeline
    Sign up for a free account to use it.

    ONA Info Inequality Database
    A database of resources for journalists to engage underrepresented communities and ensure info equity.

    Google Trends: How Diverse are U.S. Newsrooms?
    The Newspaper Diversity Survey measures the percentage of women and minorities working in US newsrooms. The results from 2018’s survey are in.

    News Leaders Association: 2019 Diversity Study

    Newseum: Civil Rights Timeline

    Journalist’s Resource: Race and the Newsroom: Seven Studies to Know

    Journalist’s Resource: How Journalists cover Asian Americans — Four Studies

    Center for Media Engagement: Connective Democracy
    This page on the Center for Media Engagement website is dedicated to information/resources on how journalists can help bridge societal divides. Resources are regularly added to the page.

    OpenNews: DEI Coalition Slack
    The DEI Coalition For Anti-Racist, Equitable, and Just Newsrooms.

    Journalism Source Diversity Dashboard and Monitor
    A WordPress plug-in for your website that helps reporters visualize source-diversity proportions for quotes in their article drafts as well as published pieces. Includes instructions on how to download and install the plug-in.

    Syracuse University: Guidance for Reporting and Writing About Racism
    Offers five things to consider when writing about racism.

    Justice Map
    Look for race and income trends that could influence your dataviz map.

    NPR Public Editor: An Infusion of Inclusion into the News

    Readings About Journalism Ethics and Diversity
    Compiled by Syracuse journalism professor Aileen Gallagher, Syracuse University.

    Editor & Publisher: Reporting on the LGBTQ Community – What We May Be Missing

    Reporting Hidden Stories
    This site from the University of Missouri offers resources for journalists covering hunger and race issues.

    Hispanic Heritage Month

    Poynter: How Can We Better Serve LGBTQ Journalists?

    Asian American Journalists Association

    Everybody In: A Journalist’s Guide To Inclusive Reporting For Journalism Students
    A “thought-provoking and practical guide to help you make sure your reporting includes your whole audience. With introductions by respected journalists setting out their personal experiences of difference – from race, gender and class to sexuality, age and regionalism.” An e-book that charges you.

    NLGJA Diversity Toolbox
    Designed to assist journalists who don’t normally cover the LGBTQ community. The advice here is drawn from outside media experts and our own members who are professional journalists for both mainstream media and the LGBTQ press. It also offers story ideas and new ways of thinking for reporters who are experienced in covering LGBTQ life.

    Journalist’s Resource: Five Studies on How Media Portray Latinos

    ”Leavers”: A Survey of 101 Journalists of Color

    List of Women Fact Checkers and Experts on Disinformation in India

    Navigating the Hate Beat
    Slides from IRE 19 on how to cover hate groups and other issues.

    Latino News Media Map
    An interactive map and directory of nearly 600 Latino news media outlets in the United States and Puerto Rico and a companion to the “State of the Latino News Media Report” by the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY.

    JSafe app
    RJI is looking for beta testers for a new app built to help female journalists fight against harassment, bullying and assault. Users can document incidents by uploading the attacker’s email or social media handles. The app also allows users to store any photo or video evidence they might have and indicate the level of threat. The journalists can also request a follow up for resources from the Coalition for Women in Journalism whether it’s to seek out a lawyer, therapist or other assistance.

    Not your garden-variety politics site, but you can search a superb database on human rights issues by country or topic.

    PBS’ Power of an Illusion
    Explore traits of all races. Site includes many interesting statistics and facts.

    Civil Rights Data Collection
    The Civil Rights Data Collection is a biennial survey required by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights since 1968. It collects data from a universe of all public local educational agencies and schools, including juvenile justice facilities, charter schools, alternative schools and schools serving students with disabilities.

    Everybody In: A Journalist’s Guide To Inclusive Reporting For Journalism Students
    A “thought-provoking and practical guide to help you make sure your reporting includes your whole audience. With introductions by respected journalists setting out their personal experiences of difference – from race, gender and class to sexuality, age and regionalism.” An e-book that charges you.

    Human Rights Watch
    A video-based site dealing with human rights issues. Very cool.
    Part of the Southern Poverty Law Center site.

    Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Museum of Tolerance
    Multimedia resources on the Holocaust, hate sites and related topics.

    The New York Times on the Web: How Race is Lived in America
    A landmark series on race relations in America, and how it affects almost every aspect of life but is little understood or discussed.

    Coronavirus Facts Alliance Database in Spanish

    Latam Chequea Coronavirus Project
    Unites 28 fact-checking organizations from 16 Latin American countries and Spain, aims to help journalists and checkers to cover coronavirus so they can find reliable information more quickly and simply.

    Journalism and Jim Crow
    Resources to use the award-winning book Journalism and Jim Crow: White Supremacy and the Black Struggle for a New America in the classroom and newsrooms. Journalists must know this history if diversity efforts in newsrooms are to be successful.
    News and commentary that’s not in the mainstream press.

    New California Media
    An association of more than 400 ethnic organizations.
    News and updates site from the Tribune company.

    International Coalition of Historic Site Museums of Conscience

    Mix-&-match free illustrations of people with a design library.

    Body diversity photo library.
    Rights-free images of people of color.

    African Burial Ground
    This site looks at the graveyard containing the remains of more than 400 17th- and 18th-century African in New York and how they should pay respects to them.

    BET Network
    News and programming from Black Entertainment Television.

    Fight for Your Rights
    MTV site covers race, social issues.

    Richard Prince’s diversity news, shorts and commentary.

    The Journalist’s Resource: Six Reporting Tips for Covering Islam in America

    American Family Immigration History Center
    A cool database that helps you trace immigration through NYC. Example: Enter the name of a passenger who came to America through Ellis Island between 1892 and 1924.

    International Civil Rights Center and Museum

    The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed
    More than 2,500 pages on black history.

    Chicago Tribune: Race in America
    Part of the Southern Poverty Law Center, this site offers news updates and an interactive tolerance quiz.

    African-American Sites in the Digital Collections of the Library of Congress Gay Marriage Issue
    A clearinghouse of stories and links on the topic.

    Diversity Job Board
    The site’s goal is to “make a connection between job seekers and recruiters and to provide a strong Diversity brand for its Corporate members. This connection is accomplished by providing job seekers with thousands of positions to search for, matching many different professional sectors and experience levels.
    Site features a search engine that produces results focused on African-American web users. It’s done by mapping ZIP codes with large black populations to determine results. The site also features news, employment related options as well.

    National Association for Multi-Ethnicity in Communications

    Reporting Civil Rights

    PBS: Soldiers Without Swords — The Black Press

    Oxygen: Crimes Related to Race, Police Brutality

    FCC Diversity Resource Directory

    LSU: The Forum on Media Diversity

    National Association for Multi-Ethnicity in Communications

    Alliance for Women in Media

    Center for the Study of Social Policy: Recognizing Race in Language

    NPR: Black Journalists Weigh in on Newsroom Reckoning

    It’s All Journalism: A Model for Reimagining Immigration News

    Diversity Data and Statistics Race in America Data
    Data shines a “spotlight on where there are inequities in American life. By measuring the demographics of education, income, hate crimes, incarceration, and more, Americans can make judgments on how government helps people and where it’s lagging. The statistics here cover a variety of topics, from 8th grade reading proficiency to police brutality, and come from agencies like the US Census Bureau and Bureau of Justice Statistics.” Immigration Data Population and Census Data
    Has several categories on race, gender, etc.

    Pew Research: Race and Ethnicity Studies
    Updated list of stories and datasets on studies.

    Pew Research: Ethnic and Racial Shifts

    Pew Research: Immigration and Migration Studies

    Pew Research: Diversity and Division in Advanced Economies (2021)

    US Department of Education Civil Rights Data
    Tracks demographics data from US public schools in the US.

    Humanitarian Data Exchange
    Over 20,000 open-source datasets on topics such as education, natural disasters, etc.

    Our World in Data: Cancer Survival Rates by Race and Sex

    Webster University: Multicultural and Gender Studies Databases

    National Women’s Law Center
    Has statistics on diversity hiring and Title IX issues.

    Data on LGBTQ

    LGBT Data
    A deep archive of data from Dr. Randall Sell at Drexel University

    US Census: LGBTQ Data

    Pew Center: Gender and LGBTQ Studies

    Library of Congress: LGBTQ Data
    Links to several data clearinghouses

    Center for the Study of Social Policy: LGBTQ Data

    glaad: Resources Page
    Guides, data and more

    UCLA Williams Institute | School of Law: LGBTQ Demographics

    Center for American Progress: Collecting Data About LGBTQI+ and Other Sexual and Gender-Diverse Communities
    How to collect and evaluate LGBTQ data

    The Trevor Project: Study on LGBTQ Youth and Mental Health (2022)

    Covering Juneteenth What is Juneteenth?

    Britannica: Juneteenth Background

    National Museum of African American History & Culture: Juneteenth

    Congressional Research Service: Juneteenth Fact Sheet

    NY Times: Juneteenth – History of a New Holiday

    NPR: Juneteenth Special Series

    AP News Coverage of Juneteenth

    Washington Post: Four Meaningful Ways to Recognize Juneteenth

    Juneteenth Foundation: News and Media Coverage

    Southern Poverty Law Center: Juneteenth

    What Employers Need to Know About Juneteenth

    Black History Month Black History Month

    National Museum of African American History & Culture

    The 1619 Project
    The Pulitzer Center and the NY Times built this site to challenge people to “reframe U.S. history by marking the year when the first enslaved Africans arrived on Virginia soil as our nation’s foundational date.” Here you will find reading guides, activities, and other resources to bring The 1619 Project into your classroom.

    African-American Sites in the Digital Collections of the Library of Congress

    Time: How Black History Month Started

    MLK Day Martin Luther King Jr. Bio Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes and Facts Martin Luther King Speeches

    YouTube: Martin Luther King Speeches

    Biography: MLK Quotes

    Americorps: MLK Day of Service

    USA Today: How MLK Day Became a National Holiday

    MLK50: Justice Through Journalism
    Memphis site launched in April 2017 as a one-year project and have grown into a full-fledged nonprofit digital news site focused on poverty, power and public policy. Site is a member of the Institute for Nonprofit News.

    The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed
    More than 2,500 pages on black history.

    Maynard Institute
    Covers diversity issues in journalism.

    Read more

    Covering Immigration | Covering Protests | Gender Issues