

The love YOU share

gives neighbors like J.R. hope for a better life…

“I’m a new man in Christ.”

When J.R. was a young adult, he lost his father to cancer. His family was close, and J.R. struggled with the loss.

After his father passed away, J.R. and his mom turned to a life of drinking and partying. “It took a big toll on my mother,” he remembers. “Alcohol took her life. With that, my drinking increased.”

His brother tried to warn him that his partying was out of hand, but it didn’t sink in. It wasn’t until his brother started limiting time with his nephew and nieces that J.R. realized he had a problem.

“My drinking was so bad that I was out of places to go,” he says. “Then I got the best thing that could ever happen to me: I got pulled over. I had drinks in me, so I submitted myself to the police.”

J.R. had already heard about our Market Street Mission location in Morristown and decided this was the time to go. He started as an overnight guest, but then our staff told him about our Life Change Program.

“That was the beginning of my new life,” he says.

It took time to settle in, but J.R. committed himself to recovery and began to heal, finding hope in Bible studies and the testimonies of men around him.

“This program has everything you need to get yourself right.”

Now J.R. has graduated from our program and serves as an intern in our kitchen! He loves encouraging our residents by sharing the life-changing hope he found in the Lord.

“Before I came to the Mission, I was on a road to destruction. I needed help and guidance, and it couldn’t have come at a better time.”

J.R.’s family has noticed the change in him too, and his relationship with them is stronger than ever.

Thanks to your prayers and kind-hearted support, J.R. has a path forward in life. “The Mission turned my life around 180 degrees. God turned me into somebody I should’ve been my entire life. I’m a new man in Christ.”

To read our Summer 2024 issue of The Lifeline, click here.

Help other people like J.R….

J.R.’s story of hope and healing is inspiring. Our long-term recovery programs exist to help other men and women find healing. Will you provide this help to others?

  • I want to provide 18 meals & care

  • $50.76/mo
  • I want to provide 35 meals & care

  • $98.70/mo
  • I want to provide 53 meals & care

  • $149.46/mo

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