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Wei: Definition in Cryptocurrency, How It Works, and History

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What Is a Wei?

Wei is the smallest unit of ether—the cryptocurrency coin used on the Ethereum network. One ether = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 wei (1018). The other way to look at it is one wei is one quintillionth of an ether.

Key Takeaways

  • A wei is to ether as a satoshi is to bitcoin—both units are the smallest of which a user may use to transact.
  • There are several ether units, but gwei is used the most because Ethereum gas is paid for in gwei.
  • The wei is named after Wei Dai, best known as the creator of the bitcoin predecessor "b-money" and as the developer of the Crypto++ library.

How a Wei Works

A U.S. dollar is only divisible into 100 parts, and a penny is the atomic unit of U.S. currency. Digital currencies can also be divided, but they generally use much, much smaller units than fiat currencies.

The smallest unit of the native token for the Ethereum blockchain, ether, is called the wei after Wei Dai. Dai is a computer engineer and cryptography enthusiast who is known for supporting the widespread use of strong cryptography and privacy-oriented technologies.

Ether has many names for different units of wei. The names of these sub-units indicate the quantity of the units (for example, a kwei is a kilo, meaning a thousand wei), but they have informal names as well. For example, the kwei is also known as a "babbage" and a gwei is commonly referred to as a "shannon."

Sub-units of Ether
Unit wei value wei ether value
wei 1 wei 1 10-18 ETH
kwei 103 wei 1,000 10-15 ETH
mwei 106 wei 1,000,000 10-12 ETH
gwei 109 wei 1,000,000,000 10-9 ETH
microether 1012 wei 1,000,000,000,000 10-6 ETH
milliether 1015 wei 1,000,000,000,000,000 10-3 ETH
ether 1018 wei 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 1 ETH

The Wei's Exemplar

Wei Dai has been called an "intensely private" person, and with his skills in cryptography, he's able to make sure the public record of him is very small. The accepted story in the cryptocurrency community is that he graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in Computer Science and that he worked at Microsoft in its cryptography research group.

"Mr. Dai worked in the Cryptography Research Group at Microsoft Corporation in Redmond, Washington. While at Microsoft, he was involved in the study, design and implementation of cryptosystems for specialized applications. Prior to joining Microsoft, Mr. Dai was a programmer with TerraSciences of Acton, Massachusetts."

Wei is an original member of the cypherpunk movement in the 1990s whose members eventually developed the theoretical basis for cryptocurrency in the 2010s. In his proto-crypto manifesto for a cryptocurrency called b-money, Wei laid the foundation for "smart contracts" that would self-execute and not need intervention by a human third party for enforcement. For this innovation, he is honored by having the name of the atomic unit of ether named after him.

How Much Is 1 Wei of Ether?

One wei is 10-18 ether, and 1 ETH had a market value of $3,456.14 on June 27, 24. One wei would have equaled $0.000000000000003456.

What Is the Difference Between Wei and Gas?

Wei is the lowest unit for the cryptocurrency ether. Ethereum's gas is an amount of ether paid in wei for transactions on the blockchain.

What Is 2.5 Ether to Wei?

To convert ETH to wei, you multiply the amount by 1018, which in this case, results in 2,500,000,000,000,000,000 wei.

The Bottom Line

Wei is the atomic (smallest) unit of ether on the Ethereum blockchain. It is equal to one quintillionth of an ether, which makes transactions in wei very difficult to add. For this reason, there are many other unit. However, gwei (giga, or billion) is the most commonly used unit because gas is charged in gwei.

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  1. BitcoinWiki. "Wei Dai."

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