What Is the Unit of Production Method and Formula for Depreciation?

Unit of Production Method

Sydney Burns / Investopedia

What Is the Unit of Production Method?

The unit of production method is a method of calculating the depreciation of the value of an asset over time.

The method becomes useful when an asset’s value is more closely related to the number of units it produces than to the number of years it is in use. This method often results in greater deductions being taken for depreciation in years when the asset is heavily used, which can then offset periods when the equipment experiences less use.

This method can be contrasted with time-based measures of depreciation, such as straight-line or accelerated methods.

Key Takeaways

  • The unit of production method for calculating depreciation considers an asset’s practical usage in the production process rather than considering its time in use.
  • This method is particularly utilized for assets that experience a high degree of wear and tear based on actual use per unit, such as certain pieces of machinery or production equipment.
  • This method can allow companies to show higher depreciation expense in more productive years, which can offset other increased production costs.

Formula for the Unit of Production Method

Depreciation expense for a given year is calculated by dividing the original cost of the equipment less its salvage value, by the expected number of units the asset should produce given its useful life. Then, multiply that quotient by the number of units (U) used during the current year.

 DE = [ ( Original Value     Salvage Value ) Estimated Production Capability ] × U where: DE = Depreciation Expense \begin{aligned} &\text{DE}=\left[\frac{(\text{Original Value}\ -\ \text{Salvage Value})}{\text{Estimated Production Capability}}\right ]\times\text{U}\\ &\textbf{where:}\\ &\text{DE}=\text{Depreciation Expense}\\ &\text{U} = \text{Units per year} \end{aligned} DE=[Estimated Production Capability(Original Value  Salvage Value)]×Uwhere:DE=Depreciation Expense

What Does the Unit of Production Method Tell You?

Essentially, the units of production depreciation expense claimed in a year is based upon what percentage of an asset’s production capacity was used up during that year. This depreciation method can help companies take larger depreciation deductions in years when a given piece of equipment is more productive.

Companies claim depreciation on a piece of equipment or property for bookkeeping purposes, but also for tax deductions. Larger deductions in more productive years can help offset other, higher costs associated with higher production levels.

The unit of production method most accurately measures depreciation for assets where the wear and tear are based on how much they have produced, such as manufacturing or processing equipment. Using the unit of production method for this type of equipment can help a business keep track of its profits and losses more accurately than a chronology-based method such as straight-line depreciation or MACRS methods.

The unit of production method depreciation begins when an asset begins to produce units. It ends when the cost of the unit is fully recovered or the unit has produced all units within its estimated production capacity, whichever comes first. 

Unit of Production vs. MACRS Methods 

The modified accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS) is a standard way to depreciate assets for tax purposes. Instead of being dependent on the number of units that an asset might produce, this depreciation method involves calculations that result in the asset’s value being depreciated with a declining balance for a set period of time, then switching to a straight-line depreciation method to finish the depreciation schedule.

For tax purposes, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires businesses to depreciate property using the MACRS, but it allows businesses to exclude property from this method if it can be accurately depreciated by another method, such as the unit of production method. To use this method, the owner must elect exclusion from the MACRS by the return due date for the tax year when the property is initially placed into service. 

For more information regarding this election and the specifics of how to make the election, see IRS Publication 946, How to Depreciate Property.

How Is the Unit of Production Method Useful?

The unit of production method becomes useful when an asset’s value is more closely related to the number of units it produces than to the number of years it is in use.

How Do I Calculate Units of Production?

Divide the original cost of the equipment, minus its salvage value, by the expected number of units the asset should produce given its useful life. Then, multiply that quotient by the number of units used during the current year. This calculates depreciation expense for a given year.

How Does the Unit of Production Method Help Businesses?

The unit of production method can help companies take larger depreciation deductions in years when a given piece of equipment is more productive. The units of production depreciation expense claimed in a year is based upon what percentage of an asset’s production capacity was used up during that year.

The Bottom Line

The unit of production method calculates the depreciation of an asset’s value over time. The method is useful when an asset’s value is more closely related to the number of units it produces than to the number of years it is in use. Greater deductions are often taken for depreciation in years when the asset is heavily used, which offsets periods when the equipment experiences less use.

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  1. Internal Revenue Service. “Publication 946 (2023), How to Depreciate Property.”

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