Uniform Distribution: Definition, How It Works, and Example

Uniform Distribution

Investopedia / Theresa Chiechi

What Is Uniform Distribution?

In statistics, uniform distribution refers to a type of probability distribution in which all outcomes are equally likely. Probability distributions can help you decide the probability of a future event.

Uniform distribution for a deck of cards is expected because the likelihood of drawing a heart, a club, a diamond, or a spade is equally likely. A coin also has a uniform distribution expectation because the odds of getting either heads or tails (front or back of the coin) in a coin toss are the same.

A uniform distribution can be visualized as a straight horizontal line. For a coin flip, heads or tails each has a probability of occurring 50% of the time (p = 0.50) and would be plotted on a chart with a line from the y-axis at 0.50.

Key Takeaways

  • Uniform distributions are probability distributions with equally likely outcomes.
  • In a discrete uniform distribution, outcomes are discrete and have the same probability.
  • In a continuous uniform distribution, outcomes are continuous and infinite.
  • In a normal distribution, data around the mean occur more frequently than occurrences farther from it.
  • Uniform distributions can be plotted on charts or graphs.

Understanding Uniform Distribution

There are two types of uniform distributions: discrete and continuous.

Discrete Uniform Distributions

The possible results of rolling a die provide an example of a discrete uniform distribution. It is possible to roll a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, but it is not possible to roll a 2.3, 4.7, or 5.5. Therefore, the roll of a die generates a discrete distribution with the probability of 1/6 for each outcome. There are only 6 possible values to return and nothing in between. The possibilities are finite.

Continuous Uniform Distributions

On the other hand, continuous uniform distributions have infinite distribution possibilities. An idealized random number generator would be considered a continuous uniform distribution. With this type of distribution, every point in the continuous range between 0.0 and 1.0 has an equal opportunity of appearing, yet there is an infinite number of points between 0.0 and 1.0.

There are several other important continuous distributions, such as the normal distribution, chi-square, and Student's t-distribution.

Distribution Analysis

There are also several data generating or data analyzing functions associated with distributions that help explain the variables and their variance within a data set. These functions include probability density function, cumulative density, and moment generating functions.

The term "discrete" in statistics refers to variables with singular, countable, and limited possible values.

Visualizing Uniform Distributions

A distribution is a simple way to visualize a set of data. It can be shown either as a graph or a list, and reveals which values of a random variable have lower or higher chances of happening. The uniform distribution is perhaps the simplest of all probability distributions. 

In a uniform distribution, each value in the set of possible values has the same possibility of happening. When displayed as a bar or line graph, this distribution has the same height for each potential outcome. In this way, it can look like a rectangle and therefore is sometimes described as the rectangular distribution.

If you think about the possibility of drawing a particular suit from a deck of playing cards, there is a random yet equal chance of pulling a heart as there is for pulling a spade—that is, 1/4 or 25%.

The roll of a die yields one of six numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Because there are only 6 possible outcomes, the probability of you landing on any one of them is 16.67% (1/6). When plotted on a graph, the distribution is represented as a horizontal line, with each possible outcome captured on the x-axis, at the fixed point of probability along the y-axis.

Uniform Distribution
Uniform Distribution of one six-sided die. Image by Julie Bang © Investopedia 2020

Example of Uniform Distribution

There are 52 cards in a traditional deck of cards. Also in that deck are four suits: hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades. Each suit contains an A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K. The deck contains 2 jokers, as well. However, we'll ignore the jokers and face cards for this example, and focus only on number cards replicated in each suit. As a result, we are left with 40 cards, a set of discrete data.

Suppose you want to know the probability of pulling a 2 of hearts from the modified deck. The probability of pulling a 2 of hearts is 1/40 or 2.5%. Each card is unique; therefore, the likelihood that you will pull any one of the cards in the deck is the same.

Now, let's consider the likelihood of pulling a heart from the deck. The probability is significantly higher. Why? We are now only concerned with the suits in the deck. Since there are only four suits, pulling a heart yields a probability of 1/4 or 25%.

The plotted results from rolling a die will be discretely uniform, whereas the plotted results (averages) from a roll of dice (more than one die) will be normally distributed.

Uniform Distribution vs. Normal Distribution

Some of the most common probability distributions are:

  • Discrete uniform
  • Binomial
  • Continuous uniform
  • Normal
  • Exponential


Perhaps one of the most familiar and widely used is the normal distribution, often depicted as a bell curve. Normal distributions show how continuous data is distributed and depict most of the data as concentrated on the mean or average.

In a normal distribution, the area under the curve equals 1 and 68.27% of all data falls within 1 standard deviation (how dispersed the numbers are) from the mean; 95.45% of all data falls within 2 standard deviations from the mean, and approximately 99.73% of all data falls within 3 standard deviations from the mean. As the data points move away from the mean, the frequency of data occurring decreases.


Discrete uniform distribution shows that variables in a range have the same probability of occurring. There are no variations in probable outcomes and the data is discrete, rather than continuous. Its shape resembles a rectangle, rather than the normal distribution's bell. Like a normal distribution, however, the area under the graph is equal to 1.

What Does Uniform Distribution Mean?

Uniform distribution is a probability distribution that asserts that the outcome possibilities for a discrete set of data are the same for each value.

What Is the Formula for Uniform Distribution?

The formula for a discrete uniform distribution is

Px=1nwhere:Px=Probability of a discrete valuen=Number of values in the range\begin{aligned}&P_x = \frac{ 1 }{ n } \\&\textbf{where:} \\&P_x = \text{Probability of a discrete value} \\&n = \text{Number of values in the range} \\\end{aligned}Px=n1where:Px=Probability of a discrete valuen=Number of values in the range

Is a Uniform Distribution Normal?

No, a uniform distribution is not normal. Normal, which refers to the way data is distributed about the mean, shows that the probability of a variable occurring around the mean is higher than for a variable occurring far away from the mean. The occurrence probability is not uniform with normal data, whereas it is constant with a uniform distribution.

What Is the Expectation of a Uniform Distribution?

The expectation with a uniform distribution is that all possible outcomes have the same probability. The probability for one variable is the same as that for another.

The Bottom Line

Uniform distribution is one of several different examples of probability distributions used in statistics. A uniform distribution is one where all possible outcomes are finite and equally likely to occur. For example, the roll of a single die presents just six possible results and each result has a ⅙ chance of taking place.

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  1. National Institute of Standards and Technology. "What Do We Mean by "Normal" Data?"

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