Profit Before Tax (PBT): Definition, Uses, and How To Calculate

What Is Profit Before Tax (PBT)?

Profit before tax is a measure that looks at a company's profits before the company has to pay corporate income tax. It essentially is all of a company’s profits without the consideration of any taxes.

Profit before tax can be found on the income statement as operating profit minus interest. Profit before tax is the value used to calculate a company’s tax obligation.

Key Takeaways

  • Profit before tax is the same as earnings before tax.
  • Profit before tax is used to identify how much tax a company owes.
  • Profit before tax can also be a profitability measure that provides for greater comparability among companies that pay a varying amount of taxes.

Why Is Profit Before Tax Important?

Profit before tax may also be referred to as earnings before tax (EBT) or pre-tax profit. The measure shows all of a company's profits before tax. A run through of the income statement shows the different kinds of expenses a company must pay leading up to the operating profit calculation.

For example, gross profit deducts costs of goods sold (COGS). Going further, operating profit factors in both COGS and all operational expenses, and is also known as earnings before interest and tax (EBIT). After EBIT, only interest and taxes remain for deduction before arriving at net income.

How Is Profit Before Tax Calculated?

Understanding the income statement can help an analyst to have a better understanding of PBT, its calculation, and its uses. The third section of the income statement focuses in on interest and tax. These deductions are taken from the summation of the second section, which results in operating profit (EBIT). Interest is an important metric that includes both a company’s interest from investments as well as interest paid out for leverage.

Following the implementation of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), all C-Corporations have a federal tax rate of 21%. All other companies are pass-throughs, which means they are taxed at the individual taxpayer’s rate. Any kind of entity will also have to pay state taxes. State tax rates can vary widely by state and entity type.

The basics of calculating PBT are simple. Take the operating profit from the income statement and subtract any interest payments, then add any interest earned. PBT is generally the first step in calculating net profit but it excludes the subtraction of taxes. To calculate it in reverse you can also add taxes back into the net income.

As mentioned above, different types of companies will have different tax obligations at the federal and state level. Calculating the actual amount of taxes owed will come from the PBT.

Why Is Profit Before Tax Useful?

PBT is not typically a key performance indicator on the income statement. These are usually focused on gross profit, operating profit, and net profit. However, like interest, the isolation of a company’s tax payments can be an interesting and important metric for cost efficiency management.

The pre-tax profit also determines the amount of tax a company will pay. Any credits would be taken from the tax obligation rather than deducted from the pre-tax profit.

Further, excluding the tax provides managers and stakeholders with another measure for which to analyze margins. A PBT margin will be higher than the net income margin because tax is not included. The difference in PBT margin vs. net margin will depend on the amount of taxes paid.

Also, excluding income tax isolates one variable that may have a substantial impact for a variety of reasons. For instance, C-corps pay a federal tax rate of 21%. However, different industries may receive certain tax breaks, often in the form of credits, which can influence the tax impact overall. Renewable energy is one example. Wind, solar, and other renewables can be subject to an investment tax credit and a production tax credit. Thus, comparing the PBT of companies when renewables are involved can help to provide a more reasonable assessment of profitability.

What Is the Difference Between EBIT, EBT, and EBITDA?

Working down the income statement provides a view of profitability with different types of expenses involved. Operating profit, also known as EBIT, is a measure of a company’s full operational capabilities. This includes the direct COGS involved with manufacturing a product and the indirect operating expenses that are associated with the core business but not directly tied to it.

PBT is a part of the final steps in calculating net profit. It deducts interest from EBIT. This arrives at the taxable net income for a company.

Interest itself is often an indicator of a company’s capitalization structure. If a company has been financed with a high amount of debt, it will have higher interest payments to make. EBIT is often the best measure of full operational capabilities, while the differences in a company’s EBIT vs. PBT will show its debt sensitivity.

Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) is an extension of the well-known usefulness of EBIT as an operational profitability and efficiency measure. EBITDA adds the non-cash activities of depreciation and amortization to EBIT. Many analysts find EBITDA is a very quick way to assess a company’s cash flow and free cash flow without going through detailed calculations. EBITDA, like EBIT, is before interest and tax, so it is readily comparable. Many types of multiples comparisons will use EBITDA because of its universal usefulness. Enterprise value to EBITDA is one example. 

Is EBT the Same as Profit Before Tax?

Earnings before tax (EBT) is often referred to as profit before tax as well as pre-tax income.

What Is the Difference Between Profit Before Tax and Taxable Income?

Profit before tax is a company's profits before considering tax obligations. It is found on the income statement as operating profit less interest. On the other hand, taxable income is the amount of income that is subject to taxes, depending on the tax laws in a company's jurisdiction.

What Is the Difference Between Profit Before Taxes and EBITDA?

While profit before tax shows a company's profits before taking into account its tax costs, earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) includes non-cash activities like depreciation and amortization. In this way, EBITDA is used as a measure for profitability, but critics have said that it is less reflective of a company's performance since it leaves out these important aspects. In this way, showing EBITDA versus net income can make a company look more attractive, but may be less indicative of a company's overall performance since it ignores a company's asset costs.

The Bottom Line

Profit before tax can be arrived at through taking operating profit from the income statement minus its interest payments and adding interest earned. Often, it is the first step in calculating net profit although it doesn't consider the impact of taxes.

While it isn't typically used as a key performance indicator, profit before tax can allow you to isolate the impact of taxes on a company. Comparing the profit before tax margin and net margin can show how a company is affected by tax costs, which can have a material impact on the company and its overall cost efficiencies.

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  1. Tax Policy Center. "How Does the Corporate Income Tax Work?"

  2. Tax Policy Center. "What Are Pass-Through Businesses?"

  3. U.S. Department of Energy. "Impacts of Federal Tax Credit Extensions on Renewable Deployment and Power Sector Emissions."

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