Monetary Aggregates: Definition and Example

What Are Monetary Aggregates?

Monetary aggregates are the various measurements of the money supply in an economy. In the United States, they are used to evaluate the economic health and stability of the nation. In addition, the Federal Reserve uses them to implement its monetary policy.

In the U.S., the monetary aggregates are labeled as:

  • M0: Paper money and coin currency in circulation, plus bank reserves held by the central bank; it’s also known as the monetary base
  • M1: Currency held by the public and transaction deposits (such as checking account balances) at U.S. depository institutions and foreign bank branches operating in the U.S., plus traveler’s checks
  • M2: All of M1, plus money market shares and savings deposits (in amounts of less than $100,000)

A legacy aggregate known as M3, which is all of M2 plus large time deposits over $100,000 and institutional money market funds, repo agreements, and large liquid assets, has not been tracked by the Federal Reserve since 2006 but is still calculated by some analysts.

Key Takeaways

  • A monetary aggregate is a formal way of accounting for money, such as cash or money market funds.
  • Monetary aggregates are measures of the money supply in a national economy.
  • The monetary base is an aggregate that includes the total supply of currency in circulation plus the stored portion of commercial bank reserves within the central bank.
  • The Federal Reserve uses money aggregates as a metric for how open-market operations affect the economy.

Understanding Monetary Aggregates

The monetary base, or M0, is a monetary aggregate that is not widely observed and differs from the money supply but is nonetheless very important.

It includes the total supply of currency in circulation in addition to the stored portion of commercial bank reserves within the central bank. This is sometimes known as high-powered money (HPM) since it can be multiplied through the process of fractional reserve banking.

M1 is a narrow measure of the money supply that includes physical currency, demand deposits, traveler’s checks, and other checkable deposits.

M2 is a calculation of the money supply that includes all elements of M1 as well as “near money.” Near money refers to savings deposits, money market securities, mutual funds, and other time deposits.

These assets are less liquid than M1 and not as suitable as exchange mediums, but they can be converted into cash or checking deposits quickly.

How They’re Used

The Federal Reserve (Fed) uses monetary aggregates as a metric for how open-market operations, such as trading in Treasury securities or changing the discount rate, affect the economy.

Investors and economists observe the aggregates closely to try to predict actions that the Fed might take. They also watch them because they offer a more accurate depiction of the actual size of a country’s working money supply.

By reviewing weekly reports of M1 and M2 data, investors can measure the monetary aggregates’ rate of change and monetary velocity overall. That knowledge may provide an idea of whether the Fed might raise or lower interest rates.

$5.725 trillion

The size of the U.S. monetary base as of May 2024.

The Impact of Monetary Aggregates

Studying monetary aggregates can generate substantial information on the financial stability and overall health of a country. For example, monetary aggregates that grow too rapidly may raise concern for an increase in inflation.

If there is a greater amount of money in circulation than what is needed to pay for the same amount of goods and services, prices are likely to rise. If inflation increases substantially, central banking groups may be forced to raise interest rates or stop the growth in the money supply.

For decades, monetary aggregates were essential for understanding a nation’s economy and were key in establishing central banking policies in general. The past few decades have revealed that there is less of a connection between fluctuations in the money supply and significant metrics such as inflation, gross domestic product (GDP), and unemployment.

The amount of money that the Fed releases into the economy is a clear indicator of the central bank’s monetary policy. When compared with GDP growth, M2 is still a useful indicator of potential inflation.

The M2 money supply contracted 4.1%, from $21.7 trillion in July 2022 to $20.8 trillion in May 2023. In February 2024, it had dropped further to $20.75 trillion.


Since 2022, the U.S. money supply has experienced a reduction greater than any seen since World War II.

Reductions in the money supply aren’t common. When they occur, they can be a sign of problems to come related to economic growth, employment, and inflation.

In fact, an M2 that isn’t growing could presage a recession, a growth in unemployment, and deflation. However, GDP growth in the fourth quarter of 2023 increased by 3.2%, a figure that surpassed expectations. This was seen as good news for the economy by the Biden administration.

Why Are Monetary Aggregates Important?

They’re important to the Fed, policymakers, economists, and investors, because they can signal potential for slowing economic growth, inflation, deflation, unemployment, and recession.

When Did the Fed Start Reporting Monthly Data on Monetary Aggregates?

In 1944, the Fed began to release monthly reports on what was to become the M1 aggregate. Years later, in 1971, it added monthly reports for two additional aggregates, called M2 and M3.

Where Do We Find Data on Our Monetary Aggregates?

The Fed releases the Money Stock Measures—H.6 Release on the fourth Tuesday of every month. It shows the latest and past figures for the monetary base, M1, and M2.

The Bottom Line

Monetary aggregates are measurements of a nation’s money supply. In the U.S., the money aggregates studied are the monetary base (or M0), M1, and M2.

Monetary aggregates can provide insight into the economic health and well-being of a nation and the stability of its financial markets.

Correction—July 20, 2024This article has been corrected to state that the M1 monetary aggregate contains currency held by the public and transaction deposits at U.S. depository institutions and foreign bank branches operating in the U.S., plus traveler’s checks.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. “What Is the Money Supply? Is It Important?

  2. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. “Money Stock Measures—H.6 Release.”

  3. Yahoo! Finance. “The U.S. Money Supply Has Fallen—But What Does That Mean for the Economy?

  4. Business Insider. “Collapsed U.S. Money Supply Is a Threat to Employment, Growth, and Inflation, Wharton Professor Jeremy Siegel Says.”

  5. U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. “Gross Domestic Product, Fourth Quarter and Year 2023 (Second Estimate).”

  6. U.S. Department of Commerce. “By the Numbers: U.S. Economy Grows Faster than Expected for Year and Final Quarter of 2023.”

  7. John R. Walter, via Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. “Monetary Aggregates: A User’s Guide.”

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