What Is the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC)?

What Is the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC)?

The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) is an American financial services company founded in 1999 that provides clearing and settlement services for the financial markets. When the DTCC was established in 1999, it combined the functions of the Depository Trust Company (DTC) and the National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC). The NSCC is currently a subsidiary of the DTCC.

Key Takeaways

  • The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) is a financial services company that provides clearing and settlement services for the financial markets.
  • The DTCC settles most securities transactions in the U.S.
  • Settlement is integral to securities transactions. It boosts investor confidence and reduces market risk.

How the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) Works

The DTCC processes trillions of dollars of securities on a daily basis. As the centralized clearinghouse for various exchanges and equity platforms, the DTCC settles transactions between buyers and sellers of securities and plays a critical role in automating, centralizing, standardizing, and streamlining the world's financial markets.

For example, when an investor places an order through their broker—and the trade is made between that broker and another broker or similar financial professional—information about that trade is sent to the NSCC (or an equivalent clearinghouse) for clearinghouse services.

After the NSCC has processed and recorded the trade using continuous net settlement (CNS), they provide a report to the brokers and financial professionals involved. This report includes their net securities positions after the trade and the money that is due to be settled between the two parties.

At this point, the NSCC provides settlement instructions to the Depository Trust Company (DTC), a securities depository. The DTC transfers the ownership of the securities from the selling broker's account to the account of the broker who made the purchase. The DTC is also in charge of transferring funds from the buying broker's account to the account of the broker who made the sale. The broker is then responsible for making the appropriate adjustments to the client's account. This entire process typically happens the same day the transaction occurs. The process for institutional investors is similar to the process for retail investors.


The DTCC settles the vast majority of securities transactions in the U.S. Settlement is an important step in the completion of securities transactions. By ensuring that trades are executed properly and on time, the settlement process contributes to investor confidence and reduces market risk; timely and accurate trades guarantee that investors won't lose their money with solvent brokerage firms or other intermediaries.

Products Managed

The DTCC provides clearance, settlement, and information services for a wide range of securities products, including government and mortgage-backed securities, corporate and municipal bonds, derivatives, mutual funds, money market instruments, alternative investment products, and insurance products.


At times, clearing corporations may earn clearing fees by acting as a third party to a trade. For example, a clearinghouse may receive cash from a buyer and securities or futures contracts from a seller. The clearing corporation then manages the exchange and collects a fee for this service. The size of the fee is dependent on the size of the transaction, the level of service required, and the type of instrument being traded. Investors who make several transactions in a day can generate significant fees. In the case of futures contracts specifically, clearing fees can accumulate for investors because long positions can spread the per-contract fee out over a longer period of time.

History of the DTCC

The National Securities Clearing Corporation, currently a subsidiary of the DTCC, was originally founded in 1976. Before the NSCC was founded, stock exchanges would close once a week to complete the lengthy task of processing paper stock certificates. The large volume of trading overwhelmed brokerage firms, and many chose to close every Wednesday (in addition to shortening trading hours on other days of the week).

Brokers had to physically exchange certificates, which required them to employ people to carry certificates and checks. The process for transferring securities also relied heavily on physical recordkeeping. The exchange of physical stock certificates was difficult, inefficient, and increasingly expensive.

To overcome this problem, two changes were made: First, it was recommended that all paper stock certificates were stored in one centralized location and that the process become automated by keeping electronic records of all certificates that indicated changes of ownership and other securities transactions. This eventually led to the development of the Depository Trust Company (DTC) in 1973.

Second, multilateral netting was proposed. In a multilateral netting process, multiple parties arrange for transactions to be summed (rather than settling them individually). All of this netting activity is centralized to reduce the amount of invoicing and payment settlements. In response to this proposal of multilateral netting, the NSCC was formed in 1976.

Depository Trust Company (DTC) vs. the National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC)

The Depository Trust Company (DTC) is a subsidiary of the DTCC and is responsible for settling securities trades, moving securities for NSCC net settlements, processing corporate actions, underwriting, and other services. The DTC's settlement services result in reduced costs and increase efficiencies by serving as the central repository for millions of active securities and facilitating ownership changes for securities.

The National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC), another subsidiary of the DTCC, provides clearing, settlement, risk management, and other financial services. Regulated by the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), the NSCC also provides multilateral netting, whereby transactions among several parties are summed up centrally, rather than individually.

What Does the DTCC Do?

The DTCC is an American financial services company that provides clearing and settlement services for the financial markets. Through its subsidiaries, it provides clearing, asset servicing, settlements, and other financial services.

Who Is DTCC Owned By?

The Participants of the Clearing Agencies hold the DTCC's common shares and are, therefore, its owners.

What Is the Difference Between DTC and DTCC?

The DTCC is the parent institution of the Depository Trust Company (DTC), a securities depository. A member of the U.S. Federal Reserve System, the DTC provides settlement services, asset servicing, and clearing services.

The Bottom Line

The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) is a financial services company that provides clearing and settlement services for financial markets. It is also instrumental in the automation, centralization, standardization, and streamlining of said markets. For its subsidiaries, including the Depository Trust Company (DTC) and the National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC), it oversees operations and manages financial risks.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. DTCC. "DTCC Digital Museum," Select "1990s" > "1999."

  2. DTCC. "National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC)."

  3. DTCC. "Settlement and Asset Services."

  4. DTCC. "Advancing Financial Markets. Together," Pages 2-4.

  5. DTCC. "Understanding the Settlement Process."

  6. DTCC. "DTCC Digital Museum," Select "1970's" > "1976."

  7. Rodrigues, Usha. "Dictation and Delegation in Securities Regulation." Indiana Law Journal, vol. 92 no. 2, Spring 2017, p. 439.

  8. DTCC. "The Depository Trust Company (DTC)."

  9. DTCC. "DTCC Common Stock Reallocation," Page 3.

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