What Is the Dark Web?

Dark Web

Investopedia / Joules Garcia

What Is the Dark Web?

The dark web refers to encrypted online content and allows individuals to hide their identity and location from others. Dark web content is not indexed by conventional search engines. To access the dark web, users must install a private browser, like the TOR Browser, use a Virtual Private Network (VPN), and ensure their computer remains safe and secure.

Key Takeaways

  • The dark web refers to encrypted online content not indexed by conventional search engines.
  • Specific browsers, such as TOR Browser, are required to reach the dark web.
  • The dark web pulls up sites using information that isn't indexed online, such as bank accounts, email accounts, and databases.
  • It also has a reputation for being associated with illicit and unethical activities.

How the Dark Web Works

Due to anonymity on the dark web, many consider it a place where online marketplaces for drugs, exchanges for stolen data, and other illegal activities occur. Despite this, there may be legitimate reasons people choose to use the dark web, including political dissidents and those who want to keep certain information private.

The dark web can provide legal authorities with the additional tools they need to apprehend the perpetrators of unethical activities.The dark web is a secret network and a series of websites hidden from the general public, and unaccessible through traditional search engines like Google.

Traditional search engines return results from indexes of links to websites, ranked based on keywords and relevancy. The dark web uses information unavailable on other search engines, such as content from individual accounts, email, social media, banking, personal and professional databases, and medical and legal documents.

The TOR network, or the Onion Routing project, is a secure, encrypted protocol that can ensure privacy for data and communications on the web. The TOR technology was initially developed and solely used by the U.S. Navy to protect sensitive government communications.

History of the Dark Web

The dark web officially appeared in the early 2000s with the creation of Freenet, developed by Ian Clarke to secure users against government intervention and cyber attacks. The system allows users to express themselves freely without being tracked online.

The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory funded The Onion Router (TOR). TOR offered intelligence sources a way to communicate easily and safely, especially in hostile areas where personal safety is key. It is now one of the most common browsers used to access the dark web.

Cryptocurrency and the Dark Web

The rise of cryptocurrencies increased the popularity of the dark web, especially for cyber criminals. Digital currencies provide anonymity for people who buy and sell on the dark web. People often confuse the dark web with cryptocurrencies, because many crypto transactions for coins such as Bitcoin occur on the web. However, individuals do not have to use the dark web to purchase cryptocurrencies.

The G20 and the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) have both called for cryptocurrency companies to provide information on buyers and sellers in transactions conducted online. This is especially true, they say, to help law enforcement track criminal organizations and illicit activities.

Ross Ulbricht was investigated and arrested in 2013 for creating and running the dark web site The Silk Road, a darknet website authorities said was used to buy and sell narcotics.

Dark Web vs. Deep Web

The dark web and the deep web are also often erroneously used interchangeably. The dark web is one part of the deep web, also called the invisible web or the hidden web. The information found on the deep web is normally encrypted and isn't found on indexes. It includes the pages that don’t pop up when you run a web search. It also contains everything that requires a login, such as content from:

  • Online banking
  • Pay websites, such as Netflix and Amazon Prime
  • File hosting services, such as Dropbox and its competitors
  • Private databases

The information on the dark web can also include anything on subscriber-only databases rather than anything illegal.

Pros and Cons of the Dark Web

The dark web helps people to maintain privacy and freely express their views. Privacy is essential for many innocent people terrorized by stalkers and other criminals. The popularity of the dark web with criminals makes it a perfect way for undercover police officers to communicate.

However, some may abuse the power of the dark web by making it easier to engage in criminal activity. While the dark web promises privacy to its users, it can also be used to violate the privacy of others. Private photos, medical records, and financial information have all been stolen and shared on the dark web.

Is It Illegal to Access the Dark Web?

Despite what the name implies, it isn't illegal to access the dark web. It provides individuals with privacy and anonymity that traditional websites don't offer. For instance, people can go on the dark web and post their thoughts about political activity without being reprimanded by government officials and other groups.

How Do Individuals Get on the Dark Web?

Individuals can access the dark web by installing specific, anonymous browsers, such as TOR. Once installed, the browser works the same as a traditional browser. However, it can be hard to find information because the dark web doesn't use an index to locate the desired information. Users will also notice that dark website addresses end with the .onion extension rather than the traditional .com, .org, or .edu. Users should install security software to keep their computer and personal information safe.

How Can Individuals Find Out If Their Information Is on the Dark Web?

Personal information, such as banking, social media, email accounts, and Social Security numbers may be up for sale on the dark web. Individuals can scan the dark web or sign up for a monitoring service. These tools warn users whenever they find information.

What Do Individuals Do If Their Information Is on the Dark Web?

To help protect the information, individuals should change all their passwords, check their credit reports for discrepancies, and inform their bank(s).

The Bottom Line

The dark web is used to remain anonymous when using the internet. However, the dark web has gained a negative reputation as a forum for those who want to use it for illicit activities. Users install a private browser and use a VPN.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. International Monetary Fund. "The Truth About the Dark Web."

  2. Norton. "Deep Web vs. Dark Web: What's the Difference?"

  3. Norton. "How to Safely Access the Deep and Dark Webs."

  4. Tulane University. "Everything You Should Know About the Dark Web."

  5. Tor Project. "History."

  6. U.S. Immigration and Customs. "Ross Ulbricht, AKA Dread Pirate Roberts, Sentenced to Life in Federal Prison for Creating, Operating ‘Silk Road’ Website."

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