Acceptance of Office by Trustee: What It Means and How It Works

What Is an Acceptance of Office by Trustee?

An acceptance of office by a trustee is the mutual understanding that a person has with an estate that implies they will assume administrative duties after being nominated. Acceptance of office by trustee is basically a formal way of giving consent to serve as a trustee.

The formal method of accepting the office by the trustee is outlined within the trust itself. After being nominated, a trustee may decline to serve but cannot decline after accepting, nor delegate the responsibility.

Key Takeaways

  • An acceptance of office by a trustee is a formal consent a trustee has with an estate to administer the affairs of a trust.
  • The time period and conditions for acceptance of an offer by trustee vary between states.
  • The agreement usually includes official paperwork for the new trustee and resignation or termination paperwork for the current trustee.
  • Individuals can choose to not accept the offer by formally declining the offer or by not responding to the offer within a certain timeframe.

Understanding Acceptance of Office by Trustee

Acceptance of office by trustee refers to a trustee, who is a person or institution who has legal title to hold property on behalf of the recipient. They act on behalf of the beneficiary and are allowed to make decisions based on their professional criteria and best judgment. A trustee may be aware of their nomination and informally agree to the position, but a formal acceptance of office is necessary in order to move forward with the duties of the office.

The acceptance of the office may include official paperwork for the new trustee as well as resignation or termination paperwork for the current trustee to dissolve their duties. Often, the contract will include three aspects at once: to serve as an agreement of appointment, acceptance of the office, and resignation. The purpose of this kind of contract is to ensure a smooth and time-efficient transition.

Once they accept office, many trustees serve on a voluntary basis without receiving payment for their work. Some of their duties include handling a trust's affairs, ensuring that it is solvent and well managed, and delivering the outcomes and benefits that were originally set out for the trust.

Trustees also prepare reports on the trusts and make sure that the trust complies with the law, among many other responsibilities.

If you accept an appointment as a trustee, you will be held legally responsible for understanding and implementing the requirements of the trust.

What Happens If There Is No Acceptance of Office?

An individual who has been nominated for trustee but does not accept the office within a reasonable time frame may be considered as rejecting the trusteeship, even if no formal rejection is made. The precise rules for acceptance of office by a trustee can vary by state.

A nominated trustee may also take action for the trusteeship but not formally accept it. For example, they may look into the trust property further to ensure legal adherence and liability or act to preserve the trust property if the nominated individual sends the rejection to a qualified beneficiary.

Example of Acceptance of Office by a Trustee

Generally, the offer made to a trustee includes important information relating to a trust, such as the name of the trust, the date it was created, an article within the trust naming a successor, the name and the date of death of the trust creator, the acknowledgment and acceptance of the trustee, a space for the signature, and the date on which the acceptance was made and the form was signed.

What Are the Duties of a Trustee When Settling an Estate?

If an estate's assets are placed in a trust, the trustee is responsible for managing the assets until they can be distributed to the beneficiaries. This can include recordkeeping, managing payments to the beneficiaries, and choosing investments according to the instructions in the trust deed. Depending on the size of the estate and how it is structured, a trustee's job may be completed quickly, or take many years.

What's the Difference Between a Trustee and an Executor?

An executor is a person who is appointed by a probate court to manage the estate of a deceased, paying the estate's debts, and for distributing assets according to the instructions of the will or state laws. If the estate is structured as a trust, a trustee is responsible for managing the assets according to the trust deed. Both positions come with a legal responsibility to act according to the wishes of the deceased.

Who Can Serve as a Trustee?

A trustee is responsible for managing the financial assets of a trust on behalf of its beneficiaries. While each state has its own requirements for trustees, they are generally required to be competent adults, financially literate, and able to understand their fiduciary duty to the estate. While it is possible to appoint a professional trustee for larger trusts, you can also choose a close family member or trusted friend to act as a trustee.

The Bottom Line

Acceptance of Office by Trustee is the formal process where someone accepts the role of managing the assets of a trust. Typically, the trustee will have been informally chosen in advance; Once they sign the Acceptance of Office documents, they formally become the trustee. While voluntary, once a person has accepted the responsibility, they are responsible for fulfilling the trust requirements.

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  1. American Bar Association. "Guidelines for Individual Executors and Trustees."

  2. Trust and Will. "What Is a Trustee?"

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