Resides In

Nashville, Tenn.


The College of William and Mary

Company Info


  • Contributor at Investopedia
  • Eight years of experience as a reporter.
  • Three years of experience as a US correspondent for international publications covering the vaping, tobacco, cannabis, and gene editing tech industries
  • His work has appeared in outlets such as The Christian Science Monitor, Diplomatic Courier, CBD-Intel, International Policy Digest, The Well News, etc.


Daniel Mollenkamp has experience on the ground in Africa, Europe, and the United States. Over the past eight years he has written for publications at all levels on a large array of topics, including international policy, human rights, political economics, the cannabis and vaping industries, and regulations on gene editing. For the last three years, he worked as a US correspondent for several European publications with a focus on covering complex sectors for an audience which included international businesspersons and regulators.


Daniel holds his bachelor's degree in government from the College of William and Mary. He completed his internship in the Office of Policy in the Department of Homeland Security. He is the co-founder of the Austen Dunn Memorial Scholarship.

Quote from Daniel Thomas Mollenkamp

 "I became a journalist because I believe in the beauty and value of providing useful, accurate information. Fiercely rigorous journalism and research allow us to approach the truth, if only by approximations."