Can I Change Medicare Supplement Plans Anytime?

You can only switch Medigap plans during open enrollment and in several other situations

Female doctor sits with a senior patient discussing her Medicare plan

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In most cases, you can’t change Medicare Supplement plans at any time. There are only a handful of situations where you can switch Medigap plans, and you must meet certain eligibility requirements to do so. Some states also have unique laws around switching plans.

You might want to change your Medigap plan for a few reasons. For example, if your plan doesn’t provide enough coverage or it’s too expensive, choosing a different plan might be a better option to meet your needs.

Key Takeaways

  • You can only switch Medigap plans and Medigap providers in specific situations.
  • If you have a guaranteed issue right, you can change plans within 63 days without being subject to medical underwriting.
  • Some states allow Medigap plan members to switch plans every year around their birthday or on the anniversary of their policy.
  • Depending on when you change plans, you can be denied coverage or charged higher rates due to your health.

Can I Switch Medicare Supplement Plans?

It’s possible to switch Medigap insurance plans, but it depends on the timing and your situation. 

Under federal Medicare law, you receive only one guaranteed issue Medigap open enrollment period in your lifetime. This six-month Medigap open enrollment period begins the month you turn 65 or when you enroll in Medicare Part B.

During the Medigap open enrollment period, you can purchase any Medigap plan offered in your state. Premiums are usually lower, and insurance companies can’t deny you coverage because of your health. 

If you switch plans outside your Medigap open enrollment period, insurance companies can charge higher premiums based on your past or current medical history. Insurers can deny you coverage if you’re in poor health or impose a waiting period before your pre-existing conditions will be covered. 

“The biggest risk of changing to a different Medigap plan outside open enrollment is that you must answer health underwriting questions,” said Wilson Coffman, president of Coffman Retirement Group.

However, there are a few situations where you can switch Medigap plans after your open enrollment period ends.

Your State Has a Medigap Birthday Rule

Some states have a Medigap birthday rule, which allows you to switch plans and/or insurance companies around the time of your birthday without medical underwriting. 

Depending on the state, you can switch to a different plan within 30 to 60 days of your birthday each year. But in most states, you can only switch to a plan with equal or lesser benefits than your current one.

You Are Within the Medicare “Trial Period”

If you purchase a Medicare Advantage Plan, you have a 12-month “trial period.” You can cancel your Medicare Advantage plan and enroll in Original Medicare during this time. After you make the switch, you can purchase a Medigap plan.  

These are two situations that make you eligible for a “trial right” to purchase Medigap:

  • You got a Medicare Advantage plan when you were first eligible at age 65, and after the first year, you want to switch to Original Medicare.
  • You had Original Medicare and a Medigap plan. Then, you dropped it to join a Medicare Advantage plan for the first time. Within the first year of the Medicare Advantage plan, you want to switch back to Original Medicare.

Enrolling in a Medigap plan with a trial right means you can’t be denied coverage because of your health or charged more for your plan.

You Are Within the 30-Day Free Look Period

Every Medigap plan has a 30-day free look period. During this time, you can switch to a different Medicare Supplement plan and get a full refund. However, you must pay the first month’s premium for the old plan before switching to a new one.

You Have a Guaranteed Issue Right to Switch Plans

You might qualify for a Special Medigap Enrollment period if you have a guaranteed issue right. During this 63-day period, insurers can’t deny you a Medigap plan; they must cover your pre-existing health conditions. Insurance carriers also can’t increase the cost of Medigap insurance because of your current or past health history.

Here are a few of the situations where you can switch Medigap plans with a guaranteed issue right:

  • You lose Medigap coverage through no fault of your own, such as the insurance company going bankrupt.
  • You move out of the Medicare or Medigap plan network.
  • Your Original Medicare plan or employer-sponsored health insurance plan pays after Medicare, and the plan is ending.

State Rules About Changing Medicare Supplement Plans

Some states have specific regulations around Medigap guaranteed issue rights that go above and beyond what is required at the federal level. In the 12 states below, extended Medigap guaranteed issue rights can make it easier to purchase a plan outside of your Medigap open enrollment period.

State Guaranteed Issue Right Rules
California Birthday Rule: You can switch plans every year within 60 days of your birthday with no medical underwriting or waiting periods. You can change to a plan with equal or lesser benefits—for example, Plan G to Plan A.
Changes in Employer-Sponsored Insurance: You can purchase a Medigap plan without medical underwriting or waiting periods if your employer stops providing insurance that covers the full cost of your 20% Medicare coinsurance.
COBRA Eligibility: Your Medigap open enrollment period is extended to include COBRA and CalCOBRA when you lose this extension of your employer-sponsored coverage. 
Connecticut Continuous Guaranteed Issue: Anyone over 65 can enroll in a Medigap plan anytime during the year. Your rate cannot depend on age, gender, or health, but pre-existing conditions may not be covered. 
Idaho Birthday Rule: You can switch plans or insurance companies every year within 63 days of your birthday with no medical underwriting or waiting periods. You can change to a plan with equal or lesser benefits.
Illinois People With Disabilities: If enrolled in Medicare Part B under age 65 due to a disability, you must receive a six-month Medicare Supplement open enrollment period.
Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) of Illinois Plans: BCBS sells guaranteed issue Medigap plans to Illinois residents age 65 or older. You can enroll in a plan at any point during the year, and you can’t be denied coverage due to your health. 
Maine Annual Guaranteed Issue: Insurance companies must offer Medigap Plan A with guaranteed enrollment for one month each year.
Losing Coverage: If you lose coverage through an individual health insurance plan, employee welfare benefit plan, or MaineCare, insurers must offer you a policy when you apply within 90 days.
Changing Plans: At any point, you can switch to a plan with benefits equal to or less than your current plan.
People With Disabilities: If you’re under 65 and enrolled in Medicare Part B due to a disability, you must receive a six-month Medicare Supplement open enrollment period. You also get an additional six-month open enrollment window when you turn 65.
Massachusetts Continuous Guaranteed Issue: Anyone eligible for Medicare in Massachusetts can enroll in a Medigap plan anytime during the year. 
Missouri Anniversary Rule: If you cancel a Medigap plan within 30 days of the policy’s anniversary date, you can enroll in a different plan from any insurer.
Nevada Birthday Rule: You can switch plans or insurance companies every year within 60 days of your birthday with no medical underwriting or waiting periods. You can change to a plan with equal or lesser benefits.
People With Disabilities: If enrolled in Medicare Part B under age 65 due to a disability, you must receive a six-month Medicare Supplement open enrollment period. You also get an additional six-month open enrollment window when you turn 65.
New York Continuous Guaranteed Issue: Anyone eligible for Medicare in New York can enroll in a Medigap plan anytime during the year.
People With Disabilities: If you are enrolled in Medicare under age 65 due to a disability, you must receive a six-month Medicare Supplement open enrollment period. 
Oregon Birthday Rule: You can switch plans or insurance companies every year within 30 days of your birthday with no medical underwriting or waiting periods. You can change to a plan with equal or lesser benefits.
People With Disabilities: If you are enrolled in Medicare under age 65 due to a disability, you must receive a six-month Medicare Supplement open enrollment period. 
Rhode Island Annual Guaranteed Issue: Insurance companies must offer Medigap Plan A with guaranteed enrollment for one month each year to people enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B.
People With Disabilities: If you are enrolled in Medicare under age 65 due to a disability, you can enroll in Medigap Plan A within six months of becoming eligible for Medicare. 
Washington Annual Guaranteed Issue: In Washington, you can switch Medigap plans anytime during the year. However, you must switch to the same plan from another insurer to avoid medical underwriting. 

How to Switch Medicare Supplement Plans

The first step in changing Medicare Supplement plans is determining eligibility. In addition, determine whether or not you can apply without medical underwriting. 

Then, you can apply for a new policy. If you qualify for a new plan because of a guaranteed issue right, you will need to submit documentation proving that you are eligible. After you are approved, you can notify your old insurance carrier and request to cancel your policy.

In most cases, you have only 63 days to apply, whether you ended one Medigap plan policy or it was ended for you. Once you drop or lose a Medigap plan, you will be unlikely to be able to re-enroll in the same plan.

Can I Switch Medicare Supplement Plan Providers?

You can only change Medicare Supplement insurance companies in specific instances according to federal law. Here are some of the situations where you may be able to choose a new insurance company:

  • The insurance company went bankrupt: If the insurance company that underwrites your Medigap policy goes bankrupt, you can switch to a different provider.
  • You’re moving to a new state: You can switch Medigap providers if you move to a new state where your old insurance company doesn’t underwrite plans.
  • Your insurer misled you: If you cancel your Medigap plan because your insurance company misled you or didn’t follow the rules, you can choose a plan from a different provider.

What Is Guaranteed Issue for a Medicare Supplement Plan?

Guaranteed issue rights are circumstances where you can switch Medigap plans or insurance companies outside your open enrollment period. If you qualify for a guaranteed issue right, you can switch Medigap plans without medical underwriting. Additionally, insurers can’t deny you coverage or charge higher rates if you have a guaranteed issue right.

Can I Switch Medigap Plans With Pre-Existing Conditions?

You can switch Medigap providers if you have a pre-existing condition. If you can switch because of a guarantee issue right, insurance companies must cover your pre-existing health conditions. If you switch without having a guaranteed issue right, however, insurers are not required to cover your pre-existing conditions. They can also charge you more or deny you coverage altogether.

Can I Switch Medigap Plans During Open Enrollment?

You can switch Medigap plans during your initial, one-time only, six-month Medigap open enrollment period. If you are unhappy with your plan, choose a different one. Then, you have 30 days to decide whether to keep the plan. You can’t routinely switch Medigap plans during the annual open enrollment period.

Can I Change My Medigap Plan Each Year?

In certain states, you can change Medigap plans yearly, even if you don’t have a guaranteed issue right. For example, some states have a Medigap birthday rule, which allows you to purchase a new plan with equal or lesser benefits around your birthday. However, not all states allow you to change your plan every year.

The Bottom Line

You typically can’t switch Medicare Supplement Insurance plans at any time. You can only switch during specific periods, such as during a trial period, a 30-day free look period, or when you have a guaranteed issue right to change Medigap plans. Before you switch, it’s essential to consider the potential risks, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions that may not be covered under a new Medigap plan.

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  1. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. “Can I Change My Medigap Policy?

  2. National Council on Aging. “How to Change Your Medigap Policy: A Guide.”

  3. KFF. “Medigap Enrollment and Consumer Protections Vary Across States.”