How Does Industrialization Lead to Urbanization?

Industrialization is the process that takes an agricultural economy and transforms it into a manufacturing one. Mass production and assembly lines replace manual and specialized laborers. The process has historically led to urbanization by creating economic growth and job opportunities that draw people to cities.

Urbanization typically begins when a factory or multiple factories are established within a region, creating a high demand for factory labor. Other businesses such as building manufacturers, retailers, and service providers then follow the factories to meet the product demands of the workers. This creates even more jobs and demands for housing and establishes an urban area.

Manufacturing facilities like factories are often replaced by technology-industry hubs in the modern era. These technological hubs draw workers from other areas in the same way factories did, contributing to urbanization.

Key Takeaways

  • Industrialization transforms an agricultural economy into a manufacturing economy.
  • Urbanization is characterized by the growth of cities.
  • Industrialization ushered in a shift from farming to agribusiness.
  • People began moving into urban centers as mechanization and production increased.
  • Urbanization continues as areas go through cycles of economic and social reform.

Urbanization Occurs Near Bodies of Water

Urbanization patterns have been the strongest throughout history when they're near large bodies of water. This was initially to meet the food and water needs of large populations. The need for water became increasingly important as humans moved from hunter-gatherers to cultivators. People began to rely on cultivated crops rather than looking for their food.

This led to the use of land as a resource. People could produce food through the cultivation of crops so the need for water became even more pronounced. Humans began using water systems such as wells and runoff systems to meet their needs. A rise in demand for cultivated crops ushered in newer technologies in the irrigation system. People developed canals, dams, and storage facilities to help transfer and store the water they needed.

This new system also increased the available supply of water for those who weren't located near a large body of natural water. Easier access to more water meant people were able to grow more crops. Irrigation allowed for more consistent and reliable supplies of food to be produced.

The trend of urbanization along natural or man-made waterways has continued since the Industrial Revolution because large bodies of water are necessary to sustain industry. Not only do many businesses require large quantities of water to manufacture products but they also depend on oceans and rivers for the transportation of goods. About 75% of the world’s largest urban areas are located in coastal regions.

The beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the United States is generally attributed to the establishment of a textile mill in Rhode Island in 1793.

A Brief History of Industrialization

Industrialization refers to the transition from a primarily agricultural economy to one that mainly produces manufactured goods. The process is commonly associated with the Industrial Revolution that took place during the 18th and 19th centuries in Europe but it occurred in the United States during the late 1800s and the Great Depression. Many parts of the world also experienced a great deal of industrialization after World War II.

Several catalysts led to this grand scale of industrial growth. The shift was fueled by changes to and the availability of transportation and communication systems as well as increases in mechanization. Another key driver was that farmers weren't just looking at cultivation as a means of sustenance. Agriculture became a business where crops could be taken to market for a profit. Many farmers began specializing in certain crops, turning them into commodities.

Farms were family-run and individuals worked the land to sustain themselves before industrialization but production became faster and much more streamlined as machines took on many of the roles of human labor. This led to a decline in rural populations and a shift to industrial farming thanks to two major developments.

Construction of Railroads

The construction of railroads led to a tremendous degree of social and economic growth and accessibility across the United States. The expansion of railroads made traveling and the transport of goods easy and quick.

Shifts in Rural Populations

Factories began to shape urban areas. Industrialization led to a movement of people as it prompted shifts in rural populations. Families didn't need as many hands because farming equipment replaced the need for human labor.

The industrialization of farms ushered in an increase in the unemployment of farm labor. Now jobless, these individuals moved to urban centers where large factories were growing and in need of manual, skilled labor. Families often moved together as workers needed to be closer to their jobs.

Industrialization to Urbanization

Urbanization is the process attributed to the growth of cities, including the large swaths of human populations that move into and settle these areas. Many historians agree that the United States was primarily a rural society until about 1920 despite the Industrial Revolution that took place in the United States in the late 1800s. It wasn't until 1920 that over half of the country's population was living in urban centers.

Winds of Change

Changes in the economic landscape were evident in the United States between 1880 and the Great Depression. Industrialization meant more machines and urbanization led to a massive increase in the number of factories and manufacturing facilities. This change saw a rise in skilled laborers who were needed to work specialized machines and keep up with production demands.

Major cities expanded in response to the growing surge of people moving in to find work:

  • Chicago was among the fastest-growing urban centers in the latter part of the 19th century thanks to natural resources processing plants during its early growth periods.
  • Philadelphia's population jumped from 100,000 to over 1.2 million between 1850 and 1900.

Factors Leading to Urbanization

Urbanization is sure to follow when the wheels of industrialization are put into place. A few key factors come into play as part of the process of urbanization:

  • Manufacturing: Urbanization generally begins with the establishment of at least one factory in a certain region. Multiple plants cater to specific needs in most cases, however, such as the manufacturing, production, and processing of textiles, food, and natural resources.
  • Employment: The growth of an urban center is normally characterized by the development of one or more production facilities. This creates a demand for labor. Machines can ease the production process and make the output much faster but companies still need humans to operate, manage, and maintain those machines. This comes through skilled labor.
  • Natural Population Growth: Workers begin to plant roots and have families when they settle into their new locations and get to work. Cities must respond by expanding to meet the needs of this natural population growth.
  • Commercialization: The onset of factory production brings opportunity for retailers and other service providers to sell goods directly to the public.
  • Development of Infrastructure: The infrastructure of cities must grow as populations expand. Laying down roads and highways becomes necessary, as does building schools and housing, installing systems such as sewage, water, and electrical, and establishing communication networks. This is a key part of the urbanization process.

Problems Associated With Urbanization

Industrialization paves the way for economic growth and opportunity for businesses and individuals but does come with its fair share of drawbacks.

One of the main problems associated with urbanization is that cities can't keep up with rising populations. The influx of new people looking for work and the natural growth of families may far outweigh the available employment opportunities in these areas. Both can put a major strain on existing resources. Some resources such as housing and other services may be lacking.

This occurred in many areas during the rise in urbanization following the Industrial Revolution. People in major cities like Chicago and New York were forced to live in crowded tenements in the period following the Industrial Revolution because of a lack of available housing. These structures were constructed quickly to meet the growing demand for housing and were cheaply made.

Urbanization also leads to a socio-economic divide. Inequality is more pronounced in urban centers than in rural areas. People who hold the most power often have the most wealth. Opportunities and space aren't evenly distributed. People living in certain areas don't get access to viable education, employment, health care, and housing.

Asia and Africa are expected to go through the highest degree of urbanization by 2035.

Urbanization After Industrialization

The demand for improved education and public works agencies that are characteristic of urban areas increases as industrialization creates economic growth. This demand occurs because businesses that are looking for new technology to increase productivity require an educated workforce and pleasant living conditions attract skilled workers to the area.

The process of urbanization continues for a much longer period as the area goes through several phases of economic and social reform after it's industrialized. This concept is best illustrated by comparing a city such as Bangkok, located in a less-developed country, with an American city such as Los Angeles or a European city such as Berlin.

Each has a progressively higher level of social, environmental, and economic prosperity achieved through increased education, government intervention, and social reform.

How Do Advances in Industrialization Cause Population Increases?

People tend to move to where opportunities are. They shift from rural areas to major cities as factories begin to pop up in urban centers and this combines with natural growth in the population. More opportunities mean greater economic possibilities so people can afford to have larger families because they're able to earn more.

How Have Industrialization and Urbanization Changed China?

The industrialization and urbanization of China have had both positive and negative implications. The massive increase in Chinese industries has had a detrimental impact on the environment, including pollution and the overuse of land and water, but the modernization and urbanization of major areas have led to a better standard of living for many of those who live in and around urban centers.

How Did Industrialization and Urbanization Affect Family Size?

Industrialization and urbanization have changed family dynamics, particularly in the United States. Family sizes began to shrink partially because individual family members went from being factors of production to factors of consumption. Family members became more expensive to maintain when they contributed to producing their food supplies. Family sizes began shrinking to become economically viable.

The Bottom Line

Almost 81% of the U.S. population lives in urban centers, according to U.S. Census Bureau statistics. A big portion of the population is concentrated in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, and Philadelphia. That's a big jump from the turn of the 20th century when less than half of the country called these areas home. The growth of many of these areas was the result of urbanization that was ushered in after the Industrial Revolution.

Article Sources
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  1. The World Bank. "World Development Report 2010: Development and Climate Change." Dowload PDF, Page 91.

  2. History. "Industrial Revolution."

  3. United States Census. "Urban and Rural Areas."

  4. Oxford Research Encyclopedias. "Industrialization and Urbanization in the United States, 1880–1929."

  5. History. "How the Industrial Revolution Fueled the Growth of Cities."

  6. United Nations. "Urbanization: Expanding Opportunities, But Deeper Divides."

  7. United Nations. "Some Facts on Urbanization."

  8. United States Census. "Urban Areas Facts."

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