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Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by State

An easy means of measuring a given area's economic health

A globe with focus on the United States (USA) and Central America contrasted against a blurred background of a bulk cargo ship.


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Although the United States is not the largest country in the world (either by landmass or population), it is the world's biggest economy in terms of gross domestic product (GDP), a position it has maintained since 1871.

GDP measures the total value of goods and services a country produces over a given period. This offers a simple metric for gauging the overall economic health of every nation to each other. There are several variations of GDP measurements; the figures featured in this article are real GDP, which is an inflation-adjusted measure reflecting the number of goods and services produced by an economy in a given year.

In addition to the country's overall GDP, each state within the U.S. has its own GDP, a few of which are larger than the GDP of entire other countries. GDP can be recorded down to the city level, though only the District of Columbia's GDP is typically reported at the state level.

According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), the top five states by real GDP in the United States were California, Texas, New York, Florida, and Illinois as of the first quarter of 2023.

Key Takeaways

  • The United States has had the largest economy in the world since 1871, despite not having the largest landmass or population in the world.
  • Though U.S. GDP is the highest in the world, it is not evenly spread amongst all states.
  • Some states have low GDPs while some have GDPs higher than many other countries.
  • The top five states by real GDP in the United States are California, Texas, New York, Florida, and Illinois.
  • The top five states by real GDP per capita in the United States are New York, Massachusetts, Washington, California, and Connecticut.

Understanding Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Gross domestic product is the total monetary or market value of all the finished goods and services produced within a region's borders over a specific period. A location's GDP is composed of all private and public consumption, government outlays, investments, additions to private inventories, paid-in construction costs, and the foreign balance of trade (BOT).

Although GDP gives a good impression of the U.S. economy's status as a whole, it doesn't explain which states contribute the most or the least to the total. For example, Texas's real GDP in Q3 2023 was just over $2.03 trillion. Conversely, Vermont's real GDP for the same period was substantially (relatively speaking) lower at $35.07 billion.

Determining which regions of the U.S. are the most economically healthy by making the distinction among state contributions becomes substantially easier. It's less informative to analyze GDP on an even smaller scale, considering our research finds that there were 19,500 cities, towns, and villages in the U.S. as of 2023, compared to just 50 states.

Several factors contribute to how much GDP a state can generate. One such element is the size of a region's workforce: As of April 2024, a state like California with over 19.34 million laborers is naturally going to have a higher output than Oklahoma with almost two million.

Alaska is the largest state in the United States but has one of the smallest real GDPs at $53.01 billion as of Q3 2023.

There are also differences in the availability of physical capital (i.e., man-made goods used to create a product or service), the amount invested in human capital (i.e., education, experience, or unique skills), and readily accessible natural resources, in addition to the level of technology available to most workers.

Although GDP isn't completely indicative of economic prosperity because typically there are still poor people in countries with high GDP (and vice versa), several studies have shown a correlation between the two. In 2017, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis found that economic growth and rising income levels are key for both citizens and nations seeking to escape poverty; for the latter, this means outputting a larger GDP.

Additionally, a 2017 report from the Crawford School of Public Policy found that high poverty negatively impacts GDP, as it limits the availability of both physical and human capital as well as delays the adoption of modern technology.

Meanwhile, a 2019 report from the London School of Economics and Political Science found that a one-percentage-point increase in the top 20%'s income can reduce GDP growth over the medium term, whereas a rise in the bottom 20%'s income typically boosts growth.

GDP Per Capita

GDP on a per capita basis paints a slightly different picture. Upon dividing the GDP of each state by its population, the list of the five economically healthiest states changes with two exceptions. New York and California are still in the top five, but they are now joined by Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Washington.

GDP per capita is often presented alongside standard GDP because it enables analysts to better determine how much of a location's economic output is the result of each citizen. For instance, although California might generate more money overall than any other state, the GDP attributable to each resident isn't much more than North Dakota, which has one of the lowest overall GDPs.

If a state has a smaller population and a high GDP per capita, it typically means the local economy is based on an abundance of particular natural resources.

As mentioned previously, human capital is an important contributing factor to a territory's GDP. As GDP per capita is inherently a cross-sectoral measurement, it's incredibly valuable for helping economists understand how both a location's GDP and its population are contributing to the area's overall economic health and rate of growth.

Which States Contribute the Most to GDP?

The states that contribute the most to U.S. GDP are California, Texas, New York, Florida, and Illinois. The states that contribute the least are Vermont, Wyoming, South Dakota, Montana, and Alaska.

What Is the Poorest State in the United States by GDP?

The state with the lowest GDP as of Q3 2023 is Vermont, with a real GDP of $35.07 billion. However, Mississippi is the poorest state on a per capita basis, with a real GDP per capita of $39,102 as of 2023. It's important to note that GDP and GDP per capita are flawed measures of economic well-being. For example, the District of Columbia has a higher per capita GDP than any state at $214,285, but its poverty rate—16.8% in 2021 (latest information)—is among the highest in the country.

What State Has the Largest Population?

The state with the largest population is California, with a population of 38.96 million in 2023. The state with the smallest population is Wyoming, with a population of 584,057 in 2023.

The Bottom Line

GDP and GDP per capita are imperfect measures of a state's economic health, considering that they ignore the value of informal or unrecorded economic activity, count unprofitable costs and waste as economic benefits, and prioritize material output over the public's general well-being. However, both values are still useful for judging whether the local economy is contracting or expanding, in addition to serving as early warnings of a recession or inflation.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. The World Bank. "Population, Total."

  2. The World Bank. "GDP (Current US$)."

  3. Bureau of Economic Analysis. "GDP by State."

  4. Bureau of Economic Analysis. "Gross Domestic Product by State and Personal Income by State, 4th Quarter 2023 and Preliminary 2023," Page 9.

  5. United States Census Bureau. "Large Southern Cities Lead Nation in Population Growth."

  6. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. "Economy at a Glance: California."

  7. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. "Economy at a Glance: Oklahoma."

  8. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. "Why Are Some Countries Rich and Others Poor?"

  9. Crawford School of Public Policy. "Inequality, Poverty and Economic Growth," Page 6.

  10. The London School of Economics and Political Science. "Understanding the Relationship Between Poverty, Inequality and Growth: a Review of Existing Evidence," Page 11.

  11. Statista. "Real Per Capita Gross Domestic Product of the United States in 2023, by State."

  12. USDA. "Percent of total population in poverty, 2021."

  13. United States Census Bureau. "U.S. and World Population Clock."

  14. United States Census Bureau. "Quick Facts: Wyoming."

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