Buffett's Moat: Google's Competitive Advantage

An essential component of Warren Buffett's investment strategy is his focus on what he calls "moats." In business, a moat refers to a competitive advantage that allows a company to earn outsized profits. Like its namesake—a water-filled ditch—Buffett's moat refers to a defensive barrier, but instead of protecting a castle, it helps prevent a company's profits from being eroded by competitors.

Identifying businesses that have moats is central to Buffett's strategy, and his advice to company managers is to focus their efforts on making moats deeper and wider. However, not all moats look the same, and evaluating a moat's durability can be challenging. Competitive advantages fall into the following broad categories:

  • Economies of scale
  • Brand
  • Regulatory advantages
  • Intellectual property in the form of trademarks or patents

Alphabet Inc.'s Google (GOOG) is one of the most dominant and profitable companies in the Internet software and services industry. Both Buffett and his investing partner, Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK.A) Vice-Chair Charlie Munger, have commented on the strength of Google's moat.

While Google has diverse business ventures, it makes its money primarily from two core advertising enterprises: web search and targeted contextual advertising. Examining the sources of Google's competitive advantage through these categories can provide insight into the sustainability of Google's dominance—the strength of its moat.

Key Takeaways

  • Google has what Warren Buffett calls a strong moat: competitive advantages that protect it from rivals and enable its large profits.
  • Advantages of scale, seen in the dominance of Google's search engine, are a key part of its moat.
  • Google's intellectual property—specifically, its search engine algorithm—also contributes to the depth of its moat.
  • Though strong, Google's brand name is a less significant part of its moat.
  • It is likely that Google's competitive advantages will have to sustain themselves in spite of regulation.

Scale Advantage

Competitive advantages that accrue from scale typically refer to supply-side advantages, such as the purchasing power of a large restaurant or retail chain. But advantages of scale exist on the demand side, too; they are commonly referred to as network effects. They are at work when a service becomes more valuable to all of its users as the service adds more users. The result can often be a winner-take-all dynamic in the industry.

The network effect is clearly the case with Google's search business, and the company's advantage here is significant and sustainable. Google's search engine service improves as more searches are conducted by users and as websites optimize themselves to figure prominently in Google search results.

Scale is also at work in Google's advertising network, which delivers advertising relevant to Internet users based on profiles of their interests. The more that Google learns about its users through their searches, the better its targeting ability becomes.

These are both huge advantages that appear difficult for any competitor to overcome. As of June 2021, Google's market share in Internet search stands at 92.5%. As long as Google controls the majority of the market for search queries, its moat is deep and wide.

5.1 Billion

The number of Internet searches made via Google every day, as of July 2021.

Google's Brand

Google's brand is unquestionably strong. The name of the company has become the commonly accepted verb for running an Internet search. However, the question of whether a competitive advantage exists thanks to the brand depends on how important the brand is to consumers in making a decision about what service to use.

From this perspective, it is unlikely that Google's brand contributes significantly to its moat. Users mostly prefer Google search due to the quality and reliability of the results. But they would likely switch if another player were to overcome Google's network advantages and provide faster, more accurate results.

In search, advertising, and Google's other software businesses—such as Android, Maps, and Gmail—there is strong brand recognition and loyalty, which both contribute to the company's moat. The durability of these contributions is likely not as strong, however.

Google split its stock in April 2014, creating A (GOOGL) and C shares (GOOG). Only A-shares have voting privileges.

Regulatory Advantage

Competitive advantages that result from regulation usually stem from some government actions that limit competitors from attacking. In Google's case, the company's market share in search and in its Android mobile operating system is so strong that regulation looms as a possible threat to the company's ability to maintain its strong profitability.

Regulators in the United States and particularly in Europe are monitoring Google's business practices for anti-competitive behavior. There may be no better evidence of the strength of Google's moat than regulators actually declaring it unfair to the competition.

On Oct. 20, 2020, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ)—along with the attorney generals in 11 states—filed a civil antitrust lawsuit against Google, declaring the company unlawfully maintained monopolies via its anti-competitive practices in the search and search advertising markets. The lawsuit seeks to remedy Google's anticompetitive violations and restore competition to the marketplace. While the initial filing does not specify how the DOJ intends to accomplish this, it does point to other antitrust cases, such as those against Standard Oil and AT&T, which resulted in the breakup of both companies.

Looking forward, it is likely that Google's competitive advantages will have to sustain themselves in spite of regulation, rather than as a result of it.

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property, as a contributor to Google's moat, is difficult to assess. The advantages that result from intellectual property often refer to patented technology, such as drug formulas. Google owns many patents, but it is not clear that any of these patents necessarily keep competitors at bay.

Furthermore, Google invests heavily in research and development (R&D), hiring elite engineers to apply their intellectual firepower to challenging problems. The ability to hire the best and the brightest is certainly a competitive advantage, but it is a product of Google's scale, not its intellectual property.

Ultimately, the core of Google is the search algorithm, which is frequently tweaked in response to changes in the Internet environment. This algorithm, and Google's ability to deliver the fastest, most comprehensive search, is fundamentally responsible for creating the scale advantages that Google enjoys today. The accumulated knowledge and computer code that underlies Google's products would be difficult to replicate and must thus be considered part of the company's moat.

The Bottom Line

An important test for Buffett and Munger when assessing the durability of an economic moat is whether a competitor with a massive checkbook could replicate the business in question. By this standard, Google's moat is wide and deep. Many well-funded competitors have unsuccessfully attempted to storm Google's castle, particularly in the search business.

Google's biggest threat likely comes from significant changes that may take place in how Internet users behave. For example, the company's effectiveness would be challenged if social networks became so popular that they curtailed the usefulness of Internet searches. Effective as its moat currently is, Google must remain nimble and prepared to change with its environment to maintain and widen its advantage.

Article Sources
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  1. Statcounter. "Search Engine Market Share Worldwide."

  2. Internet Live Stats. "Home."

  3. Google. "Google Inc. Announces First Quarter 2014 Results," Page 1.

  4. The United States Department of Justice. "Justice Department Sues Monopolist Google For Violating Antitrust Laws."

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