Because children deserve a safe digital world

Get #SummerTechSorted

To help you manage your child's digital wellbeing over the school holidays, explore our sunny set of guides and tips.

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Together, we've got this

Hear from parents and teachers who have benefited from using our resources to keep child safe online.

Big School, Small Screen

Find tools to help make the transition into Secondary school smoother.

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Be Challenge Aware

Viral online trends attract many children and teens. Most are harmless, but some challenges can be dangerous. Visit our hub to help keep children safe.

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How we support children's online safety

Find information and safety settings for your child's devices and apps, along with guidance to tackle online issues they may face.

Still not sure where to start?

Tell us a little about you and we’ll provide you with a tailored resource pack.

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Help children create positive spaces online

Created with Samsung, The Online Together Project uses interactive quizzing to help children recognise and spread positive behaviours online.

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Help primary children prepare for secondary school

As children move from Primary to Secondary, they face new opportunities and challenges online. Learn how you can help keep them safe.

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See how two mums are keeping parents informed

Lisa's and Hollie's sons died after they were believed to have taken part in dangerous online challenges. Now they're helping educate other parents.

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Learn about online safety

Children's experiences online are unique and constantly changing. So, it can be hard to keep up. Here’s how we can help.

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Receive personalised resources and advice for your family that keep you up-to-date as your children grow.

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Want advice about the latest apps and platforms kids are using? Get them in your inbox!


An oasis in a digital desert

Just to say thank you for existing and caring so much about our young and/or vulnerable people.

Parent of teen

Love Internet Matters

Providing clear, relevant, up to date materials, enabling easy access to support and advice.

Carer from UK