Best CRM for Mid-Sized Businesses

Powerful CRM with low total cost of ownership

Grow your business and unify your teams with Insightly

You’re not in the Fortune 500. Don’t over-buy.

Big blue clouds and their hefty price tags are just the beginning

When CRM shopping, many companies see just a monthly rate, but fail to look at total cost of ownership. Will you need an outside implementation firm? A team to run your CRM day-to-day? These costs add up fast.

Most mid-sized businesses don’t need a CRM built for the Fortune 500. And they don’t have 6-12 months to implement it either.

Why break the bank and waste months on a system that is supposed to actually save you time and money?

Choose a platform that is right-sized for your midsize businesses

A powerful CRM, plus add-on apps for all your teams

Insightly Marketing

Use marketing automation for ‘hands-free’ marketing that amplifies the output of your marketing team. Build powerful customer journeys to nurture leads. Attract website visitors, convert them to prospects, and optimize spend with a full-featured marketing automation platform.

Insightly CRM

Have a single source of truth across your business with a tool that’s easy to customize and integrate. Use Insightly CRM to streamline sales processes, improve profitability, and create long-term customer relationships. Insightly is easy to use and adopt, incredibly flexible and customizable, integrates easily, and provides quick time-to-value.

Insightly Service

Great customer service increases revenue. Insightly Service is a service and support platform to manage customer service ticketing and empower your team to have relevant conversations and drive customer satisfaction.

Give your business an edge.

See why Insightly is the best CRM for Midsize Businesses.

Get the power you need with a low total cost of ownership and quick time to value. Align your teams and processes around a single source of truth, get rid of silos and time-wasting activities, and close deals faster. Customize views and workflows based on your unique business needs and user preferences, securely connect all your tools, and create custom real-time data dashboards.


Accelerate Sales

  • Collaborate across the organization with centralized customer data
  • Grow your business faster with lead management and automated workflows
  • Drive greater ROI with tailored opportunity and pipeline management

Build Relationships

  • Understand complex organizational relationships with flexible record linking
  • Track frequency of interactions by linking emails, proposals and every interaction back to organizations and contacts
  • Increase sales velocity with a holistic view of what the customer wants and needs

Track key metrics

  • Create graphical data visualizations to reveal insights and monitor progress towards your goals
  • Share data across teams in easily digestible formats so your teams are all on the same page

Integrate with all the apps your Business uses regularly.

You’ve got apps for accounting, HR, communication, and more. Insightly AppConnect keeps everything integrated.

AppConnect puts Insightly CRM at the center

With AppConnect there’s no need to copy and paste data between apps, upload CSVs, or to write complex code—all of your apps are just…connected.

With just a couple of clicks your business data transfers between apps automatically making it a breeze to run repetitive business tasks.

Insightly can connect to hundreds of the apps you use every day like Accounting systems, ERP systems, HR systems, Helpdesk and IT systems, databases, calendars, and collaboration and chat tools. There are more than 500 different app connectors in AppConnect ready to go today and new ones are added every week.

Build automated workflows with 1200+ integrated apps

Privacy and compliance

We use Insightly to run Insightly, so we make sure your data is as secure and safe as our own. We work with customers every day to make sure that their data security requirements are met and exceeded.

  • Independently assessed for compliance to SOC 2 Type II
  • Single-sign-on via industry standard authentication protocols
  • Support for two-factor authentication
  • Encryption of data in transit and at rest
  • EU/US Privacy Shield and GDPR Compliance

Give your business an edge

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Best CRM for Midsize Businesses: Grow your midsize business with Insightly CRM

As businesses traverse the journey from small outfits to more substantial, midsize enterprises, there’s an ever-growing need for structure, organization, and efficient data use and analysis. This is where Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software enters the scene. Able to remedy the impending chaos, a CRM system is the quintessential tool that midsize businesses need, acting as a centralized hub for customer data, streamlining processes, and providing valuable insights. Yet, with the market teeming with choices, it becomes crucial for enterprises to discern the best CRM for a midsize business.

Choosing the best CRM for your business is a process that calls for the careful analysis of several factors. One of these is assessing the needs of your specific business. For example, here are some features to look for in select verticals:


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Choosing the best CRM for your business is a process that calls for the careful analysis of several factors. One of these is assessing the needs of your specific business. For example, here are some features to look for in select verticals:

In today’s digital age, even CRM platforms are not usually downloadable software; instead, they’ve made their mark in the vast online sphere and are most often provides as SaaS – software as a service. The best CRM websites offer cloud-based solutions, leading to a decrease in upfront costs, increased accessibility, and the elimination of maintenance headaches. Not merely that, but these platforms are typically agile and scalable, effortlessly growing alongside the business. Extensive training and support are often part of the package, guaranteeing a smooth transition.

Inspecting the CRM features for a midsize business is vital in the decision-making process. A well-designed CRM system for midsize companies should be able to manage and track customer interactions across multiple channels—it should aid in sales management and forecasting, automate marketing, and help in reporting and analytics. With more complexity than a startup or small business, a midsized business requires more features, more contacts and higher storage limits. Additionally, it ought to enable team collaboration and have an easy-to use interface that aligns with the company’s processes.

Ultimately, the best CRM for a midsize business should translate to improved customer relationships, enhanced internal communication, and increased profitability. By thoroughly exploring the options and aligning them with the businesses’ needs, finding the right CRM system doesn’t have to be an arduous task.


What Is A Midsize Business?

The definition of a midsize business can vary, but commonly, it’s considered a business that falls between the categories of small and large businesses. Both the number of employees and the revenue of a midsize business can be used as factors to characterize them. Generally, a midsize business employs anywhere between 50 to 999 employees. From a revenue standpoint, midsize businesses are typically those generating annual revenues between $10 million and $1 billion.

Leadership of a midsize business often faces unique challenges, particularly when it comes to maintaining growth and managing scale. While their potential for growth exceeds that of small businesses, they lack the robust resources of a large corporation. This complicates operations as midsize businesses need to compete in the same space as industry giants, while also catering to an expanding workforce and customer base.

This is where a CRM system can prove instrumental. A midsize business needs a CRM for several reasons. A growing customer base requires efficient information management, segmentation, and targeted marketing, all of which are made possible by a CRM. Also, to sustain growth, management must have a clear view of sales data and customer interactions, another utility a CRM caters to.

However, choosing the right CRM for a midsize business can be a challenge As midsize businesses sit in a unique spot on the business scale, they require a CRM that understands their specific needs. This includes factors like customizability, scalability, and deep analytical features to better understand customers and ensure smooth operations. Thus, selecting a CRM platform should not be taken lightly, and making a well-informed decision is paramount. Finding the right CRM can sidestep the challenges in operating a midsize business, thereby paving the way for continual growth and success.


Affordable And Effective CRM Solutions For Small Businesses

As many small businesses aim to expand and flourish into midsize businesses, they find the necessity for efficient CRM solutions increasingly crucial. One primary concern that surfaces is a cost-effective CRM platform that strikes the perfect balance between affordability and effectiveness. Identifying the finest “affordable and effective CRM solutions for small businesses” might seem like attempting to find the proverbial needle in a haystack. Nevertheless, the market offers various low-cost but competent CRM options designed to cater to the diverse needs of small businesses and then help them grow into a midsize business.

One notion many businesses share is that “best cheap CRM” signifies a compromise in quality. However, numerous remarkable CRM platforms break this misconception, exhibiting that reasonable pricing doesn’t necessarily mean negligible value. These solutions offer a myriad of features like automation, reporting and analytics, lead management, and customer service at competitive prices. This dispels the notion that a “cheap CRM for small businesses” is synonymous with inferior quality.

In fact, major players in the CRM space (looking at you, Salesforce) drive up costs to such a ridiculously high level that every CRM on the market aside from Salesforce seems like it is ‘cheap.’ Salesforce offers a high total cost of ownership, meaning that it’s not only the license fees you pay, but the costs for implementation consultants, administrators on staff, and integrations really adds up fast. For these reasons, midsize businesses should avoid Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, and the like which are designed for the Fortune 500. A guide to switching from Salesforce is available.

In a nutshell, affordable and effective CRM solutions for small businesses are no longer elusive and you can find one that is affordable for a small business and scalable to help as your business grows to a midsize business. With the perfect CRM system, small businesses that grow into midsize businesses can streamline customer management, automate tasks, and consequently, thrive in their respective sectors.


CRM Solutions With Optimum Features

Immersing ourselves into the universe of CRM solutions with optimum features, it’s critical to recognize the significance of these tools for enhancing the productivity of any midsize business. CRM platforms, are the ultimate assistants, aiding businesses in fostering strong relationships with their clientele, managing sales prospects, and maximizing time efficiency.

Without a doubt, one benchmark of noteworthy CRM solutions is their integration capabilities. A superb example is ones that have tight-knit compatibility with Office 365. As one of the world’s most renowned productivity software suites, a CRM solution that can effectively integrate with Office 365 unlocks unparalleled advantages. This integration opens a wealth of opportunities, such as quick email syncing, smart calendar scheduling, and efficient task management. It isn’t too much to claim that the best CRM with Office 365 integration permits the smooth interplay of data and resources within an organization, enabling a seamless operational flow.

Similarly, the best CRM for Office 365 diligently fuses the Office suite’s capabilities with the CRM platform’s features, thus expanding functionality and driving productivity. It ensures vital contact information is synchronized between your CRM database and Outlook contacts, edging towards a comprehensive CRM with Outlook integration. An Office 365 integrated CRM allows teams to communicate and collaborate directly from the CRM platform, squashing the possibility of information loss or miscommunication.

Now let’s not overlook the importance of viable project management features in any CRM application. Many midsize businesses operate on multiple projects simultaneously, and a remarkable aspect of the best CRM and project management software is the capability to manage these projects within the CRM platform. This singular feature aids teams in handling timelines, resources, and goals effectively, ensuring maximum productivity and efficient project delivery.

Finally, a compelling CRM solution must have a robust and versatile workflow structure. Traditionally, workflow delineates how tasks progress through a system. The best CRM workflow enables the automation of internal business processes, making sure that tasks are handled flawlessly and completed in the shortest possible time. This feature can revolutionize common business operations, such as sales lead follow-up procedures, client communication, and task assignment, contributing significantly to elevating overall business performance.

To sum it all up, CRM solutions with these optimum features assist businesses in connecting better with their customers while enhancing their internal processes. A wise investment indeed!


Help grow your midsize business today

Every upwardly-mobile midsize business acknowledges the significance of efficient customer relationship management – CRM to those in the know. It acts as the backbone for business operations; a wheelhouse sustaining the equilibrium between customer satisfaction and organizational productivity. The CRM industry has experienced a considerable metamorphosis over the years, and the choices available specifically for midsize business solutions have multiplied. 

Taking a gander at the vast assortment of solutions out there, midsize businesses should be applauding this evolution. These range from basic contact management solutions to full-scale enterprise-level systems packed with features; extending the capacity for project planning, marketing automation, sales forecasting, analytics, and much more. Thus, the task of filtering through the fray, and homing in on the best CRM solution requires a savvy evaluation of both the offerings available and the unique needs of your business. 

But why, you may wonder, is this analysis so essential, and what does it provide? Primarily, a topnotch CRM solution will extend a 360-degree view of the customer. All details, from contact information to purchasing patterns, are consolidated in one place. This clearer picture can help to strategize marketing, sales, and customer service efforts, ultimately bolstering business growth. 

Stepping into the conclusion and final thoughts, businesses must understand that investing in a CRM platform is not just about adopting a new technological tool, but rather charting the course for a customer-centric approach that can elevate their customer service to new milestones of excellence. Remember the solutions discussed – they are not in the line of fire, just at your fingertips ready to empower your business.

Each CRM solution encapsulates its unique branding profile and strengths. midsize businesses should adopt a patient, investigative approach; thoroughly evaluating CRM solution providers before making any commitments. A strategic decision now could generate a high return on investment in customer relationships, setting your business up for prolonged success. The importance of CRM for midsize businesses cannot be overemphasized. Now is the time to embrace this operational infrastructure to channel growth and customer satisfaction. Choose wisely, and lead with innovation. Your business success is teetering on this critical decision.