How the CEO uses a CRM

Keep a finger on the pulse of your business with the right CRM. Go deep or stay high-level and learn what questions to ask to effectively lead your go-to-market teams.

Top CRM features for the CEO


Make decisions based on what’s happening with your business in real time.


Generate recurring reports on the key metrics you need to steer the business and inform the board.

Sales Pipeline

Stay in tune with deal size and deal velocity.


Assure all stakeholders of data safely with SOC2, SSO, 2FA, and HIPAA compliance.


Get a fully customizable solution without pricey consultants and admins draining your budget..

Mobile Access

Laptop or phone – you always know the key metrics driving your business.


Benefits of Insightly CRM for the CEO


  • Get a single source of truth for your business
  • Know what is happening with every customer, every time
  • No surprises when you keep a pulse on revenue
  • View key metrics at a glance
  • Rest easy with security measures like SOC2, 2FA, SSO, GDPR, HIPAA compliance and more
  • Share reports with boards and investors with confidence
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Frequently Asked Questions

How does a CEO use a CRM every day?

The CRM is the single source of truth for a business and is the central repository of all data. CEOs can log into the CRM and get a full picture of what is happening across the full spectrum of the business. However, without logging in, a CEO can simply view reports produced by the CRM that their executives supply on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Insightly is simple and easy to use, so a busy CEO can be as hands-on with the system as they’d like.

How does using the full Insightly platform help a CEO?

A CEO wants to know that all departments and teams are moving in the same direction with the same goals. This is enhanced when all teams are using the same platform and data set. The Insightly platform, which includes Insightly CRM, Insightly Marketing, Insightly Service, and AppConnect, shares data. This means that users of any one app can see select information from the other apps. A CEO would not have to worry that reporting was inconsistent among teams because the data would all be from the same source.

How is communication and collaboration improved for a CEO by a CRM?

Some businesses adopt the mantra that “if it isn’t in the CRM, it didn’t happen.” This means that they treat the CRM as the main source of information for the business. This can be particularly helpful for the CEO in that they know that every customer relationship for the business is housed in the same place. The CEO and the executive team can use this data to make better decisions about the direction and health of the business, where to allocate budgets, and other business-wide discussions.

8 ways a CEO uses a CRM

A Chief Executive Officer (CEO) plays a crucial role in steering a company’s overall strategy and growth. CRM systems are powerful tools that CEOs leverage to drive the organization’s success by focusing on customer-centric business strategies, effective sales strategy, enhancing decision-making for executive decisions, and fostering sustainable growth. Here are eight ways the CEO could use a CRM:

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  1. Strategic Decision-Making: CEOs rely on CRM data to make informed strategic decisions. By accessing real-time information on customer interactions, sales trends, and market dynamics, CEOs can gain valuable insights into the overall health of the business to keep the company accountable. This data-driven decision-making process allows CEOs to align the company’s strategy with customer needs, market demands, and emerging opportunities.
  2. Customer-Centric Leadership: CEOs use CRM systems to champion a customer-centric culture within the organization. By having a centralized repository of customer information, CEOs can ensure that every department, from marketing to customer support, is aligned in prioritizing customer satisfaction. The correct software deployment to customer service teams makes this possible. This focus on customer-centricity helps build stronger relationships, enhances brand loyalty, and contributes to long-term business success.
  3. Performance Monitoring: A CRM system provides CEOs with a comprehensive view of the company’s performance across various departments. From sales metrics to stats from marketing teams to customer service efficiency, CEOs can monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the effectiveness of different strategies. This insight allows CEOs to identify areas for improvement across all company processes, allocate resources strategically, and optimize overall business operations.
  4. Revenue Forecasting: CEOs use CRM systems for accurate revenue forecasting. By analyzing sales data, customer behaviors, and market trends, CEOs can make informed predictions about future revenue streams. Data like time within deals, deal size + close rate, etc. are tangible metrics the CEO needs. This forecasting capability is essential to the effective business strategy for for budgeting, resource allocation, and ensuring the organization’s financial stability and growth. 
  5. Stakeholder Engagement: CEOs engage with CRM systems to stay connected with various stakeholders, including customers, partners, and investors. A CRM system enables time for CEOs to track and manage communication, ensuring that important interactions are not overlooked. This facilitates effective relationship management and helps CEOs stay attuned to the needs and expectations of key stakeholders.
  6. Collaboration and Communication: CEOs leverage CRM systems as software solutions to foster collaboration and communication across different departments. By providing a centralized platform for sharing customer data and insights, CEOs ensure that teams are working cohesively towards common goals. This collaborative approach enhances efficiency, minimizes duplication of efforts, and promotes a unified organizational strategy.
  7. Market Intelligence: CEOs use CRM systems to gather and analyze market intelligence. By tracking customer preferences, competitors’ activities, and industry trends, CEOs can stay ahead of the curve and adapt their strategies accordingly. This proactive approach to market intelligence helps CEOs make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
  8. Relationship Building: CEOs recognize the importance of building and maintaining strong relationships with key customers, partners, and influencers. CRM systems allow CEOs to track and manage these relationships systematically. By having a 360-degree view of interactions, CEOs can personally engage with important stakeholders, understand their needs, and strengthen the overall reputation of the company.