Do you know what you want to do once you’ve finished your PhD?

It doesn’t matter if your answer is “Yes, I’ve got a job or this postdoc” or no, “I’m still exploring” - AA will help you achieve your next steps.

Career planning and developing transferable skills such as team working, decision making, problem solving, and communication are processes and skills you’ll need to develop anyway - AA is designed to guide you through these.

AA is completely flexible and fully online so you can choose which topics to cover when it makes sense for you to cover them. You may be asked to critically analyse a research paper in your course – try the Critical Thinking unit. Or if you are preparing for an interview, you can explore the module on Interviews.

Top tips for new Master’s students

Students were asked what they wished they had known at the start of their programme. This is what they said:

  • Have courage
  • Read more
  • Don't freak out
  • Resilience
  • Explore workshops
  • Definitely attend AA
  • Careful schedule
  • Time management
  • Networking
  • Don't panic
  • Patience