1. The Health and Safety Training Matrix enables all managers to identify their staff and student's health and safety training needs.
  2. The first page identifies the training needs for the separate roles in the Health and Safety Structure, Roles and Responsibilities
  3. The training falls into three general categories:
    • Mandatory.
    • Mandatory depending on the staff/student activity.
    • Desirable where relevant to the activity.
  4. Training is also proactive, enabling staff to acquire the skills and knowledge that, with experience, make them competent in the health and safety aspects of their work or allow them to elicit an appropriate reactive response where necessary (e.g., in relation to emergency procedures). It is desirable to achieve a balance between the two.
  5.  The remaining pages should be used in conjunction with this to determine the individual training needs of each staff member and student. Including completion dates on this form will also allow it to be used as a health and safety training record.
  6. It is intended that Line Managers regularly review the training needs of their staff and students. The time scale depends on how rapidly the job/research evolves, on the length of contract, or as a result of any indicators (such as accidents) that greater competency is required.

Why Attend Health and Safety Training?

Health and safety legislation requires employers to provide adequate health and safety training. Imperial offers a comprehensive training programme, mostly free of charge, to all staff and postgraduate students. Undergraduate training is handled in departments.

Training enables staff to acquire the skills and knowledge that, with experience, make them competent in the health and safety aspects of their work. Imperial has a general duty to provide information, instruction, and training and provide a safe workplace under Section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

Regulation 13 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 also specifies a duty to ensure adequate health and safety training on recruitment, on being exposed to new risks because of a change of responsibilities, or because of the introduction of new equipment, new technology or changed systems of work.

The quality of the sessions is maintained through in-house expertise and the use of outside consultants where appropriate. Specific courses lead to nationally recognised certification, for example, on successful completion of the National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health Certificate.

Courses in the programme can also be tailored to meet the requirements of individual departments. Some courses are repeated throughout the year to enable as many people as possible to participate. External participants are welcomed on most courses; fees are indicated in the programme.

 Eric Miranda
People & Organisational Development Consultant (Safety)